Edge Transit (Season 4)

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Edge Transit (Season 4)
Edge transit icon1.jpg
Season 4
Type Grenade Launcher
Slot Power Weapons
Ammo Heavy
Rarity Legendary
Damage Type Void
Archetype Adaptive
Description What did you trade away to secure passage to the edge?
Blast Radius 30
Velocity 39
Stability 48
Handling 48
Reload Speed 45
Rounds Per Minute 120
Magazine 6
Zoom 13
Inventory Size 38
Aim Assistance 62
Recoil 70
Bounce Intensity 30
Bounce Direction Tends Left
Open Legendary engrams and earn faction rank-up packages.

Edge Transit is a Legendary Grenade Launcher.

Perks - Curated Roll


Sight / Barrel

  • Confined launch icon1.png Confined Launch - This weapon's launch parameters are particularly stable.
    • Greatly increases Stability.
    • Increases Blast Radius.
    • Decreases projectile speed.
  • Hard launch icon1.png Hard Launch - This weapon's launch barrel is optimized for projectile speed.
    • Greatly increases projectile speed
    • Decreases stability
    • Slightly decreases blast radius

Magazine / Battery

  • Sticky grenades icon1.png Sticky Grenades - Grenades fired from this weapon attach on impact and detonate when enemies are in proximity.
  • High-velocity rounds icon1.png High-Velocity Rounds - This weapon's projectiles are particularly light and quick. Increases projectile speed.
    • Increases Reload Speed.


  • Auto-loading holster icon1.png Auto-Loading Holster - The holstered weapon is automatically reloaded after a short period of time.
  • Field prep icon1.png Field Prep - Greatly increased ammo reserves. Improved faster reload, stow, and ready when you're crouching.

Perks - Random Rolls


Possible Sight / Barrel

  • Volatile launch icon1.png Volatile Launch - This weapon is optimized for an especially explosive payload.
    • Greatly increases Blast Radius.
    • Slightly decreases Handling Speed.
    • Slightly decreases projectile speed.
  • Confined launch icon1.png Confined Launch - This weapon's launch parameters are particularly stable.
    • Greatly increases Stability.
    • Increases Blast Radius.
    • Decreases projectile speed.
  • Countermass icon1.png Countermass - This weapon is weighted for vertical recoil.
    • Greatly controls recoil
    • Increases stability
    • Increases handling speed
  • Hard launch icon1.png Hard Launch - This weapon's launch barrel is optimized for projectile speed.
    • Greatly increases projectile speed
    • Decreases stability
    • Slightly decreases blast radius
  • Linear compensator icon1.png Linear Compensator - This weapon's launch barrel is well-balanced.
    • Slightly increases projectile speed
    • Slightly increases blast radius
    • Slightly increases stability
  • Quick launch icon1.png Quick Launch - This weapon's barrel provides faster projectiles and much faster aiming.
    • Greatly increases handling speed
    • Increases projectile speed
  • Smart Drift Control icon.png Smart Drift Control — This barrel is broadly optimized for firing control.
    • Moderately controls recoil
    • Increases stability
    • Increases handling speed
    • Slightly increases projectile speed

Possible Magazine / Battery

  • Thermoplastic grenades icon1.png Thermoplastic Grenades - Grenades fired from this weapon bounce further.
    • Increases Stability.
    • Increases projectile speed.
  • Proximity grenades.png Proximity Grenades - Grenades fired from this weapon have increased proximity detection.
  • Spike grenades icon1.png Spike Grenades - Grenades fired from this weapon do increased damage on direct hits.
    • Increases stability
  • Alloy casing icon1.png Alloy Casing - Reduces weight for faster reloads.
    • Greatly increases Reload Speed.
    • Decreases Stability.
  • Augmented drum icon1.png Augmented Drum - Heavy, high capacity drum.
    • Greatly increases magazine size.
    • Greatly decreases Reload Speed.
  • High-Explosive Ordnance icon.png High-Explosive Ordnance — This weapon's projectiles are larger and travel faster.
    • Increases blast radius
    • Slightly increases projectile speed
    • Decreases magazine size
  • High-velocity rounds icon1.png High-Velocity Rounds - This weapon's projectiles are particularly light and quick. Increases projectile speed.
    • Increases Reload Speed.
  • Mini frags icon1.png Mini Frags - Grenades are smaller and more compact for easier reloading.
    • Increases magazine size.
    • Increases reload speed.
    • Decreases blast radius.
  • Sticky grenades icon1.png Sticky Grenades - Grenades fired from this weapon attach on impact and detonate when enemies are in proximity.

Possible Trait 1

  • Rangefinder icon1.png Rangefinder - Aiming this weapon increases its effective range and zoom magnification. Increased projectile velocity while aiming Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers, and Bows.
  • Field prep icon1.png Field Prep - Greatly increased ammo reserves. Improved faster reload, stow, and ready when you're crouching.
  • Auto-loading holster icon1.png Auto-Loading Holster - The holstered weapon is automatically reloaded after a short period of time.
  • Snapshot sights icon1.png Snapshot Sights - Faster time to aim down sights. Stability is increased.
  • Threat detector icon1.png Threat Detector - Greatly increased reload, stability, and handling when targets are in close proximity.

Possible Trait 2

  • Genesis icon1.png Genesis - Breaking a combatant's shield with this weapon fills its magazine from reserves. Energy weapons regenerate ammo on hit when matching the damage type to the combatant's shield.
  • Ambitious assassin icon1.png Ambitious Assassin - Greatly overflows the magazine based on the number of defeated targets before reloading.
  • Rampage icon1.png Rampage - Final blows with this weapon grant increased damage for an improved duration. Stacks 3 times.
  • Quickdraw icon1.png Quickdraw - This weapon can be drawn unbelievably fast. Handling is improved.


How to Obtain




Edge Transit1.jpg


Primary Auto RiflesScout RiflesPulse RiflesHand CannonsSubmachine GunsSidearmsCombat Bows
Special ShotgunsBreech Grenade LaunchersFusion RiflesSniper RiflesTrace RiflesGlaivesRocket Sidearms
Heavy SwordsDrum Grenade LaunchersRocket LaunchersLinear Fusion RiflesMachine Guns
Exotic Weapons