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Rustpiercer icon1.jpg
Name Rustpiercer
Season 25
Type Sparrow
Rarity Exotic
Description more pierce bodies front
Season Pass Reward

Rustpiercer is a Exotic Sparrow.



more pierce bodies front

It welds a rusted steel sliver to the front of the vehicle. The light from the Hadium welder flash-burns its eyes, leaving a reddish film over its vision. It does not blink. The searing metal chars the flesh on its hand, creating a blackened crust. It does not flinch.

A Chieftain passes behind. It picks up another long spike of scrap from the pile. It jabs the welder in the middle of its back.

The welder makes a sound between a chitter and a gurgle.

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The Chieftan drops the metal skewer at the welder's side.

mor e pier ce b odie s fr ont

It mimes a stabbing motion and gestures to the nose of the vehicle.

The welder hisses in dismay. It points aggressively at the ground with all four sets of claws. It clicks its teeth.

ba lanc e fal l

The Chieftain growls deep in its thorax. An almost subaudible rumble. It points to the empty section of the frame where the engine has yet to be mounted.

o bey wor k o rg o pit

The welder stares blankly at the empty engine mounting, uncomprehending. It hisses, without conviction this time, and picks up the metal sliver.

The Chieftain looks out across the bay, where a fleet of similar vehicles are being assembled. It pushes a dim sensation of satisfaction far from its mind.

