Exotic Weapon Ornaments

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See also: Weapon Ornaments

This list contains all Exotic weapon ornaments.

OrnamentImageRarityRelated Item
A Better SpecimenA better specimen icon1.jpgExotic
Abyssal ScreamAbyssal scream icon1.jpgExotic
Agkistrodon-5SRAgkistrodon-5sr icon1.jpgExotic
Ahead of Its TimeAhead of its time icon1.jpgExotic
Aim to MisbehaveAim to misbehave icon1.jpgExotic
Ain't My First RodeoAin't my first rodeo icon1.jpgExotic
AldrovandaAldrovanda icon1.jpgExotic
AlhidadeAlhidade icon1.jpgExotic
All InAll in icon1.jpgExotic
Ancient HungerAncient hunger icon1.jpgExotic
Anomalous DomainAnomalous domain icon1.jpgExotic
AntiquityAntiquity icon1.jpgExotic
Archon PrimeArchon prime icon1.jpgExotic
Ashen IconAshen icon icon1.jpgExotic
AtroposAtropos icon1.jpgExotic
Augmented ApotheosisAugmented apotheosis icon1.jpgExotic
Aurelian DecreeAurelian decree icon1.jpgExotic
AustroraptorAustroraptor icon1.jpgExotic
Author of DevastationAuthor of devastation icon1.jpgExotic
Avant-Garde MausoleumAvant-garde mausoleum icon1.jpgExotic
Bad DogBad dog icon1.jpgExotic
BaikonurBaikonur icon1.jpgExotic
Barren WastesBarren wastes icon1.jpgExotic
Beachheader VIBeachheader vi icon1.jpgExotic
Beast MagicBeast magic icon1.jpgExotic
BelvedereBelvedere icon1.jpgExotic
Between BreathsBetween breaths icon1.jpgExotic
Beware the Red LegionBeware the red legion icon1.jpgExotic
Big BlindBig blind icon1.jpgExotic
Binary FunctionBinary function icon1.jpgExotic
Binary SystemBinary system icon1.jpgExotic
Black DeathBlack death icon1.jpgExotic
Black PlagueBlack plague icon1.jpgExotic
Blind FuryBlind fury icon1.jpgExotic
Bloodline MemorialBloodline memorial icon1.jpgExotic
Blooming GiltBlooming gilt icon1.jpgExotic
Book of the DeadBook of the dead icon1.jpgExotic
Bound HammerBound hammer icon1.jpgExotic
Bound by OathBound by oath icon1.jpgExotic
BrayTech M6Braytech m6 icon1.jpgExotic
Break the DawnBreak the dawn icon1.jpgExotic
Brilliant BloomBrilliant bloom icon1.jpgExotic
Brumal DawnBrumal dawn icon1.jpgExotic
Burial WrapBurial wrap icon1.jpgExotic
Burning RedBurning red icon1.jpgExotic
CalefactorCalefactor icon1.jpgExotic
Calus's PromiseCaluss promise icon1.jpgExotic
CalyptraCalyptra icon1.jpgExotic
Carina NebulaCarina nebula icon1.jpgExotic
CatacombsCatacombs icon1.jpgExotic
Caution: Heavy MachineryCaution heavy machinery icon1.jpgExotic
Cedar and AshCedar and ash icon1.jpgExotic
Ceremonial ArsenalCeremonial arsenal icon1.jpgExotic
Chasing KitsuneChasing kitsune icon1.jpgExotic
CheerspreaderCheerspreader icon1.jpgExotic
Chronos ExegesisChronos exegesis icon1.jpgExotic
Clast of Its OwnClast of its own icon1.jpgExotic
Cleans Up GoodCleans up good icon1.jpgExotic
Climate ChangeClimate change icon1.jpgExotic
Cold CheerCold cheer icon1.jpgExotic
ComplianceCompliance icon1.jpgExotic
Comstock LodeComstock lode icon1.jpgExotic
ConscriptedConscripted icon1.jpgExotic
Corporate SponsorshipCorporate sponsorship icon1.jpgExotic
Corrupted LogicCorrupted logic icon1.jpgExotic
Coup de MainCoup de main icon1.jpgExotic
Cuddly ThrowbackCuddly throwback icon1.jpgExotic
CyberintellectCyberintellect icon1.jpgExotic
CyberopticsCyberoptics icon1.jpgExotic
Damascene ConductivityDamascene conductivity icon1.jpgExotic
Dancing HarlequinDancing harlequin icon1.jpgExotic
Dead AgainDead again icon1.jpgExotic
Dead Man's RevengeDead man's revenge icon1.jpgExotic
Death Comes CallingDeath comes calling icon1.jpgExotic
Deletion ProtocolDeletion protocol icon1.jpgExotic
Desert CamoDesert camo icon1.jpgExotic
Devil's AdvocateDevil's advocate icon1.jpgExotic
DieselpunkDieselpunk icon1.jpgExotic
Digital OpsDigital ops icon1.jpgExotic
Directive: CrashDirective crash icon1.jpgExotic
Down to BusinessDown to business icon1.jpgExotic
DragonboneDragonbone icon1.jpgExotic
Dread from BelowDread from below icon1.jpgExotic
Dream of a New WorldDream of a new world icon1.jpgExotic
Dream of the SkyDream of the sky icon1.jpgExotic
DreamchaserDreamchaser icon1.jpgExotic
Dreaming ClarityDreaming clarity icon1.jpgExotic
Drowned in StrifeDrowned in strife icon1.jpgExotic
Dubito, Ergo CogitoDubito, ergo cogito icon1.jpgExotic
Dying DreamDying dream icon1.jpgExotic
Early WarningEarly warning icon1.jpgExotic
Electric VioletElectric violet icon1.jpgExotic
Electromagnetic ExecutionElectromagnetic execution icon1.jpgExotic
End of an EraEnd of an era icon1.jpgExotic
Endless AppetiteEndless appetite icon1.jpgExotic
EquinoxEquinox icon1.jpgExotic
Erinyes-SG1Erinyes-sg1 icon1.jpgExotic
EssentialismEssentialism icon1.jpgExotic
Extravagant WishcraftExtravagant wishcraft icon1.jpgExotic
Eye of OsirisEye of osiris icon1.jpgExotic
FatebinderFatebinder icon1.jpgExotic
Father of IslandsFather of islands icon1.jpgExotic
Feeling LuckyFeeling lucky icon1.jpgExotic
Felsic PyroclasmFelsic pyroclasm icon1.jpgExotic
FerromancerFerromancer icon1.jpgExotic
Fifty-ThirdFifty-third icon1.jpgExotic
Flowing PhoenixFlowing phoenix icon1.jpgExotic
Fluorescent DepthFluorescent depth icon1.jpgExotic
For WeiFor wei icon1.jpgExotic
For the KingFor the king icon1.jpgExotic
Foundational StructureFoundational structure icon1.jpgExotic
Four-Headed MongrelFour-headed mongrel icon1.jpgExotic
FrostborneFrostborne icon1.jpgExotic
Frozen In TimeFrozen in time icon1.jpgExotic
Future PastFuture past icon1.jpgExotic
GJNKRGjnkr icon1.jpgExotic
Galatine ProtocolGalatine protocol icon1.jpgExotic
General RelativityGeneral relativity icon1.jpgExotic
Gilded CageGilded cage icon1.jpgExotic
Gilded HonorsGilded honors icon1.jpgExotic
GjallarfoamGjallarfoam icon1.jpgExotic
Glee BarrageGlee barrage icon1.jpgExotic
Go About Your BusinessGo about your business icon1.jpgExotic
Golden DaysGolden days icon1.jpgExotic
Gray NitriteGray nitrite icon1.jpgExotic
Grimmest HunterGrimmest hunter icon1.jpgExotic
Guardian AngelGuardian angel icon1.jpgExotic
Haetae's JudgmentHaetaes judgment icon1.jpgExotic
Hasta SolariHasta solari icon1.jpgExotic
Heat SinkHeat sink icon1.jpgExotic
Heated ExchangeHeated exchange icon1.jpgExotic
Heaven's VigilHeavens vigil icon1.jpgExotic
Herald of SpringHerald of spring icon1.jpgExotic
Heretic RobeHeretic robe icon1.jpgExotic
Heritance of the ThawHeritance of the thaw icon1.jpgExotic
Hibernal ThornsHibernal thorns icon1.jpgExotic
HomesteaderHomesteader icon1.jpgExotic
Honor of the EmpressHonor of the empress icon1.jpgExotic
HraesveglurHraesveglur icon1.jpgExotic
HypervelocityHypervelocity icon1.jpgExotic
HypnopompicHypnopompic icon1.jpgExotic
IKELOS Field TuningIkelos field tuning icon1.jpgExotic
Icthyic FlightIcthyic flight icon1.jpgExotic
Immaterial MessengerImmaterial messenger icon1.jpgExotic
In FinalityIn finality icon1.jpgExotic
Indra SoaringIndra soaring icon1.jpgExotic
Infinite GiftInfinite gift icon1.jpgExotic
Infinite QuiverInfinite quiver icon1.jpgExotic
Inner BeautyInner beauty icon1.jpgExotic
Internal CombustionInternal combustion icon1.jpgExotic
Iridescent DeathIridescent death icon1.jpgExotic
Jade CountenanceJade countenance icon1.jpgExotic
Jade JesterJade jester icon1.jpgExotic
JarngreiprJarngreipr icon1.jpgExotic
KaresansuiKaresansui icon1.jpgExotic
KingmakerKingmaker icon1.jpgExotic
LaconicLaconic icon1.jpgExotic
Last HandLast hand icon1.jpgExotic
Law of InductionLaw of induction icon1.jpgExotic
Leporine JubilationLeporine jubilation icon1.jpgExotic
Lethal SystemLethal System.jpgExotic
Lethe's MercyLethe's mercy icon1.jpgExotic
Leyden LanceLeyden lance icon1.jpgExotic
Lost HeirLost heir icon1.jpgExotic
Lucid MelodyLucid melody icon1.jpgExotic
Lupus VisageLupus visage icon1.jpgExotic
MARA Multi-ToolMara multi-tool icon1.jpgExotic
MIDA TacticalMida tactical icon1.jpgExotic
Machinist's TroveMachinists trove icon1.jpgExotic
MatterscourgeMatterscourge icon1.jpgExotic
Mercurial AfflictionMercurial affliction icon1.jpgExotic
Merry MakerMerry maker icon1.jpgExotic
Mind of Its OwnMind of its own icon1.jpgExotic
MoltenMolten icon1.jpgExotic
Muspell PopuluxeMuspell populuxe icon1.jpgExotic
Neomuna NightsNeomuna nights weapon ornament icon1.jpgExotic
Nexus SunriseNexus sunrise icon1.jpgExotic
Noble BurdenNoble burden icon1.jpgExotic
O Fortune MineO fortune mine icon1.jpgExotic
OathswornOathsworn icon1.jpgExotic
Objective RealityObjective reality icon1.jpgExotic
Occupational HazardOccupational hazard icon1.jpgExotic
Old BloodOld blood icon1.jpgExotic
OmnipotentiaOmnipotentia icon1.jpgExotic
On Ashen WingsOn ashen wings icon1.jpgExotic
One False StepOne false step icon1.jpgExotic
One ShotOne shot icon1.jpgExotic
One Terrible ScreamOne terrible scream icon1.jpgExotic
Opalized NobilityOpalized nobility icon1.jpgExotic
Open HandsOpen hands icon1.jpgExotic
OutrunnerOutrunner icon1.jpgExotic
Packmaster's CommandPackmaster's command icon1.jpgExotic
Pale RiderPale rider icon1.jpgExotic
PandemicPandemic icon1.jpgExotic
Particle AcceleratorParticle accelerator icon1.jpgExotic
Patient ZeroPatient zero icon1.jpgExotic
PeacebringerPeacebringer icon1.jpgExotic
Penrose GiltPenrose gilt icon1.jpgExotic
Pocket AcePocket ace icon1.jpgExotic
Poison Wings SpreadPoison wings spread icon1.jpgExotic
PolemologyPolemology icon1.jpgExotic
Positive InfinityPositive infinity icon1.jpgExotic
Pride of OmolonPride of omolon icon1.jpgExotic
PrideglassPrideglass icon1.jpgExotic
PrismPrism icon1.jpgExotic
Promethean PreludePromethean prelude icon1.jpgExotic
PseudosciencePseudoscience icon1.jpgExotic
Pure SapphirePure sapphire icon1.jpgExotic
Qingming OfferingQingming offering icon1.jpgExotic
Quark StarQuark star icon1.jpgExotic
Raging LepusRaging lepus icon1.jpgExotic
Raised VoiceRaised voice icon1.jpgExotic
Red AllegiantRed allegiant icon1.jpgExotic
Red DwarfRed dwarf icon1.jpgExotic
Red String of FateRed string of fate icon1.jpgExotic
Reef in RuinsReef in ruins icon1.jpgExotic
Regal DeterrentRegal Deterrent icon.jpgExotic
RemembranceRemembrance icon2.jpgExotic
Roar of the WyrmRoar of the wyrm icon1.jpgExotic
RoninRonin icon1.jpgExotic
Rowe's LegacyRowe's legacy icon1.jpgExotic
SUROS ChromeSuros chrome icon1.jpgExotic
Salute to the ColonelSalute to the colonel icon1.jpgExotic
Sand and SunSand and sun icon1.jpgExotic
ScorpionflightScorpionflight icon1.jpgExotic
Scrimshander's SongScrimshander's song icon1.jpgExotic
ShatterheartShatterheart icon1.jpgExotic
Shiro's WatchShiro's watch icon1.jpgExotic
Silver BulletSilver bullet icon1.jpgExotic
Sky/PerditionSkyperdition icon1.jpgExotic
Skyline ConstellationSkyline constellation icon1.jpgExotic
SnakebiteSnakebite icon1.jpgExotic
Sneak AttackSneak attack icon1.jpgExotic
Solar AstrolabeSolar astrolabe icon1.jpgExotic
Solid StateSolid state icon1.jpgExotic
SoulbrightSoulbright icon1.jpgExotic
Spacetime WeftSpacetime weft icon1.jpgExotic
Spark from BoneSpark from bone icon1.jpgExotic
Splendid ViduaSplendid vidua icon1.jpgExotic
Splice of LifeSplice of life icon1.jpgExotic
Springtime ScalesSpringtime scales icon1.jpgExotic
Stable PrototypeStable prototype icon1.jpgExotic
Standard BearerStandard bearer icon1.jpgExotic
Stolen GoodsStolen goods icon1.jpgExotic
Sub-ZeroSub-zero icon1.jpgExotic
Sudden SquallSudden squall icon1.jpgExotic
Summer StormSummer storm icon1.jpgExotic
Sunrise SaberSunrise saber icon1.jpgExotic
SymbiosisSymbiosis icon1.jpgExotic
Symbol of RuleSymbol of Rule icon.jpgExotic
SynesthesiaSynesthesia icon1.jpgExotic
Tangled OutriderTangled outrider icon1.jpgExotic
Tangled PaladinTangled paladin icon1.jpgExotic
Tertiary ObjectiveTertiary objective icon1.jpgExotic
Tesla's RevengeTeslas revenge icon1.jpgExotic
The Bray LegacyThe bray legacy icon1.jpgExotic
The Business EndThe business end icon1.jpgExotic
The ChopperThe chopper icon1.jpgExotic
The Colony XZ812The colony xz812 icon1.jpgExotic
The Devil's WorkThe devils work icon1.jpgExotic
The Emperor's PleasureThe emperors pleasure icon1.jpgExotic
The Future is ChromeThe future is chrome icon1.jpgExotic
The Knight's ElegyThe knight's elegy icon1.jpgExotic
The LogicThe logic icon1.jpgExotic
The Lost, FoundThe lost, found icon1.jpgExotic
The Old WaysThe old ways icon1.jpgExotic
The Panama RavineThe panama ravine icon1.jpgExotic
The Pink MistThe pink mist icon1.jpgExotic
The QueensguardThe queensguard icon1.jpgExotic
The StagecoachThe stagecoach icon1.jpgExotic
The Untold TaleThe untold tale icon1.jpgExotic
The Vanguard DareThe vanguard dare icon1.jpgExotic
Theoretical EndothermicsTheoretical endothermics icon1.jpgExotic
Third RailThird rail icon1.jpgExotic
Thor's BellowThor's bellow icon1.jpgExotic
Threatening BreathThreatening breath icon1.jpgExotic
Three Glowing DawnsThree glowing dawns icon1.jpgExotic
Timeline ZeroTimeline zero icon1.jpgExotic
Titanium AlloyTitanium alloy icon1.jpgExotic
Tlāloc's WrathTlālocs wrath icon1.jpgExotic
TritoneTritone icon1.jpgExotic
TriumphantTriumphant icon1.jpgExotic
Tyrant's VisionTyrant's vision icon1.jpgExotic
UltravioletUltraviolet icon1.jpgExotic
Unconditional LoveUnconditional love icon1.jpgExotic
Under ConstructionUnder construction icon1.jpgExotic
UniocracyUniocracy icon1.jpgExotic
Unyielding GraspUnyielding grasp icon1.jpgExotic
VEIST SilverVeist silver icon1.jpgExotic
VanagandrVanagandr icon1.jpgExotic
Vast ExpanseVast expanse icon1.jpgExotic
Version: AlphaVersion alpha icon1.jpgExotic
Version: OneVersion one icon1.jpgExotic
Version: PrimeVersion prime icon1.jpgExotic
VexplosionVexplosion icon1.jpgExotic
Vigil for Saint-14Vigil for saint-14 icon1.jpgExotic
Violent ExorcismViolent exorcism icon1.jpgExotic
VoraciousVoracious icon1.jpgExotic
VostokVostok icon1.jpgExotic
War Beast SkinWar beast skin icon1.jpgExotic
Western FrontWestern front icon1.jpgExotic
Whaler's WhimWhaler's whim icon1.jpgExotic
What IfWhat if icon1.jpgExotic
White Collar CrimeWhite collar crime icon1.jpgExotic
Wishes of SorrowWishes of sorrow icon1.jpgExotic
WorldshaperWorldshaper icon1.jpgExotic
Wyrm PerilousFile:Wyrm perilous icon1.jpgExotic
Yesterday's AugurYesterday's augur icon1.jpgExotic
You Think You're Big Time?You think you're big time? icon1.jpgExotic