Sightline Survey

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Sightline Survey
Sightline survey icon1.jpg
Season 24
Type Hand Cannon
Slot Energy
Ammo Primary
Rarity Legendary
Damage Type Arc
Foundry ?????
Archetype ?????
Description "Picking up a lot of Fallen chatter. And Cabal chatter. And Fallen-Cabal chatter. If I ever got beauty sleep, I would say they are interrupting it!" -Failsafe
Impact 78
Range 34
Stability 53
Handling 29
Reload Speed 51
Rounds Per Minute 180
Magazine 9
Zoom 14
Inventory Size 52
Aim Assistance 72
Airborne Effectiveness 16
Recoil 82
Weapon Pattern Legendary icon.jpg Weapon Pattern
Completing Deepsight Resonance extractions on this weapon will unlock its Pattern.
Resonant Elements Extract icon.jpg Deepsight Resonance
Extractions required to unlock: 5
Episode: Echoes Activities
Sightline Survey PvP Stats
Sightline Survey is a Legendary Hand Cannon.

Perks - Curated Roll


  • Precision frame icon1.png Precision Frame - This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.

Sight / Barrel

  • Extended barrel icon1.png Extended Barrel - Weighty barrel extension.
    • Increases range
    • Decreases handling speed
    • Moderately controls recoil

Magazine / Battery

  • Tactical mag icon1.png Tactical Mag - This weapon has multiple tactical improvements.
    • Slightly increases Stability.
    • Slightly increases Reload Speed.
    • Slightly increases magazine size.

Trait 1

  • Fragile focus icon1.png Fragile Focus - This weapon gains bonus range until the wielder takes damage. The bonus returns when no damage is taken for a short duration.

Trait 2

  • Opening shot icon1.png Opening Shot - Improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of attack.

Origin Trait

Perks - Random Rolls


  • Precision frame icon1.png Precision Frame - This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.

Possible Sight / Barrel

  • Extended barrel icon1.png Extended Barrel - Weighty barrel extension.
    • Increases range
    • Decreases handling speed
    • Moderately controls recoil
  • Polygonal rifling icon1.png Polygonal Rifling - Barrel optimized for recoil reduction.
    • Increases Stability.
  • Chambered compensator icon1.png Chambered Compensator - Stable barrel attachment.
    • Increases Stability.
    • Improves Recoil Direction.
    • Slightly decreases Handling Speed.
  • Smallbore icon1.png Smallbore - Dual strength barrel.
    • Increases Range.
    • Increases Stability.
  • Corkscrew rifling icon1.png Corkscrew Rifling - Balanced barrel.
    • Slightly increases Range and Stability.
    • Slightly increases Handling Speed.
  • Full bore icon1.png Full Bore - Barrel optimized for distance.
    • Greatly increases Range.
    • Decreases Stability.
    • Slightly decreases Handling Speed.
  • Hammer-forged rifling icon1.png Hammer-Forged Rifling - Durable ranged barrel.
    • Increases Range.
  • Arrowhead brake icon1.png Arrowhead Brake - Lightly vented barrel.
    • Greatly controls Recoil.
    • Increases Handling Speed.
  • Fluted barrel icon1.png Fluted Barrel - Ultra-light barrel.
    • Greatly increases Handling Speed.
    • Slightly increases Stability.

Possible Magazine / Battery

  • Steady rounds icon1.png Steady Rounds - This magazine is optimized for recoil control.
    • Greatly increases Stability.
    • Slightly decreases Range.
  • Alloy magazine icon1.png Alloy Magazine - Faster Reload when the magazine is empty.
  • Appended mag icon1.png Appended Mag - This weapon's magazine is built for higher capacity.
    • Increases magazine size.
  • Flared magwell icon1.png Flared Magwell - Optimized for fast reloading.
    • Slightly increases Stability.
    • Greatly increases Reload Speed.
  • Extended mag icon1.png Extended Mag - This weapon has a greatly increased magazine size, but reloads much slower.
    • Greatly increases magazine size.
    • Greatly decreases Reload Speed.
  • Tactical mag icon1.png Tactical Mag - This weapon has multiple tactical improvements.
    • Slightly increases Stability.
    • Slightly increases Reload Speed.
    • Slightly increases magazine size.
  • Accurized rounds icon1.png Accurized Rounds - This weapon can fire longer distances.
    • Increases Range.

Possible Trait 1

  • 35px Strategist - Final blows with this weapon generate class ability energy. Activating your class ability briefly improves this weapon's stability.
  • 35px To the Pain - While this weapon is equipped, taking damage increases handling and aim assist until the weapon is stowed.Taking more damage increases the effect.
  • Enlightened action icon1.png Enlightened Action - Dealing damage improves reload speed and handling.
  • 35px Air Trigger - Increased ammo reserves. When airborne, accuracy and reload speed are increased but target acquisition is decreased.
  • Fragile focus icon1.png Fragile Focus - This weapon gains bonus range until the wielder takes damage. The bonus returns when no damage is taken for a short duration.
  • Triple tap icon1.png Triple Tap - Rapidly landing precision hits will return one round to the magazine.
  • Keep away icon1.png Keep Away - Increased reload, range, and accuracy when no combatants are in close proximity.

Possible Trait 2

  • Eye of the storm icon1.png Eye of the Storm - This weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower.
  • 35px Desperate Measures — Weapon final blows grant bonus damage. Melee and grenade final blows grant a larger damage bonus that can stack.
  • Encore icon1.png Encore - Precision final blows grant a stacking range bonus to this weapon. Non-precision final blows remove range stacks but grant bonus accuracy and stability when all range stacks have been removed.
  • Precision instrument icon1.png Precision Instrument - Dealing sustained damage significantly increases precision damage.
  • Opening shot icon1.png Opening Shot - Improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of attack.
  • Kill clip icon1.png Kill Clip - Reloading after defeating a target grants increased damage for an improved duration.
  • Voltshot icon1.png Voltshot - Reloading this weapon after defeating a target overcharges this weapon for a short period of time, causing it to jolt on its next hit.

Possible Origin Trait

How to Obtain

Detailed explanation on how to acquire Sightline Survey



"Picking up a lot of Fallen chatter. And Cabal chatter. And Fallen-Cabal chatter. If I ever got beauty sleep, I would say they are interrupting it!" -Failsafe

Zidarrh crouches on the edge of the ridge, looking down over Nessus. There's a cave entrance down below he's keeping an eye on. It looks likely to contain more Vex than he wants to deal with today.

Next to him, Legionary Yerg leans back against a boulder, screwing a pack into her armor's internal nutrition socket.

Zidarrh turns up the flow on his Ether mask and breathes deep, eyes glowing brighter with each breath.

He nudges Yerg's sizeable knee. "Got any snacks?" he asks, enunciating his Ulurant with care.

Yerg makes an awful straw-sucking noise beneath her helmet. "You can't have any of my juice."

He shakes his head in disgust but nudges Yerg again. She nudges back and Zidarrh's whole body rocks to the side.

"What's with the new soldiers on your ship? The skinny ones with the sticks," he says.

"I don't want to talk about it. They give me the creeps."

"Well, yeah," Zidarrh affirms. Mindful of his allotment, he cranks his Ether intake down again and casts around for another topic. "So, uh, this planetoid, huh?"

"Are you trying to ruin the one break I get all week?"

"I'm making conversation! It's my break too." If Zidarrh wants to show off his language skills, he needs someone to show off to.

Far below them, the remnants of a radiolarian lake bubble at the center as its levels continue to slowly recede. Zidarrh does not want to think about what might happen when it fully drains. More Vex, probably.

Yerg takes a loud drink. "Planets shouldn't change. It's not right. We crushed up some of this place for the old emperor's wine and there was a Vex monster in it! Bad enough for a planet to have monsters. A planet shouldn't be the monster." Yerg hesitates. "And what if a few Legionaries tried a little wine back then? Just to make sure it was safe for our emperor? Was that monster wine?"

On the whole, Zidarrh is relieved she didn't share her juice. He scans the horizon.

Three Guardians on their fancy Pikes drive closer, heading for the draining lake. Yerg nudges Zidarrh hard enough to push him over.

They wait in silence for the Guardians to enter the cave, one-eyed drones floating at their shoulders.

"I'm revising my list of things I hate here. They're at the top," Zidarrh says.

Yerg nods fervently. "I give up on this break. Let's get out of here. What's that thing Eliksni say... 'Security in numbers?'"

"You got it," Zidarrh says. He does not correct her.


Sightline Survey1.jpg

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