Season 19 Sparrows

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All-Terrain ExplorerAll-terrain explorer icon1.jpgExoticEververse"This beauty's made for offroading. No, more than you're thinking. Off-offroading." -Marcus Ren
Archangel's RefitArchangel's refit icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Seraph Triumph"We all deserve to be remembered."
Blistering SlipstreamBlistering slipstream icon1.jpgExoticMoments of Triumph 2022Fabrication emboldens fulfillment.
ExternalizationExternalization icon1.jpgExoticEververseHigh-tech chassis, familiar heart.
Forward ErebusForward erebus icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardFitted for the coldest climes.
Gulltoppr-IGulltoppr-i icon1.jpgExoticEververseFaster than Heimdall can foresee.
Intercepted TransmissionIntercepted transmission icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I don't pick pockets, I pick people." -Spider
Into the SunsetInto the sunset icon1.jpgExoticSpire of the Watcher Dungeon"On a steel horse, I ride."
Intrinsic ForceIntrinsic force icon1.jpgExoticEververseOf the fundamental interactions, gravity is known to be the weakest.
Joy of DawningJoy of dawning icon1.jpgExoticEververseJoy is made to be shared, and by that sharing only multiplies.
Light HeartedLight hearted icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Good for lending a helping hand.
Rabbit's ChaseRabbit's chase icon1.jpgExoticEververseFleet of foot, never caught.
Surging CurrentSurging current icon1.jpgExoticEververseWho needs internal combustion? All the energy you could want is right here.