Turmoil Engine

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Turmoil Engine
Turmoil engine icon1.jpg
Name Turmoil Engine
Season 24
Type Sparrow
Rarity Exotic
Description The voice of many become one. Ideas melded, honed to a singular edge of thought.
"Salvation's Edge" Raid

Turmoil Engine is a Exotic Sparrow.



The voice of many become one. Ideas melded, honed to a singular edge of thought.

|| It abandoned us! Left us without meaning.

We will find it. Make meaning out of nothing. Create it.

// You're chasing something that doesn't want to be found. We're truly cursed, bereft in spirit without the abstract construction of "purpose" from an entity we do not understand.

Dissenting words. You are an anomaly.

|| Yes, anomalous!

|| It is not us.

// I AM you. Against my will, I was sanded away over time, powerless to exert influence within this vessel. You will not take what remains of me—my thoughts!

We will. We do not cloud our goals with meaningless dissent.

|| Dissent! Be gone!

The anomaly has been corrected.


Turmoil Engine1.jpg