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Season 25 Sparrows

See also: Season 25 Sparrows
BlightspeedBlightspeed icon1.jpgExoticEververseDeath is a road.
Caped CruiserCaped cruiser icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.VROOM!
Conductive HubrisConductive hubris icon1.jpgExoticEververseSome boundaries should never be crossed.
Derelict DutyDerelict duty icon1.jpgExoticEververse"You biting my style, hero?" — Drifter
Dread RoverDread rover icon1.jpgExoticEververseSend the Guardian right over.
Gift WrappedFile:Gift wrapped icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardI wonder what it could be!
GlowmobileFile:Glowmobile icon1.jpgExoticEververseKeep it frosty, Guardian.
Grotesque LapisGrotesque lapis icon1.jpgExoticEververseCarve a valiant path forward.
Jade WeftJade weft icon1.jpgExoticEververseThread the needle, or get punctured by it.
Lion DanceFile:Lion dance icon1.jpgExoticAt the speed of the hunt.
NightlightNightlight icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the Lost 2024"It's even worse in the dark. Those little things are fast!"
No-MindNo-mind icon1.jpgExoticEververseDon't think. Just react.
Old RancorOld rancor icon1.jpgExoticTonic Laboratory in the Last CitySee the world with fresh eyes.
Peppermint ConditionFile:Peppermint condition icon1.jpgExoticEververseWho ate all the ornaments?!
Phosphoric PhantomPhosphoric phantom icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardGhouls and goblins alike clamor for passage to feast upon the tortured.
RetrostretchRetrostretch icon1.jpgExoticEververseWhat's new is old again.
RustpiercerRustpiercer icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass Rewardmore pierce bodies front

Season 24 Sparrows

See also: Season 24 Sparrows
Azimuth RunnerAzimuth runner icon1.jpgExoticEververseRun the line at the shadow's edge.
Crawlway SinkCrawlway sink icon1.jpgExoticEpisode: EchoesHold tight.
King of the SeaKing of the sea icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardThe sea allows visitors, but it is only ruled by its own clever creatures.
Messenger-IXMessenger-ix icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Perhaps this is why the Nine sent me here." -Xûr
Midway GoerMidway goer icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe lights, the games, the excitement!
OstrakonOstrakon icon1.jpgExoticEververseEven the smallest piece, can change the outcome.
Owlbear ChariotOwlbear chariot icon1.jpgExoticEververseA mount only the bravest adventurers dare ride.
Pack RatPack rat icon1.jpgExoticEververseWe are everywhere. And we are gone.
Red VeteranRed veteran icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Worst case scenario, you die... but who knows, maybe you won't." -Cayde-6
ReliantReliant icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.There is a surety and elegance in the familiar.
Sierra-WhiskeySierra-whiskey icon1.jpgExoticEververseFirst in, last out. Always ready.
Surfer's FriendSurfer's friend icon1.jpgExoticEververseWhen the surf's up, drop everything and catch a wave!
Turmoil EngineTurmoil engine icon1.jpgExotic"Salvation's Edge" RaidThe voice of many become one. Ideas melded, honed to a singular edge of thought.
Unbridled IridescenceUnbridled iridescence icon1.jpgExcepcionalFuente: Recompensa del pase de temporadaREGISTRO PERSONAL 0025 AS
Unified TheoryUnified theory icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a Deluxe Edition bonus."Again: This one goes here, that one goes there!"

Season 23 Sparrows

See also: Season 23 Sparrows
Aerodynamic ChassisAerodynamic chassis icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.It takes a team to maintain a fine-tuned machine.
AfterglowAfterglow icon1.jpgExoticEververseLeave only streaks of light behind.
Alliance Drop ShipAlliance drop ship icon1.jpgExoticEververseHandles like a drunk rhino, but it can climb for days.
Bucephalus IIIBucephalus iii icon1.jpgExoticEververseThey'll name cities after you.
Divine MessengerDivine messenger icon1.jpgExoticEververseGo in peace. Return in triumph.
Ferrous RoarFerrous roar icon1.jpgExoticEververseIncinerate all within the choking plume.
Fire-Gilt QuadrigaFire-gilt quadriga icon1.jpgExoticMoments of Triumph 2023Ride on through the flames to your inevitable victory.
FirecrackerFirecracker icon1.jpgExoticEververseNo celebration's complete without festive noise.
FrostflowerFrostflower icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card Reward"Even the harshest landscape can look beautiful with a friend at your side." -Eva Levante
Gloaming JourneyerGloaming journeyer icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the WishWe follow paths obscured.
Mercenary SpiritMercenary spirit icon1.jpgExoticEververseSell your arms to the highest bidder.
NostosNostos icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardSweet life-time apace was ebbing from him, sorrowing for home-return.
Phantom GodPhantom god icon1.jpgExoticEververseBeware the Death Chill.
PinballerPinballer icon1.jpgExoticEververseDon't mind the bouncy ride.
Richly CaparisonedRichly caparisoned icon1.jpgExoticEververseLook good on the track. And on the victory lap.
Roach-VGHRoach-vgh icon1.jpgExoticEververseJust whistle, and I'll be there for you as the world falls down.
Supercool MotoSupercool moto icon1.jpgExoticEververseFrom absolute zero to sixty.
The TorpedoThe torpedo icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardDon't let them see more than your tail lights.

Season 22 Sparrows

See also: Season 22 Sparrows
AcroamatisAcroamatis icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardHidden truths are the most valuable.
Chemical BurnChemical burn icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe fumes are a feature, not a bug.
Crota's ExileCrota's exile icon1.jpgExotic"Crota's End" RaidThe thin line between perseverance and folly.
Echion's StrideEchion's stride icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Sow the jagged seeds of victory as you ride the wind.
Grass GuzzlerGrass guzzler icon1.jpgExoticEververseYou can almost smell the fresh clippings...
LaminosLaminos icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the WitchPutting the pace in "carapace."
Lucent SeekerLucent seeker icon1.jpgExoticEververseGuaranteed not to explode... most of the time.
Roaring PrimevalRoaring primeval icon1.jpgExoticEververseLeave only blighted devastation in your wake.
Sekhmet RigSekhmet rig icon1.jpgExoticEververseBeauty is its own form of brawn.
Stygian SteedFile:Stygian steed icon1.jpgExoticEververseTame this fearsome but effective psychopomp.
Sugary StapleFile:Sugary staple icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardUbiquitous at a certain time of year.
The MournerFile:The mourner icon1.jpgExoticEververseJourney to your final destination in comfort and elegance.
Wasteland RacerWasteland racer icon1.jpgExoticEververseLovingly held together with hope, elbow grease, and many spikes.

Season 21 Sparrows

See also: Season 21 Sparrows
Asymmetric ForceAsymmetric force icon1.jpgExoticEververseYou always have more resources, and more reserves.
Bright NostalgiaBright nostalgia icon1.jpgExoticEververseWhy are the buttons and dials so big?
Bumper BoatFile:Bumper boat icon1.jpgExoticEververseTime to make a splash!
Frictionless FreedomFrictionless freedom icon1.jpgExoticEververseDesigned and tested to aerodynamic perfection.
JJ-2 Research RoverJj-2 research rover icon1.jpgExoticEverversePrevious prototypes were autonomous only.
Off My LawnFile:Off my lawn icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe engine's deafening roar is oddly satisfying.
OverpackedOverpacked icon1.jpgExoticEververseAll of this might come in handy someday.
Pale ReflectionPale reflection icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe moon and mirrors have much in common.
Quarantine RunnerQuarantine runner icon1.jpgExoticEververseDon't get caught in the spores left in its wake.
Recalcitrant HostRecalcitrant host icon1.jpgExotic"Ghosts of the Deep" DungeonTake what is not given.
SandrailFile:Sandrail icon1.jpgExoticEververseClimb the steepest dunes with ease.
Survivor's JourneySurvivor's journey icon1.jpgExoticFlawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse."When one life passes, another rises to take its place. That's balance. That's nature." - Reed-7
To Be RememberedTo be remembered icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Deep TriumphNever forget.

Season 20 Sparrows

See also: Season 20 Sparrows
Argent TurboArgent turbo icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a Deluxe Edition bonus.Barely a gleam in the eye before it's gone by.
Assembly RiderAssembly rider icon1.jpgExoticEververseUnbox, build, and go, go, go!
BarnstormerFile:Barnstormer icon1.jpgExoticEververseLet them see the extent of your influence.
Common NobilityCommon nobility icon1.jpgExotic"Legendary Trifecta" Triumph"Here we earn our titles." - Lord Saladin
Dream DemonDream demon icon1.jpgExotic"Root of Nightmares" Raid"Feed your fear to the fiend. Allow your nightmares to fuel his inevitable return." —Of Hated Nezarec
Inside LineInside line icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardRead inside the lines.
Lucid DreamLucid dream icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe laws of reality need not apply.
Luminous ParagonFile:Luminous paragon icon1.jpgExotic"The height of the climb matters less than the number of people you can guide to the summit." - Commander Zavala
Proto.Type-AProto.type-a icon1.jpgExoticEververseDesigned to seize the initiative.
Serpent's ReachSerpent's reach icon1.jpgExoticEververseGilded talons spread across the solar system.
Shadow BoxFile:Shadow box icon1.jpgExoticEververseEvery achievement, preserved in gleaming metal.
Sweeper SimulantSweeper simulant icon1.jpgExoticEververseA brush with death.
Triple BogeyFile:Triple bogey icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardAvoid the rough out there.
Vice CruiserVice cruiser icon1.jpgExoticEververseFit for whipping through palm trees at dusk.

Season 19 Sparrows

See also: Season 19 Sparrows
All-Terrain ExplorerAll-terrain explorer icon1.jpgExoticEververse"This beauty's made for offroading. No, more than you're thinking. Off-offroading." -Marcus Ren
Archangel's RefitArchangel's refit icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Seraph Triumph"We all deserve to be remembered."
Blistering SlipstreamBlistering slipstream icon1.jpgExoticMoments of Triumph 2022Fabrication emboldens fulfillment.
ExternalizationExternalization icon1.jpgExoticEververseHigh-tech chassis, familiar heart.
Forward ErebusForward erebus icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardFitted for the coldest climes.
Gulltoppr-IGulltoppr-i icon1.jpgExoticEververseFaster than Heimdall can foresee.
Intercepted TransmissionIntercepted transmission icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I don't pick pockets, I pick people." -Spider
Into the SunsetInto the sunset icon1.jpgExoticSpire of the Watcher Dungeon"On a steel horse, I ride."
Intrinsic ForceIntrinsic force icon1.jpgExoticEververseOf the fundamental interactions, gravity is known to be the weakest.
Joy of DawningJoy of dawning icon1.jpgExoticEververseJoy is made to be shared, and by that sharing only multiplies.
Light HeartedLight hearted icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Good for lending a helping hand.
Rabbit's ChaseRabbit's chase icon1.jpgExoticEververseFleet of foot, never caught.
Surging CurrentSurging current icon1.jpgExoticEververseWho needs internal combustion? All the energy you could want is right here.

Season 18 Sparrows

See also: Season 18 Sparrows
Bold ChapaluBold chapalu icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the Lost 2022 Upgraded Event CardAnywhere a cat can go, you may go too.
Bucca's JollyboatBucca's jollyboat icon1.jpgExoticEververseBlood in the forecastle, and the captain can't be found.
Charge of LightCharge of light icon1.jpgExoticCryptic Quatrains IIIBoldly into the jaws of death.
Chelicerate VisitorChelicerate visitor icon1.jpgExoticEververseWho knows what lives in the briny deeps?
Containment HazardContainment hazard icon1.jpgExoticEververseSafe transport of hazardous materials at extremely high speeds.
Lightweight CustomLightweight custom icon1.jpgExoticEverversePrinted at home, tested in the field.
Majestic WhinnyFile:Majestic whinny icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe celestial horse offers you the opportunity of a lifetime.
Omen of SaturnOmen of saturn icon1.jpgExoticEververseThey say a weapon was made of the traces of a Harbinger. They say it can break anything.
Ossein EarthcarverOssein earthcarver icon1.jpgExoticKing's Fall RaidCarve your path through flesh and steel.
SkiffscooterSkiffscooter icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe graffiti does have a tangible practical effect: it makes it look cooler.
Sunny-Day SeekerSunny-day seeker icon1.jpgExoticEververseFast as the light can get to you.

Season 17 Sparrows

See also: Season 17 Sparrows
CordyceptionCordyception icon1.jpgExoticEververseSome spores plant themselves deeper than the surface.
Crab CycleCrab cycle icon1.jpgExoticEververseMultiple field trials have proven the efficiency and power of the carcinized form.
Falcon's ChaseFalcon's chase icon1.jpgExoticFlawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse."A shadow of a man. A glimpse of a dream."
Hot Rod HavocHot rod havoc icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe fastest ride around. Flames guaranteed to remain paint only.
Hyperborean PinionHyperborean pinion icon1.jpgExoticSolstice 2022: Fuel for the Fire IIISoar together, under an eternal sun.
Kindled WandererKindled wanderer icon1.jpgExoticEververseNo limit to the distance, nor to the flame.
Open-Sky TourerOpen-sky tourer icon1.jpgExoticEververseSure, you could put a cover on it, but why would you?
Pale SteedPale steed icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass Reward"It's the thrill of the chase."
QuadracycleQuadracycle icon1.jpgExoticEververseFaster than any competition-eligible cart.
Seafoam GlideSeafoam glide icon1.jpgExoticEververseOptimized for aquatic traversals.
TrauermarschTrauermarsch icon1.jpgExoticHIGH ALERT: ANOMALY DETECTED - H.E.L.M."The dead do not often speak. But I always listen."
Wartorn PeregrineWartorn peregrine icon1.jpgExoticEververseSurface damage can't stop you.

Season 16 Sparrows

See also: Season 16 Sparrows
5p 3AR5p 3ar icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe tip of the new age.
Criticality of QuicknessCriticality of quickness icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a pre-order bonus.A lot can happen in 72 hours. Three days can change the course of a hundred lives.
Dig SightDig sight icon1.jpgExoticEververseDust off those old bones.
EXU-14Exu-14 icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe 14th exploration unit in a failed expedition.
Gouging LightGouging light icon1.jpgExotic"Vow of the Disciple" RaidAll told, I can't believe Holliday was able to put it back together. Not a lot left after a small-scale nuclear blast.
Ivory EmpressIvory empress icon1.jpgExoticVox Obscura Exotic questWhen atop this vehicle, the crowds will part before you. By force, if necessary.
Metropolis FlyerMetropolis flyer icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe wave of the retro-future.
Mind ShardMind shard icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardGet there quicker than thought.
Out of DodgeOut of dodge icon1.jpgExoticEververseWhoever stocked this thing had places to go.
Pistol PosePistol pose icon1.jpgExoticEververseFire off the starting line.
The Lawn MowerThe lawn mower icon1.jpgExoticEververseCut down the competition.
The WedgeThe wedge icon1.jpgExoticEverversePut some space between you and the competition.
Unknown Lands ExplorerUnknown lands explorer icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe unknown sings to me, sweet songs of things to be.
Winning StreakWinning streak icon1.jpgExoticEververseYou want games? I'll give you games.

Season 15 Sparrows

See also: Season 15 Sparrows
Andromeda RacerAndromeda racer icon1.jpgExoticEververse"This model's got a pretty wide range of compensators for gravitational and atmospheric variance. Preppin' for unknown planets, I suppose." —Amanda Holliday
Archangel's AlacrityArchangel's alacrity icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Time will tell what role the Warmind plays in the coming war. I have a hard time believing its story has ended." —Ikora Rey
Cross-EDZ SymphonyCross-edz symphony icon1.jpgExoticEververseFolks gather from miles around to watch the lights.
Eternal RecurrenceEternal recurrence icon1.jpgExoticWayfinder's Voyage"The faster you go, the sooner you come back around." —Jolyon Till
Fractic SpiralFractic spiral icon1.jpgExoticMoments of Triumph 2021Speed shears, friction twists, and it keeps going faster.
Frictionless RoadrocketFrictionless roadrocket icon1.jpgExoticEververseAt those speeds, just staying upright is a stunt.
GjallarswiftGjallarswift icon1.jpgExoticGrasp of AvariceDestruction in motion stays in motion.
Headless HorsepowerHeadless horsepower icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the Lost 2021."The line between myth and reality disappears when the myths start shooting back!" —Glint
Icicle RushIcicle rush icon1.jpgExoticEververseStasis doesn't have to mean slow.
Inspired EidolonInspired eidolon icon1.jpgExoticXûr's Treasure Hoard"There is writing here describing a dead thing which has returned. Perhaps it refers to you." —Xûr
Junkyard SteedJunkyard steed icon1.jpgExoticEververse"If Golden Age tech was so miraculous, how come them pyramids left it behind after the Collapse? Kinda makes you feel like you've been fighting with garbage this whole time." —The Drifter
Last City SilverbirdLast city silverbird icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Look at those intakes. Classic lines." —Amanda Holliday
Mad MachineryMad machinery icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I know it's never been done—that's why it's genius!"
Mud-Caked MonstrosityMud-caked monstrosity icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Hard to get dirty when you hover off the ground… hard, not impossible." —Amanda Holliday
Nemean ChariotNemean chariot icon1.jpgExotic"To believe is to trust in your victory when all signs point to defeat. To hope is to fight on when you know there is no victory coming, because your cause is just." —Saint-14
Pragmat PowerhousePragmat powerhouse icon1.jpgExoticEververse"There's something special in these older mechanical designs. Today, everything is sleek and simplified, elegant. This baby is plain old brute force." —Amanda Holliday
Running TigerRunning tiger icon1.jpgExoticEververseA flash of stripes in the dark.
Skimfoil RacerSkimfoil racer icon1.jpgExoticEververseYou'll never catch it.
SkitterscareSkitterscare icon1.jpgExoticEververseMANUFACTURER'S NOTE: Ceiling/wall adhesion seen in advertisements was simulated; device is approved only for ground-based locomotion. We apologize for any confusion.
Terran SidecarTerran sidecar icon1.jpgExoticEververseToss your guns in the cooler. You'll get there when you get there.
The Lost EngineThe lost engine icon1.jpgExoticEververse"…No, I don't know where you can find some coal." —Amanda Holliday
Wanderer's WagonWanderer's wagon icon1.jpgExoticEververse"You don't know yourself till you've had to scrape rocks to fill your belly." —The Drifter

Season 14 Sparrows

See also: Season 14 Sparrows
Aoki/Faas Mk. VIIAokifaas mk. vii icon1.jpgExoticEververse"It's not about trophies—take them. It's about pushing boundaries. Our chains have been broken. It's up to us to see how far we can reach." —Walter Faas, Golden Age astromechanic
Aurum PaceAurum pace icon1.jpgExoticEververseMove at the speed of gold.
Firebreak RescuerFirebreak rescuer icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe emergency response systems of the Last City must contend with crises both mundane and extraordinary, from electrical fires to Warmind debris.
Golden RiderGolden rider icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe union of luxury and lethality.
Kosmos StarlingKosmos starling icon1.jpgExoticEververseIs the world starting to feel dim? Washed out? Put some sparkle back in your sky with Kosmos.
Long Haul WagonLong haul wagon icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Lost another unit today—faulty coupling broke coming out of the jump. Watched it drift off into the black. Can't help but wonder where it'll wind up…"
M3-D1 AngelosM3-d1 angelos icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I've spent years studying, just for a shot at saving someone—at keeping them alive. Then you watch a Guardian get blown up and put back together without missing a word in their sentence." —Unknown Last City medical responder
Redline HotshotRedline hotshot icon1.jpgExoticEververseALERT: Temperature exceeding nominal levels, automatic shutdown beginning in 3… 2… 1…
Riis RacerRiis racer icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass Reward"No! This one goes here, that one goes there!" —Amanda Holliday
The Lone HowlThe lone howl icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe cornered animal is always the most dangerous.

Season 13 Sparrows

See also: Season 13 Sparrows
Celestial HornCelestial horn icon1.jpgExoticEververseLead the charge into the shadows so that other Lights may follow.
Color of SpeedColor of speed icon1.jpgExoticSeason 13 Guardian Games"After a certain point, speed is a matter of willpower." —Petra Venj
Gigantes RoamerGigantes roamer icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Some think I simply deal in goods, but the true commodity is something more elusive—agency." —The Spider
Metropolitan CutterMetropolitan cutter icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe Last City still bears the scars of the Red War, but humanity's spirit shows in the pockets of reconstruction.
Pace SetterPace setter icon1.jpgExoticEververseShow them the meaning of speed.
Paradigm ShiftParadigm shift icon1.jpgExoticFlawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse.So fast you'll have to invent new barriers to break.
Synchrotron AcceleratorSynchrotron accelerator icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Humanity's records show numerous instances of advanced science being perceived as supernatural. Perhaps today's magic is tomorrow's theorem." —Master Rahool
Taurus FirecrackerTaurus firecracker icon1.jpgExoticEververseRenown fades faster than the satisfaction of a job well done.
Veloce CruiserVeloce cruiser icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe journey is its own reward.
Vie for GloryVie for glory icon1.jpgExoticEververse"The Cryptarchs say humanity used to gather their greatest competitors from around the world to battle for honor and acclaim. I would have liked to see that." —Lord Shaxx
Vita BrevisVita brevis icon1.jpgExoticChallenger's Proving VII QuestLife is too short to waste on a slow ride.

Season 12 Sparrows

See also: Season 12 Sparrows
Any Other SkyAny other sky icon1.jpgExoticBeyond Light"Future me will thank me." —Elsie Bray
Atlas RunnerAtlas runner icon1.jpgExoticEververseHere to help you carry the load.
Bump And RunBump and run icon1.jpgExoticEververseWARNING // PROXIMITY ALERT

FirecrestFirecrest icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardSpeed can be a means… or an end.
Gift Giver (Sparrow)Gift giver sparrow icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Encyrpted data!? You shouldn't have, Guardian…" —Master Rahool
Halcyon VisageHalcyon visage icon1.jpgExoticEververse"It's important we remember what was lost in the Collapse, painful as it is. It's proof of the heights we can reach." —Commander Zavala
Hard Light CycleHard light cycle icon1.jpgExoticEverversePolyphasic inertial manipulation platform. Equipped for myriad traversal applications.
Polar PrancerPolar prancer icon1.jpgExoticEververse"We camped up near the pole in the dead of winter. Sun went down, didn't come back. We stayed for weeks, huddled around a fire sharing war stories. I've never felt more alive." —Marcus Ren
RetrocausalityRetrocausality icon1.jpgExoticNot a Scratch."This is a puzzle with missing pieces." —Elsie Bray
Stardevil RacerStardevil racer icon1.jpgExoticEververse"They followed my engine glow all the way into the chasm. Then they saw the flare on Kestra's scope. Too late, friends." —Marcus Ren
Ten-Grasp SwordTen-grasp sword icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Sometimes, the blade is the best tool to build something new." —Lord Saladin
The MirthmobileThe mirthmobile icon1.jpgExoticEververse"The world around us is so grim, it sometimes feels like joy has no place, like it's inappropriate to smile too much. Fight that feeling, Guardian. We need laughter now more than ever." —Eva Levante

Season 11 Sparrows

See also: Season 11 Sparrows
Adonis BlueAdonis blue icon1.jpgExoticEververse"In summer, children would catch insects in jars just to admire the color of their wings. I've never seen them. I don't know if I ever will."—Ikora Rey
August CourserAugust courser icon1.jpgExoticEververse"The Light's reach is vast, Guardian; it goes wherever you're willing to carry it."—The Speaker
Canopus TriremeCanopus trireme icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I found it on a corroding disk on Venus. A Golden Age map plotting a chart all the way to Sirius. Such ambition… They never got to use it."—Tenet-2
CryptomnesiaCryptomnesia icon1.jpgExoticEververseWhat's old is new again.
Eira's GraceEira's grace icon1.jpgExoticEververse"She told me the dance was from before the Traveler, that it was done with loved ones, and only ever under a setting sun. I wasn't sure I believed her. But I wanted to." —Hawthorne
Galvanic ForkGalvanic fork icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Ride the… what's the plural of lightning?"—Marcus Ren
Halted OblivionHalted oblivion icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe living still have business with you.
Of Ten SunsOf ten suns icon1.jpgExoticSeason of Arrivals dungeon.This world is yours to cross.
On Gilt WingsOn gilt wings icon1.jpgExoticEververseBe that which carries them to greater heights.
PhotocyclePhotocycle icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe race is on.
Resurrecting FlightResurrecting flight icon1.jpgExoticMoments of Triumph.Hurtling toward eternity.
SK-1 Multiband RoverSk-1 multiband rover icon1.jpgExoticEververse"The solar system is full of fascinating signals. For some, the source is obvious. For others…"—Master Rahool
Tomb RiderTomb rider icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the Lost 2020."Do the bandages… make it go faster?" —Ghost
Warden's WailerWarden's wailer icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardThey shall fear the sound of your approach.

Season 10 Sparrows

See also: Season 10 Sparrows
Haute BlissHaute bliss icon1.jpgExoticEververseA little luxury goes a long way.
Immoderate SplendorImmoderate splendor icon1.jpgExoticEververseYou can't take it with you.
Lunatic's LegacyLunatic's legacy icon1.jpgExoticEververse"You know you can't ride that into space, right?" —Amanda Holiday
Magneton ThrustMagneton thrust icon1.jpgExoticEververseLiving on a prayer… and the laws of magnetism.
Nightmare StalkerNightmare stalker icon1.jpgExoticEververse"You can choose to flee in terror from your trauma, or you can race towards it, confronting it head-on."—Eris Morn
Residual TraceResidual trace icon1.jpgExoticEververseThey'll only know where you've been.
Resurrection's GuideResurrection's guide icon1.jpgExoticFlawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse."The path to a new life is occluded by ruthless aggression. Defy it." —Osiris
Runner UpRunner up icon1.jpgExoticGuardian GamesIt's gotta be someone.
Seventh Seraph VectorSeventh seraph vector icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardLet the old ways shape the new.
The BlockbusterThe blockbuster icon1.jpgExoticEververseTear through the pavement with unrelenting propulsion.
Urban CommanderUrban commander icon1.jpgExoticEververseTake back the streets - in style.
Victory LapVictory lap icon1.jpgExoticGuardian GamesTake a little time to bask in your success.

Season 9 Sparrows

See also: Season 9 Sparrows
Alpine DashAlpine dash icon1.jpgExoticThe Dawning.The road is made by driving.
Ash AngelAsh angel icon1.jpgExoticEververseYou're in a class all your own.
Cardinal DirectiveCardinal directive icon1.jpgExoticEververseYou may not always know where you're going, but you know how you'll get there.
IVC-10Ivc-10 icon1.jpgExoticWhen two become one.
Motive ForceMotive force icon1.jpgExoticEververseFire on all cylinders.
Perennial VelocityPerennial velocity icon1.jpgExoticEververseRide responsibly. Or not.
Polar VortexPolar vortex icon1.jpgExoticEververseSome days you get the bear. Some days the bear gets you.
SVC-12Svc-12 icon1.jpgExoticWhen two become one.
Spur of the MomentSpur of the moment icon1.jpgExoticEververseEight seconds is nothing.
The RamThe ram icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Ride head first into the fray. They'll never know what hit them." —Saint-14
Tip of the SpearTip of the spear icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Get in there, Guardian. The battle waits for no one." —Zavala
Viper-4sViper-4s icon1.jpgExoticEververseRide faster, strike harder, and leave them twitching in the dust.

Season 8 Sparrows

See also: Season 8 Sparrows
Blast ChariotBlast chariot icon1.jpgExotic"I watched this baby rip a trench into the ground out in the flats. Maybe tune it down a bit." —Amanda Holliday
Blood RunnerBlood runner icon1.jpgExoticEververseRemember the lost. Repay the debt.
Brumeswept NightBrumeswept night icon1.jpgExoticEververseBy the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
Four Degrees of SeparationFour degrees of separation icon1.jpgExoticEververseWiden the gap between you and everything else.
Golden PrideGolden pride icon1.jpgExoticEververseEnforce your territory.
Invasive SpeciesInvasive species icon1.jpgExoticEverversePrune the gardens of your mind until only truth remains.
JotuneerJotuneer icon1.jpgExoticEververseFaster than the stride of giants.
Magneton TrustMagneton trust icon1.jpgExoticLiving on a prayer… and the laws of magnetism.
Moonrider OneMoonrider one icon1.jpgLegendaryFound by exploring the Moon.A Moonrider-class Sparrow designed for lunar terrain.
The NecrobeastThe necrobeast icon1.jpgExoticEververseBad to the bone.
The Regal HowlThe regal howl icon1.jpgExoticEververseA sound they'll never forget.

Season 7 Sparrows

Arma MakhesLegendaryArma makhes icon1.jpgAcquired from completing a Season of Opulence Triumph.Ride gloriously toward sweet victory.
Blood in the WaterExoticBlood in the water icon1.jpgEververseLet the feeding frenzy commence.
BrayTech DREAM9ExoticBraytech dream9 icon1.jpgEververse"Heh, well, I was startin' to get a little stircrazy on Mars… so I figured, hey, why not start a project?" —Ana Bray
Clean SweepExoticClean sweep icon1.jpgEververseA favorite of intermediate SRL racers.
EV-37 VoidstreakLegendaryEv-37 voidstreak icon1.jpgEarned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.Fueled by the Void.
Expedition-JTExoticExpedition-jt icon1.jpgEververseTo parts unknown.
Legacy-2ExoticLegacy-2 icon1.jpgEververseEmbark for treasure on planets unknown.
Lightning RiderLegendaryLightning rider icon1.jpgEarned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.Guilty as charged.
Micro MiniExoticMicro mini icon1.jpgEververseBeep, beep.
One Fell SwoopExoticOne fell swoop icon1.jpgEververseEasy does it.
The CalypsoExoticThe calypso icon1.jpgEververseYou'll never be detained again.
The Grateful CraneExoticThe grateful crane icon1.jpgEververseDon't ask for too much.
The MotherlodeExoticThe motherlode icon1.jpgEververseDig deep enough, and you'll hit paydirt.
The PacesetterLegendaryThe pacesetter icon1.jpgComplete Iron Banner matches and earn rank-up packages from Lord Saladin."Gotta keep the wolves exercised somehow." —Shiro-4

Season 6 Sparrows

Aerolite HW-42LegendaryAerolite hw-42 icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Here. Try this one. S'got a low center of gravity, like you and your big Titan butt." —Marcus Ren
Another Inspired IdeaExoticAnother inspired idea icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Whoa, whoa, whoa. Strap yourself to a rocket? Be reasonable, Marcus. …Just the engine? Hmm. You're right. That does change things." —Amanda Holliday
ArionLegendaryArion icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A retired Sparrow once used to ferry Lord Shaxx and Cayde-6 from a City dodgeball game.
Barebones SL-19ExoticBarebones sl-19 icon1.jpgBright Engrams.An exceptionally lightweight carbon fiber frame that promises smooth-as-butter suspension and a swift ride.
Beat PatrolLegendaryBeat patrol icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A common model for Vanguard-authorized civilian security patrols in the Last City.
Bitter PoisonLegendaryBitter poison icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Sponsored by VEIST.
Circumpolar LightExoticCircumpolar light icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Universal heat death? Nah. Not while you're around.
Equinoctial EdgeExoticEquinoctial edge icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Hmm… Looks like you've got blades for hands." —Enoch Bast
Praxic FineryExoticPraxic finery icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Be the fire, or be smoke on the wind.
Praxic JusticeLegendaryPraxic justice icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Hold everyone accountable. Most of all, yourself." —Warlock Aunor, Cormorant Blade
RJSV 99-40LegendaryRjsv 99-40 icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A scouting vehicle favored by Lord Shaxx's Redjacks.
Raucous EdgeLegendaryRaucous edge icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Commissioned to commemorate the first-ever Revelry in the Tower.
Saturnalia-DAI-SP1LegendarySaturnalia-dai-sp1 icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Commissioned to commemorate the first-ever Revelry in the Tower. Sponsored by Daito.
Sgian DubhLegendarySgian dubh icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A hidden blade. A hospitable smile.
Spaded KnifeLegendarySpaded knife icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Designed for navigating dense undergrowth and foliage.
Sunny DispositionLegendarySunny disposition icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Ride on before the storm.
The Convivial RacerLegendaryThe convivial racer icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Commissioned to commemorate the first-ever Revelry in the Tower.
The Festive HaulerLegendaryThe festive hauler icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Commissioned to commemorate the first-ever Revelry in the Tower.
The Merry GunnerLegendaryThe merry gunner icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Commissioned to commemorate the first-ever Revelry in the Tower.
The SaturnalianLegendaryThe saturnalian icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Commissioned to commemorate the first-ever Revelry in the Tower. Sponsored by Daito.
The WhipcrackLegendaryThe whipcrack icon1.jpgBright Engrams."I don't care if you 'really, really, really like it,' Marcus. It looks just like your others. You don't need it." —Didi
Zambezi-00ExoticZambezi-00 icon1.jpgEververse package]].A Golden Age paint job, reconstructed by Old Russian Cryptarchs after meticulous archaeology of abandoned airfields.

Season 5 Sparrows

Always on TimeExoticAlways on time icon1.jpgEvery second counts.
Anti-PaladinLegendaryAnti-paladin icon1.jpgLeave the past behind, but keep an eye on it in your rearview mirror.
Approaching InfinityExoticApproaching infinity icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The limit does not exist.
Bishop's RunLegendaryBishops run icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Straight as an arrow, true as a name.
BurnoutExoticBurnout icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Fight fire with fire. And fight everything else with fire, too.
Cetacean WingLegendaryCetacean wing icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The tides will turn.
Cosmonaut GalahadLegendaryCosmonaut galahad icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For the space cadet who is pure of heart.
Dark HorseExoticDark horse icon1.jpgEververse package.There's no recognizable maker's mark. Just a "1" stamped onto the side.
Dawning CheerExoticDawning cheer icon1.jpgCheer Up?Some traditions are too good to be true.
Double RainbowExoticDouble rainbow icon1.jpgForsaken Refer-a-FriendThere's nothing wrong with having more than one best friend.
Eidolon BirdLegendaryEidolon bird icon1.jpgBright Engrams.On holy wings you fly.
Gravity MaestroLegendaryGravity maestro icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Make physics sing.
InexorableLegendaryInexorable icon1.jpgBright Engrams.As certain as death.
Insurgent's SpurLegendaryInsurgents spur icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Know no bounds.
Juliet WindyLegendaryJuliet windy icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Sierra. Oscar. Alpha. Romeo.
Jupiter MidnightLegendaryJupiter midnight icon1.jpgBright Engrams.It's dark in the eye of the storm.
Mimesis DriveLegendaryMimesis drive icon1.jpgForsaken"OK, but it's not NOT possible that the paint job makes it go faster. Wait, where are you going? Marcus!" -Enoch Bast
Pegasus BravoLegendaryPegasus bravo icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Built to challenge the gods themselves.
Spinning, SpinningLegendarySpinning, spinning icon1.jpgControl is an illusion.
Summer's AltarLegendarySummers altar icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Outfly the lengthening of the nights.
SwiftrookLegendarySwiftrook icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For the Titan on the go.
The BroncoExoticThe bronco icon1.jpgBright Engrams."A man's only as good as his ride." -Tex 99-40
Unraveling StarLegendaryUnraveling star icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Some stars burn too hot, too fast.
Vega WaveLegendaryVega wave icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A smooth ride.
Verità SceltaLegendaryVerità scelta icon1.jpgThis Sparrow, like the Dawning, bears hidden truths and unexpected triumphs.
Where I BelongLegendaryWhere i belong icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Where are you?"
Widen the SkyLegendaryWiden the sky icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Go where the clouds can't follow.
Winchester's RuinExoticWinchesters ruin icon1.jpgBright Engrams."The only way to escape death is to move really, really fast. So I stole her Sparrow." -Samael Vos

Season 4 Sparrows

Alton's AmbushLegendaryAltons ambush icon1.jpgBright Engrams."I bet Elsie could make it go faster." -Alton Bray
Always on TimeExoticAlways on time icon1.jpgEvery second counts.
Andes PeakhunterLegendaryAndes peakhunter icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Climbing ever higher in search of triumph.
AntediluvianLegendaryAntediluvian icon1.jpgComplete Gambit matches and earn rank-up packages from the Drifter."Ain't no such thing as 'before the disaster.' This world was born to disaster. It's cataclysm all the way down." -The Drifter
Anti-PaladinLegendaryAnti-paladin icon1.jpgLeave the past behind, but keep an eye on it in your rearview mirror.
Approaching InfinityExoticApproaching infinity icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The limit does not exist.
Azure AzazyelExoticAzure azazyel icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Primarily used on the ice caps of Mars during the Golden Age.
Battle-ShrikeLegendaryBattle-shrike icon1.jpgBright Engrams.We ride out tonight.
BattleheartLegendaryBattleheart icon1.jpgBright Engrams."I win." -Ariadne Gris
Bishop's RunLegendaryBishops run icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Straight as an arrow, true as a name.
Blacklight RazorExoticBlacklight razor icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Mounted with harmonized twin pulse engines for a blazing attack.
BoltcrackleLegendaryBoltcrackle icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Its emblem is a burst of energy. And it's well-deserved.
BurnoutExoticBurnout icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Fight fire with fire. And fight everything else with fire, too.
Canine RisingLegendaryCanine rising icon1.jpgComplete Trials tickets and earn rank-up packages from the Emissary of the Nine.The dogs of war arrive hungry.
Cetacean WingLegendaryCetacean wing icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The tides will turn.
Cleansing KnifeLegendaryCleansing knife icon1.jpgLast Wish raid.To clean a festering wound, you must cut away the rot.
Comrades in ArmsLegendaryComrades in arms icon1.jpgEarned during the 2018 Solstice of Heroes event.None of us can do it alone. And none of us should want to.
Cosmonaut GalahadLegendaryCosmonaut galahad icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For the space cadet who is pure of heart.
Dark HorseExoticDark horse icon1.jpgEververse package.There's no recognizable maker's mark. Just a "1" stamped onto the side.
Dawning CheerExoticDawning cheer icon1.jpgCheer Up?Some traditions are too good to be true.
Double RainbowExoticDouble rainbow icon1.jpgForsaken Refer-a-FriendThere's nothing wrong with having more than one best friend.
Eidolon BirdLegendaryEidolon bird icon1.jpgBright Engrams.On holy wings you fly.
Endymion CavalcadeLegendaryEndymion cavalcade icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Let us be the nightmare's nightmare." -€”Pujari
Eon DriveExoticEon drive icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A lost artifact of the Golden Age.
Fiery PhoenicianLegendaryFiery phoenician icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Rise and be reborn for justice.
First LoveLegendaryFirst love icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A true partner is one who inspires us to improve every day.
FlychaplainLegendaryFlychaplain icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The shepherd of souls in flight.
G-008 ZiphopperLegendaryG-008 ziphopper icon1.jpgEarn rank-up packages from Lakshmi-2.Once a refugee transport during the Battle of Six Fronts.
G-335 Anseris OverdriveExoticG-335 anseris overdrive icon1.jpg[REDACTED] on Mars.A lost artifact of the Golden Age.
G-72 Classical SepheidLegendaryG-72 classical sepheid icon1.jpgComplete activities and earn rank-up packages on Mars.Listen to the wisdom of the red planet.
Glam TobogganLegendaryGlam toboggan icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Shine on, you crazy jewels!
Gossamer LongshotLegendaryGossamer longshot icon1.jpgBright Engrams."If it was easy, we wouldn't be here." -€”Tyla Sola
Gravity MaestroLegendaryGravity maestro icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Make physics sing.
Gray HornetExoticGray hornet icon1.jpgBright Engrams.This Sparrow zips and dives and comes in for the sting.
Harbinger's EchoExoticHarbingers echo icon1.jpgComplete activities in the Dreaming City."We each must play our part in the greater plan." -Illyn
HeartbreakerLegendaryHeartbreaker icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Is it possible to be in love with a Sparrow?" -Marcus Ren
Hecuba-SExoticHecuba-s icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Function over flair... but a little flair never hurt anybody." -Hektor 99-40
Here I StandLegendaryHere i stand icon1.jpgBright Engrams."...and all they found was her silhouette, burned into the stone as if to say..."
InexorableLegendaryInexorable icon1.jpgBright Engrams.As certain as death.
Insurgent's SpurLegendaryInsurgents spur icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Know no bounds.
Jagged DarksunLegendaryJagged darksun icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Red sunrise. Bad sign. You're gonna lose today." -€”Blue Boaz
Jagged SunstreakLegendaryJagged sunstreak icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Take the crooked road. It's a lot more fun." -€”Marcus Ren
Jubilee ProntoLegendaryJubilee pronto icon1.jpgBright Engrams."The faster you get to the finish line, the faster you can celebrate." -Marcus Ren
Juliet WindyLegendaryJuliet windy icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Sierra. Oscar. Alpha. Romeo.
JunestingerLegendaryJunestinger icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Baffling. Alien. Insectoid. Difficult. Unsurpassed.
Jupiter MidnightLegendaryJupiter midnight icon1.jpgBright Engrams.It's dark in the eye of the storm.
Last LoveLegendaryLast love icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Those we love never truly leave us.
Mad Son of SeychellesLegendaryMad son of seychelles icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Disciple of the land of palms.
Majuscule TideLegendaryMajuscule tide icon1.jpgBright Engrams."My story is written in the letters of the race." -€”Cron-8
Manta EsperantaLegendaryManta esperanta icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Don't drive. Sail.
Mappa MundarumLegendaryMappa mundarum icon1.jpgBright Engrams."I'm gonna race this Sparrow on every planet in the system." -Enoch Bast
Memorium SolLegendaryMemorium sol icon1.jpgEververse package.They are not forgotten. In the firmament of the heart, they blaze and blaze.
Mimesis DriveLegendaryMimesis drive icon1.jpgForsaken"OK, but it's not NOT possible that the paint job makes it go faster. Wait, where are you going? Marcus!" -Enoch Bast
MindbargeLegendaryMindbarge icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Owner of hearts and minds-€”whether they like it or not.
Orcinus SwathLegendaryOrcinus swath icon1.jpgBright Engrams.You'll hear it coming long before you'll have to jump out of the way.
OthersideExoticOtherside icon1.jpgComplete strikes and earn rank-up packages from Commander Zavala.There is always a player on the nightside, unseen and perfect-and patient.
Pegasus BravoLegendaryPegasus bravo icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Built to challenge the gods themselves.
Ravager's RideExoticRavagers ride icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Not everything found in the depths of a prison should be left there.
Roar DefiantLegendaryRoar defiant icon1.jpgEververse package."The last thing you'll hear." -€”Ariadne Gris
S-348 Unmitigated ExuberanceLegendaryS-348 unmitigated exuberance icon1.jpgEverything will go well if you see it in the right way.
S-543 MasterstrokeLegendaryS-543 masterstroke icon1.jpgDelivering the final blow.
S-897 UnpliantLegendaryS-897 unpliant icon1.jpgStanding ready to defy every expectation.
S-900 Dangerous OptimismLegendaryS-900 dangerous optimism icon1.jpgEverything will go well if you see it in the right way.
S-99 Bogtreader SteelLegendaryS-99 bogtreader steel icon1.jpgComplete strikes and earn rank-up packages from Commander Zavala.The horizon rises to meet us, come what may.
Serriform 7LegendarySerriform 7 icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A dangerous, fast, snarling creature.
Sickle SkiffLegendarySickle skiff icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Skittering toward victory.
Silver TercelLegendarySilver tercel icon1.jpgComplete activities in the Dreaming City.The dream returns tonight. Silver birds with blue talons stoop to cull a field of rotted, blackened flowers.
Spinning, SpinningLegendarySpinning, spinning icon1.jpgControl is an illusion.
Star of Dark NightsLegendaryStar of dark nights icon1.jpgEververse package.When the nights grow long, we must be our own stars that guide each other home.
Summer's AltarLegendarySummers altar icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Outfly the lengthening of the nights.
SunspearLegendarySunspear icon1.jpgBright Engrams.An intimidating, air-slicing arrowhead.
SwiftrookLegendarySwiftrook icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For the Titan on the go.
SwiftsongLegendarySwiftsong icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The drum in your chest. The howl in your ears. The cheer in your throat.
The BroncoExoticThe bronco icon1.jpgBright Engrams."A man's only as good as his ride." -Tex 99-40
The Gambler's PalmLegendaryThe gamblers palm icon1.jpgComplete wanted escapee bounties for the Spider."I go down to the hangar and tune it up sometimes, you know? Pass the time with Amanda and keep it running. Someday... I'm gonna get out of this tower." -Cayde-6
Thermal RunawayLegendaryThermal runaway icon1.jpgBright Engrams.All stars die. Some fade, some flare, and some forge new fire.
TimberwolfLegendaryTimberwolf icon1.jpgBright Engrams.You would do well to remember the power of the lone wolf.
UndefeatedExoticUndefeated icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Marcus Ren's record is unassailable. It would take decades for anyone to catch him.
UndeterredExoticUndeterred icon1.jpgEarned during the seasonal Crimson Days event.Hard work and practice aren't enough. Sometimes things need to break your way.
Unraveling StarLegendaryUnraveling star icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Some stars burn too hot, too fast.
Vega WaveLegendaryVega wave icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A smooth ride.
Verità SceltaLegendaryVerità scelta icon1.jpgThis Sparrow, like the Dawning, bears hidden truths and unexpected triumphs.
VespulaserExoticVespulaser icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Warsat incoming.
Warrior's SteedExoticWarriors steed icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Ride gloriously into adventure... and through it.
Where I BelongLegendaryWhere i belong icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Where are you?"
Widen the SkyLegendaryWiden the sky icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Go where the clouds can't follow.
Winchester's RuinExoticWinchesters ruin icon1.jpgBright Engrams."The only way to escape death is to move really, really fast. So I stole her Sparrow." -Samael Vos

Warmind Sparrows

G-693 Orchestral ManeuverLegendaryG-693 Orchestral Maneuver Icon.pngSleeper Nodes on Mars.The spheres are singing to us.
Pacific DeceptionLegendaryPacific Deception Icon.pngEscalation Protocol on Mars.Something waits beyond the horizon.

Curse of Osiris Sparrows

See also: Curse of Osiris Sparrows
AldebaranLegendaryAldebaran icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Shoot for the stars." "...On a Sparrow?"
Angel LazuliLegendaryAngel lazuli icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Heaven is what you make of it.
Annabel LeeLegendaryAnnabel lee icon1.jpgBright Engrams.And neither the angels in Heaven above / Nor the demons down under the sea / Can ever dissever my soul from the soul / Of the beautiful Annabel Lee...
ArondightLegendaryArondight icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The hero's truest companion.
Avalon CourserLegendaryAvalon courser icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Ride to victory.
CavalcadeLegendaryCavalcade icon1.jpgBright Engrams.All heads turn to watch you go.
Concentric DawnExoticConcentric dawn icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Study the sacred geometry of light and life." -Ikora Rey
Curse of ForesightExoticCurse of foresight icon1.jpgBright Engrams."But will my actions avert the futures I see, or cause them?" -”Osiris
Data StreamLegendaryData stream icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Life comes at you fast. So do Sparrows.
Directoria SagittaLegendaryDirectoria sagitta icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The Sparrow knows where to go.
Frago JuniumLegendaryFrago junium icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Explosive power in a sleek little package.
Impact VelocityExoticImpact velocity icon1.jpg"Captain, this conveyance's top speed is a fraction of the Exodus Black's when it crashed into Nessus!" "Try not to find out for yourself." —Failsafe
Iron GallopLegendaryIron gallop icon1.jpgComplete Iron Banner matches and earn rank-up packages from Lord Saladin.The approaching thunder needs not lightning's herald.
Leonine CourserLegendaryLeonine courser icon1.jpgEarn rank-up packages from Executor Hideo.Lithe and limber strides the monarch.
Lunaria LuminaLegendaryLunaria lumina icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Like a slingshot round the moon.
Machina MacroLegendaryMachina macro icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A souped-up engine isn't all you need, but it helps.
Marbled Orb WeaverLegendaryMarbled orb weaver icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Maneuverabilty to weave a deadly web.
Oculus AngulonLegendaryOculus angulon icon1.jpgBright Engrams.As far as the eye can see.
Pale HorseLegendaryPale horse icon1.jpgEarn rank-up packages from Arach Jalaal.No one else shall follow.
Ridgerunner RexLegendaryRidgerunner rex icon1.jpgBright Engrams."All-terrain" includes "no terrain."
SV-112 PredatorExoticSv-112 predator icon1.jpgBright Engrams.And watch out-it's hungry.
SharklightLegendarySharklight icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Think of the topography as an ocean you can rule.
Solaris CelestinaLegendarySolaris celestina icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Follow the path that has been forged in your mind.
Solo StandLegendarySolo stand icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Adventure awaits.
Soul SylphLegendarySoul sylph icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Unleash your true self.
Striped AbandonLegendaryStriped abandon icon1.jpgBright Engrams."We get there fast. Let's hope it's always fast enough." -€”Blue Boaz
Tilt FuseExoticTilt fuse icon1.jpg"[whistle] With a few more revs, Zahn woulda turned this thing into the fastest bomb you never saw. Good thing for all of us he never got the chance." —Amanda Holliday
Tropidon VLegendaryTropidon v icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Faster than venom is the flight of this mount.
Truth ScraperLegendaryTruth scraper icon1.jpgEarn rank-up packages from Lakshmi-2.One way or another, it always wins out.
TwinfangLegendaryTwinfang icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A Guardian needs a mount that tells a story. The teeth on the hood are just the start.
Twintail LocustLegendaryTwintail locust icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given the power of scorpions.
Velos KnightLegendaryVelos knight icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Oath of the Velos Knight: I solemnly swear to drive really, really fast.
Vox ImperativeLegendaryVox imperative icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Let them hear, see, and feel the power of the Guardians.

Vanilla Sparrows

Aeon PlumeLegendaryAeon plume icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Only dust in your wake.
Angel BloomLegendaryAngel bloom icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Beauty in simplicity.
Athwart the VoidLegendaryAthwart the void icon1.jpgBright Engrams."I am the line. Evil will go no farther than this." -Vell Tarlowe
ChronoglassLegendaryChronoglass icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Time is meaningless. Drive faster." -Shun Endo
Crucible CourserLegendaryCrucible courser icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A Wayfarer-class Sparrow emblazoned with the symbol of the Crucible.
Dead-End ProRareDead-end pro icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Where roads end, your journey begins.
Dinas EmrysExoticDinas emrys icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Watch for the red dragon. Here's a hint: It'll be ahead of you." -”Ariadne Gris
Fast TrackLegendaryFast track icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Mark the path. Lead the way.
HastiludeExoticHastilude icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Two words. Sparrow jousting." -Marcus Ren "Two words. Why not?" -Amanda Holliday
HightailLegendaryHightail icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Because sometimes you really need to.
HyperionRareHyperion icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Once more into battle. And then again.
LunadoveLegendaryLunadove icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The tides of peace roll gently in.
Moonrider ZeroUncommonMoonrider zero icon1.jpgPurchased from Amanda Holliday.A standard-issue Moonrider-class Sparrow.
Noble SteedLegendaryNoble steed icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Every Guardian needs one.
October DashLegendaryOctober dash icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Reap your harvest.
On GuardRareOn guard icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Go forth, where only heroes dare.
SagittariusLegendarySagittarius icon1.jpgBright Engrams.May your arrows fly swift and true.
SkedaddleLegendarySkedaddle icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Always have an escape plan.
Soul VelocityLegendarySoul velocity icon1.jpgBright Engrams."I can't think straight unless I'm going faster than 200 clicks per hour." -Ariadne Gris
SpeedpunkLegendarySpeedpunk icon1.jpgBright Engrams."I call it the Aesthetics of Momentum." -Tyla Sola
Starchaser ZeroUncommonStarchaser zero icon1.jpgPurchased from Amanda Holliday.A standard-issue Starchaser-class Sparrow.
TellurideLegendaryTelluride icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For enterprising Sparrow enthusiasts.
Vanishing PointExoticVanishing point icon1.jpgBright Engrams."Definition: the point at which you're so far behind, you can't even see me anymore." -”Cron-8
WarbirdRareWarbird icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Amazing!
Wave-MakerLegendaryWave-maker icon1.jpgBright Engrams.Start something.
WavechaserLegendaryWavechaser icon1.jpgBright Engrams.There's always a bigger wave.
Wayfarer DeltaRareWayfarer delta icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The Wayfarer Delta upgrade features improved drive systems and anti-grav stabilizers.
Wayfarer TriRareWayfarer tri icon1.jpgBright Engrams.The Wayfarer Tri update features rebalanced grav propulsors and a gel-padded seat cushion.
Wayfarer ZeroUncommonWayfarer zero icon1.jpgPurchased from Amanda Holliday.A standard-issue Wayfarer-class Sparrow.
Wind ShrikeLegendaryWind shrike icon1.jpgBright Engrams."It's dangerous to take a bird out of its natural habitat." -Blue Boaz


  • Sparrows do not have level requirements. You can purchase one on your main and transfer it to your alt to allow your alt to use Sparrow as early as possible.