Dead Messenger

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Dead Messenger
Dead messenger icon1.jpg
Season 22
Type Grenade Launcher
Slot Energy
Ammo Special
Rarity Exotic
Damage Type Void
Foundry ?????
Archetype ?????
Description A gift for the empress who has everything.
Blast Radius 100
Velocity 73
Stability 27
Handling 40
Reload Speed 50
Rounds Per Minute 72
Magazine 1
Zoom 13
Inventory Size 70
Aim Assistance 78
Airborne Effectiveness 6
Recoil 73
Bounce Intensity 27
Weapon Pattern Exotic icon.jpg Weapon Pattern
Completing Deepsight Resonance extractions on this weapon will unlock its Pattern.
Resonant Elements Extract icon.jpg Deepsight Resonance
Extractions required to unlock: 1
"Vox Obscura" Exotic quest
Dead Messenger PvP Stats
Dead Messenger is a Exotic Grenade Launcher.

Perks - Curated Roll


  • Trinary vision icon1.png Trinary Vision - One-shot handheld Grenade Launcher. Projectiles release a fan of three energy waves on contact with the ground.

Sight / Barrel

  • Quick launch icon1.png Quick Launch - This weapon's barrel provides faster projectiles and much faster aiming.
    • Greatly increases handling speed
    • Increases projectile speed

Magazine / Battery

  • High-velocity rounds icon1.png High-Velocity Rounds - This weapon's projectiles are particularly light and quick. Increases projectile speed.
    • Increases Reload Speed.

Trait 1

  • The fundamentals icon1.png The Fundamentals — Holding [Reload] changes this weapon's damage type, cycling between Solar, Arc and Void.

Trait 2

  • Short-action stock icon1.png Short-Action Stock - This weapon is especially easy to grip.
    • Greatly increases Handling Speed.

Origin Trait

Perks - Random Rolls


  • Trinary vision icon1.png Trinary Vision - One-shot handheld Grenade Launcher. Projectiles release a fan of three energy waves on contact with the ground.

Possible Sight / Barrel

  • Quick launch icon1.png Quick Launch - This weapon's barrel provides faster projectiles and much faster aiming.
    • Greatly increases handling speed
    • Increases projectile speed
  • Volatile launch icon1.png Volatile Launch - This weapon is optimized for an especially explosive payload.
    • Greatly increases Blast Radius.
    • Slightly decreases Handling Speed.
    • Slightly decreases projectile speed.
  • Confined launch icon1.png Confined Launch - This weapon's launch parameters are particularly stable.
    • Greatly increases Stability.
    • Increases Blast Radius.
    • Decreases projectile speed.
  • Countermass icon1.png Countermass - This weapon is weighted for vertical recoil.
    • Greatly controls recoil
    • Increases stability
    • Increases handling speed
  • Smart Drift Control icon.png Smart Drift Control — This barrel is broadly optimized for firing control.
    • Moderately controls recoil
    • Increases stability
    • Increases handling speed
    • Slightly increases projectile speed
  • Linear compensator icon1.png Linear Compensator - This weapon's launch barrel is well-balanced.
    • Slightly increases projectile speed
    • Slightly increases blast radius
    • Slightly increases stability
  • Hard launch icon1.png Hard Launch - This weapon's launch barrel is optimized for projectile speed.
    • Greatly increases projectile speed
    • Decreases stability
    • Slightly decreases blast radius

Possible Magazine / Battery

  • High-velocity rounds icon1.png High-Velocity Rounds - This weapon's projectiles are particularly light and quick. Increases projectile speed.
    • Increases Reload Speed.
  • Implosion rounds icon1.png Implosion Rounds - This weapon's projectiles travel faster and have a controlled explosion.
    • Increases projectile speed.
    • Greatly increases Stability.
    • Decreases Blast Radius.

Possible Trait 1

  • The fundamentals icon1.png The Fundamentals — Holding [Reload] changes this weapon's damage type, cycling between Solar, Arc and Void.

Possible Trait 2

  • Hand-Laid Stock icon.png Hand-Laid Stock — This weapon is optimized for recoil control.
    • Increases stability.
  • Composite stock icon1.png Composite Stock - This weapon has a versatile dual-purpose stock.
    • Slightly increases Stability.
    • Slightly increases Handling Speed.
  • Fitted stock icon1.png Fitted Stock - This stock makes the weapon stable but heavy.
    • Increases Stability.
    • Improves recoil direction.
    • Slightly decreases Handling Speed.
  • Short-action stock icon1.png Short-Action Stock - This weapon is especially easy to grip.
    • Greatly increases Handling Speed.

Possible Trait 3

  • Thresh icon1.png Thresh - Killing combatants with this weapon generates a small amount of Super energy.
  • Unrelenting icon.png Unrelenting - Rapidly defeating targets triggers health regeneration. Guardians and powerful combatants count as more than one kill.
  • Demolitionist icon1.png Demolitionist - Kills with this weapon generate grenade energy. Activating your grenade ability reloads this weapon from reserves.

Catalyst Trait

  • Turnabout icon1.png Turnabout - Using this weapon to break the shield of a combatant or a Guardian using their Super will grant you an overshield.

How to Obtain

Detailed explanation on how to acquire Dead Messenger



A gift for the empress who has everything.

Caiatl and Zavala stood side by side, watching a live feed of the Guardian's assault on the Psion transmission facility, as broadcast by Amanda Holliday's circling aircraft.

The Guardian ducked behind cover and pulled out a sleek grenade launcher, recovered during their last assault of the base. They fired into a pack of onrushing war beasts, sending shrapnel hurling through the air.

The Cabal empress emitted a low rumble as she admired the weapon. Zavala looked up at the enormous ruler with raised eyebrows. Her gaze was fixed on the firefight, her eyes twinkling with violent ardor.

The Vanguard commander shut off the open comms and cleared his throat. "Would you like me to send you one of those grenade launchers? I can have Banshee create a Cabal-sized version for you."

Caiatl looked down at the Awoken leader, suddenly aware that her avarice had been on display. She lowered her tusks, which the commander interpreted as equivalent to a blush.

"That would be most welcome, Commander," Caiatl replied. "I'd like to fire it into Xivu Arath's belly and bathe in her soulfire."

Zavala turned back to the screen. "You have a... passionate spirit, Empress."

He did not see it, but beneath her mask, Empress Caiatl smiled.

It was terrifying.


Dead Messenger1.jpg

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