Ghost Shells

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Ghost Shells are an item that can be equipped to your Ghost in order to imbue it with additional attributes, such as being able to identify nearby items and flag them on your HUD, increase experience gain, increased glimmer gain, additional token rewards or just look cool.

Players can receive some by playing through the campaign, purchasing with legendary shards from npcs or from opening bright, illuminated, prototype,and steadfast engrams.

Season 23 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 23 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceVendorDescription
Anthemic Invocation ShellAnthemic invocation shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who know the names of dragons.
Arcade ShellArcade shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Button Masher Bundle
For Ghosts who prefer analog.
Auspicious ShellAuspicious shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseYear of the Dragon BundleFor Ghosts celebrating the new year in style.
Cygnus ShellCygnus shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Bundle Up Bundle
For Ghosts who are exquisitely feathered.
Icy Elegance ShellIcy elegance shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess EverisFor Ghosts who dance through the air.
Laurel ShellLaurel shell icon1.jpgExoticMoments of Triumph 2023For Ghosts who are wreathed in honor.
Motorsport ShellMotorsport shell icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Special Deliveries
Shaw Han
For Ghosts with a need for speed.
Ornamental ShellOrnamental shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts waiting for their chance to shine.
Photoelectric ShellPhotoelectric shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Photonic Machinery Bundle
For Ghosts who transform energy into reality.
Razorscale ShellRazorscale shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Dragon's Wrath Bundle
For Ghosts who are feeling a bit prickly.
Scarred ShellScarred shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseSeason of the Wish Starter BundleFor Ghosts embracing the mercenary life.
Wolven ShellWolven shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Monster Slayer Gear Bundle
For Ghosts who wander the path…
Wyrmguard ShellWyrmguard shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the WishFor Ghosts who preserve the next generation.

Season 22 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 22 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceVendorDescription
Confection ShellFile:Confection shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts concealing a sweet interior.
Desecrated ShellDesecrated shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseWithered Hoarder Bundle
Tess Everis
For Ghosts who seek victory at any cost.
Final ShellFinal shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a Deluxe Edition bonus.Special Deliveries
Shaw Han
For Ghosts at the end of all things.
Heart-Powered ShellFile:Heart-powered shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess EverisFor Ghosts who channel friendship and magic.
Hexed ShellHexed shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who put a spell on you.
Pharmakos ShellPharmakos shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the WitchFor sacrificial Ghosts.
Safety Monitor ShellSafety monitor shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseSeason of the Witch Starter PackFor Ghosts who care deeply about compliance.
Saturniid ShellSaturniid shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
L-uwu-cent Accessories Bundle
For Ghosts with extra sensitivity.
Scavenged ShellScavenged shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseBattle-Ready Bundle
Tess Everis
For Ghosts who scour the wasteland.
Sheriff ShellSheriff shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Collaborative Destruction Bundle
For Ghosts at high noon.
Skidder ShellSkidder shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Space Age Agriculture Bundle
For Ghosts without a chip on their shoulder.
Spinneret ShellFile:Spinneret shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTriple Terror Bundle
Tess Everis
For Ghosts who tell terrifying tales.

Season 21 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 21 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceVendorDescription
ClickerClicker icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Cordyceps Bundle
For Ghosts with an unknown lifeform taking control.
Constant Vigilance ShellConstant vigilance shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseArmored Subcontractor Bundle
Tess Everis
For Ghosts who always keep an eye on things.
Deepseeker ShellDeepseeker shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who hold on tight.
Digital Pet ShellDigital pet shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Retro Gadget Bundle
For Ghosts who seem to need a little extra TLC.
Experimental Pattern ShellExperimental pattern shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a Deluxe Edition bonus.Master RahoolFor Ghosts who are early adopters.
Festive Nest ShellFile:Festive nest shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess EverisFor Ghosts wanting to host holiday guests.
Finned ShellFile:Finned shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Triphibian Bundle
For Ghosts who make an extra splash.
Flotation ShellFile:Flotation shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts with an abundance of caution.
Heartful ShellHeartful shell icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Master RahoolFor Ghosts with infinite love to give.
Hero's WakeHero's wake icon1.jpgExoticFlawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse."He was like a father to us both." - Aisha
Maglev ShellMaglev shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseSeason of the Deep Starter PackFor Ghosts who need a little less friction in their lives.
ROV ShellRov shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Submersible Examinations Bundle
For Ghosts who can take the pressure.
Scribe's ShellScribe's shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Luminous Scribe Bundle
For Ghosts who carry the weight of history.
Síocháin's Scuba ShellSíocháin's scuba shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Deep TriumphFor Ghosts who are acclimated to the pressures of the job, and the depths.

Season 20 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 20 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceVendorDescription
Astrologic ShellAstrologic shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseUrban Hypnagogic Bundle
Tess Everis
For Ghosts who walk between worlds.
Clean Lines ShellClean lines shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Roads Not Required Bundle
For Ghosts who run neon cities.
Decadent ShellDecadent shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Lavish Excess Bundle
For Ghosts who embrace life's pleasures.
Gridiron ShellFile:Gridiron shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who never fumble under pressure.
Guardian's Angel ShellGuardian's angel shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who keep close watch.
Kit ShellKit shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseArranged Facsimile Bundle
Tess Everis
For Ghosts who require some assembly.
Mark II ShellMark ii shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseSeason of Defiance Starter PackFor Ghosts who like to iterate.
Padded Armor ShellFile:Padded armor shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess EverisFor Ghosts who gear up to play rough.
Scribetrace ShellScribetrace shell icon1.jpgExotic"Firmware Update" TriumphFor Ghosts who drown in the truth.
Sweeper ShellSweeper shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess EverisFor Ghosts who have found their broom.
Tech Witch ShellTech witch shell icon1.jpgExoticWar Table Reputation ResetFor Ghosts who read the lines.
Tug-of-War ShellFile:Tug-of-war shell icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardTess Everis
Rencounter Pack
For Ghosts who love a friendly tussle.

Season 19 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 19 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceVendorDescription
Dawn Chimes ShellDawn chimes shell icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardFor Ghosts who ring in new ages.
Drilldown ShellDrilldown shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess EverisFor Ghosts who get to the heart of the matter.
Edenic ShellEdenic shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Tools of the Trade Bundle
For Ghosts who fled the garden.
Exotech ShellExotech shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Infamous Subroutine Bundle
For Ghosts who look toward the future.
Festive ShellFestive shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess EverisFor Ghosts who like to be wreathed in cheer.
Gallant Ward ShellGallant ward shell icon1.jpgExoticMoments of Triumph 2022Eva LevanteFor Ghosts who guard the wall.
Infiltrator ShellInfiltrator shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who trespass.
Lunar Lagomorph ShellLunar lagomorph shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseYear of the Rabbit Bundle
Tess Everis
For Ghosts who carry good fortune.
Mountainside ShellMountainside shell icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardFor Ghosts who want to hit the slopes.
Nutcracker ShellNutcracker shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseTess Everis
Dawning Spirit Pack
For Ghosts who break the unbreakable.
Overcharged ShellOvercharged shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseArc de Triumph Bundle
Tess Everis
For Ghosts who conduct with greatest efficiency.
Repulsor ShellRepulsor shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseSeason of the Seraph Starter PackFor Ghosts who resist the universal constants.
Tenderhearted ShellTenderhearted shell icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Master RahoolFor Ghosts who reach out to others.
Warsat ShellWarsat shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Seraph Triumph"We woke the Warmind and brought doom to the Iron Lords." -Valus Forge

Season 18 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 18 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Additive ShellAdditive shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who craft their own path.
Caramel Apple ShellCaramel apple shell icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the Lost 2022 Upgraded Event CardFor Ghosts who like to dip into something new.
Castaway's ShellCastaway's shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who leave the past behind.
Ctenophore ShellCtenophore shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who traverse strange, deep waters.
Hazy Future ShellFile:Hazy future shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who shake up their outlook.
Papercraft Aranea ShellFile:Papercraft aranea shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who craft their own costumes.
Photovoltaic ShellPhotovoltaic shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who face the sun.
Self-Contained ShellSelf-contained shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who navigate hazardous environments.
Skiff Scribbles ShellSkiff scribbles shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who express themselves with paint.
Speed Metal ShellSpeed metal shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a pre-order bonus.For Ghosts who are pretty and pretty dangerous.
Swashbuckler ShellSwashbuckler shell icon1.jpgExotic"A Rising Tide" MissionFor Ghosts who like wind in their sails.
Tethys ShellTethys shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who orbit with another moon.

Season 17 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 17 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Battle-Worn ShellBattle-worn shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who have come through strife.
Convertible ShellConvertible shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who want to catch the breeze.
Egregore ShellEgregore shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who entwine with something bigger.
Eidolon ShellEidolon shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Haunted TriumphFor Ghosts whose Guardians have no doubts to bind.
Hearthfire ShellHearthfire shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who keep the fires burning.
Horus ShellHorus shell icon1.jpgExoticWin matches in the Trials of Osiris.One day you will be whole again. No matter how many pieces you have shattered into.
Hydrofoil ShellHydrofoil shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who captain their own ship.
Phantasmal ShellPhantasmal shell icon1.jpgExoticEververse"The Light provides." -Mithrax
Sea ShellSea shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who sell sea shells by the sea shore.
Souped-Up ShellSouped-up shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who need that speed.
Sunny Vacation ShellSunny vacation shell icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardFor Ghosts who want shade and style.
Sweet Sprinkles ShellSweet sprinkles shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who want to float away with something sweet.

Season 16 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 16 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Backstroke ShellBackstroke shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who love to make a splash.
Belle Air ShellBelle air shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who like the future old school.
Bright Cycle ShellBright cycle shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts whose Light leaves long trails.
Bushwhacker ShellBushwhacker shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who like to venture off the beaten path.
Champion ShellChampion shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who win big.
Coalition ShellCoalition shell icon1.jpgExoticFor Ghosts who want to make a statement in Cabal circles.
E99 ShellE99 shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who are a little scrambled.
Flayer ShellFlayer shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who recognize the value of an alliance.
Fundament ShellFundament shell icon1.jpgExoticComplete the Chief Investigator TriumphThe Last Midnight Star
Imperious Sun ShellImperious sun shell icon1.jpgExotic"Vow of the Disciple" RaidWhat secrets of the whole lie within this small fraction?
Off-Road ShellOff-road shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who like to see the sights up close.
Rover ShellRover shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who relish discovery.
Sponsored Shell-sponsored shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who need to take frequent ad breaks.
Unknown Worlds ShellUnknown worlds shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who venture into the far reaches.

Season 15 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 15 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Andromeda ShellAndromeda shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who seek the light of a different star.
Archangel's ShellArchangel's shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who watch over humanity.
Calavera ShellCalavera shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who remember with love.
Cosmographicum ShellCosmographicum shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a pre-order bonus.For Ghosts who seek greater truths.
Dreamer's ShellDreamer's shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who see past reality.
Elegant Guard ShellElegant guard shell icon1.jpgExoticMoments of Triumph 2021For Ghosts who hide their smile.
Equator ShellEquator shell icon1.jpgExoticXûr's Treasure HoardFor Ghosts who have journeyed across the ring.
Fettered ShellFettered shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who pay for their choices.
Gameghost ShellGameghost shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who see the world in black and green.
Giftwrapped ShellGiftwrapped shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who live in the present.
Junkyard ShellJunkyard shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who make use of every scrap.
Lunar Tiger ShellLunar tiger shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who pounce on what they want.
Monstrous ShellMonstrous shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who buy the whole shell, but only need the edge.
Muffled ShellMuffled shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who brave the wind and snow.
Nemean ShellNemean shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts at the top of the food chain.
Pragmat ShellPragmat shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who value function over form.
Racing Stripe ShellRacing stripe shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who don't mind trading paint.
Trackbound ShellTrackbound shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who build the shells of their dreams themselves.
Ugspun ShellUgspun shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who redefine aesthetics.
Vantastic ShellVantastic shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who know wood paneling never went out of style.
Wanderer's ShellWanderer's shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who brave the lonely road.
Wayfinder's ShellWayfinder's shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass Reward"You ever hook a Ghost's navigation telemetry up to a jumpship? Me neither, but there's a first time for everything." —The Drifter
Wheelie ShellWheelie shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who never stay in their lane.

Season 14 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 14 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Aoki/Faas ShellAokifaas shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who always take the inside line.
Buoy TrapBuoy trap icon1.jpgExoticEververseIn case of water landing.
Filigree of LightFiligree of light icon1.jpgExoticSolstice of Heroes."Light is both delicate and unbreakable."—Ikora Rey
Firebreak ShellFirebreak shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who brave the flames.
GhoysterGhoyster icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor the Ghost on the half shell.
Kosmos ShellKosmos shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who like to ride in style.
Long Haul ShellLong haul shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who don't stop at sundown.
M3-D1 ShellM3-d1 shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who care for others before themselves.
Redline ShellRedline shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who never want to stop.
TropicausalTropicausal icon1.jpgExoticEververse"When's the last time YOU had a vacation?" —Lord Saladin
Zeroneiro ShellZeroneiro shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Splicer TriumphFor Ghosts who dream in digital.

Season 13 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 13 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Buoyant ShellBuoyant shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned from a charity promotion.For Ghosts who lift spirits.
Celestial ShellCelestial shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who seek guidance in the stars.
Challenger ShellChallenger shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts ready to face any challenge.
Generalist ShellGeneralist shell icon1.jpgCommonEarned while leveling.Born from the Traveler, built of machinery and Light, the Ghost is your companion and faithful guide.
Gigantes ShellGigantes shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who put weight on their shoulders.
Half-Volley ShellHalf-volley shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who always bounce back.
In Memoriam ShellIn memoriam shell icon1.jpgExoticWin matches in the Trials of Osiris.For Ghosts who are a beacon of Light.
Metropolis ShellMetropolis shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who serve the Last City.
Plush ShellPlush shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who remember the good times.
Refreshing ShellRefreshing shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who loathe dehydration.
Shell of GilgameshShell of gilgamesh icon1.jpgExoticPresage Exotic QuestFor Ghosts who've delved into the underworld.
Synchrotron ShellSynchrotron shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who crave velocity.
Taurus ShellTaurus shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who get the job done.
Veloce ShellVeloce shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who take the scenic route.

Season 12 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 12 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Atlas ShellAtlas shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who can carry the burden.
Bitcrushed ShellBitcrushed shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who lack resolution.
Digital CortexDigital cortex icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a Season Pass reward.For Ghosts with a mind of their own.
Emberwick ShellEmberwick shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who lead others home.
Halcyon ShellHalcyon shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who long for the past.
Hard Light ShellHard light shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who bounce with energy.
Hoverdrift ShellHoverdrift shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who strive to stay aloft.
Izanagi's ShellIzanagi's shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who gaze at the forbidden.
Little Helper ShellLittle helper shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who create joy in the world.
No Love LostNo love lost icon1.jpgExoticRock Bottom."I'll do it again, and again, for her." —Elsie Bray
Stardevil ShellStardevil shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who court danger.
Tangled ShellTangled shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who like to be a nuisance.

Season 11 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 11 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Adonis ShellAdonis shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who float with grace.
August ShellAugust shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who celebrate the Light.
Awakened ShellAwakened shell icon1.jpgExoticMoments of Triumph.For Ghosts who rise when it's needed most.
Backspin ShellBackspin shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who always seek the ace.
Cabana ShellCabana shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who enjoy the sound of waves.
Canopus ShellCanopus shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who guide the way.
Empathic ShellEmpathic shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned from a charity promotion.For Ghosts who feel the Light of others.
Hardlink ShellHardlink shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a Season Pass reward.For Ghosts who seek a connection.
Hareball ShellHareball shell icon1.jpgExoticTriumph: Prophecy Dungeon SoloFor Ghosts who set the pace.
Hexing ShellHexing shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who cast a spell over you.
Last Bastion ShellLast bastion shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who hold the line.
Multiband ShellMultiband shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts with an important message.
Restless ShellRestless shell icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the Lost 2020.For Ghosts who were torn from the tomb.
Rimed ShellRimed shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a pre-order bonus.For Ghosts who venture out beyond the warmth.
Spelunking ShellSpelunking shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who brave the depths.

Season 10 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 10 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Almost Mighty ShellAlmost mighty shell icon1.jpgExoticBright EngramsFor Ghosts who have delusions of grandeur.
CLVS-241 ShellClvs-241 shell icon1.jpgExoticBright EngramsFor Ghosts who leave a golden legacy.
CamNav-TTN ShellCamnav-ttn shell icon1.jpgExoticBright EngramsFor Ghosts who always know which way to point their Titan.
Constricting ShellConstricting shell icon1.jpgExoticBright EngramsFor Ghosts who are under a lot of pressure.
Lantern ShellLantern shell icon1.jpgExoticTrials of OsirisFor Ghosts who have known Trials.
Nucleus ShellNucleus shell icon1.jpgExoticBright EngramsFor Ghosts who watch the universe revolve around them.
Orbweaver ShellOrbweaver shell icon1.jpgExoticBright EngramsFor Ghosts who were given an offer they couldn't refuse.
Rival Hunter ShellRival hunter shell icon1.jpgExoticOn Your LaurelsFor Ghosts who know the way of the Hunter.
Rival Titan ShellRival titan shell icon1.jpgExoticOn Your LaurelsFor Ghosts who know the way of the Titan.
Rival Warlock ShellRival warlock shell icon1.jpgExoticOn Your LaurelsFor Ghosts who know the way of the Warlock.
Seraph ShellSeraph shell icon1.jpgExoticBright EngramsFor Ghosts who drift like feathers on the wind.

Season 9 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 9 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Confectionery ShellConfectionery shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who fly, fly, fly just as fast as they can.
Crimson ShellCrimson shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who might be secret admirers.
Crystalline ShellCrystalline shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who know that no two of us are alike.
Lampion ShellLampion shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who wish for an ever-brighter future.
Omolon ShellOmolon shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who try to remain fluid.
Phalanx ShellPhalanx shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who protect their Guardians.
Saintly ShellSaintly shell icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who believe in their Guardian more than anything.
Simulation ShellSimulation shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who like to run the numbers.
Tex Mechanica ShellTex mechanica shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who look to tame a wild frontier.
Timeswept ShellTimeswept shell icon1.jpgLegendaryAcquired from the Sundial activity on Mercury.For Ghosts who lose track of time.
Traitor Primus ShellTraitor primus shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who know only endless ambition.
Veist ShellVeist shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor fast-talking Ghosts who like to spit a little venom.
Winterview ShellWinterview shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who like to watch the world from someplace warm.

Season 8 Ghost Shells

See also: Season 8 Ghost Shells
Ghost ShellImageRaritySourceDescription
Bane of Crota ShellBane of Crota Shell icon1.jpgLegendaryFor Ghosts who have seen gods fall.
Chiropteran ShellChiropteran shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who embody vengeance and the night.
Eris Morn ShellEris morn shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a Deluxe Edition bonus.For Ghosts who confront all fears.
Friendly Fire ShellFriendly fire shell icon1.jpgExoticFor Ghosts who want to help without getting shot.
Gensym Relic ShellGensym relic shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who favor field research.
Gilded ShellGilded shell icon1.jpgExoticEarned from a charity promotion.For Ghosts who appreciate the finer things.
Harper's ShellHarper's shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who swim through the air.
Honorable Duelist ShellHonorable duelist shell icon1.jpgLegendaryCrucible SurvivalFor Ghosts who fight with integrity.
Jack-o'-ShellJack-o'-shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who smile fearlessly into the night.
Lander ShellLander shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who dare to be the first to land on unexplored planets.
Lion Guardant ShellLion guardant shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who project an air of ferocity.
Lunar ShellLunar shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who once woke the Hive.
Moonshot ShellMoonshot shell icon1.jpgLegendaryFound by exploring the Moon.For Ghosts who shoot for the Moon.
Ophiuchus ShellOphiuchus shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who cherish complicated relationships.
Propheteer ShellPropheteer shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who consult with cosmic forces.
Scarlet Swarm ShellScarlet swarm shell icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor Ghosts who wear their wounds openly.

Exotic Ghost Shells

Ghost ShellImageSourceDescription
Additive ShellAdditive shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who craft their own path.
Adonis ShellAdonis shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who float with grace.
Alchemical Dawn ShellAlchemical dawn shell icon1.jpgComplete Crucible matches and earn rank-up packages from Lord Shaxx.For Ghosts who are ready to see fire rain.
Almost Mighty ShellAlmost mighty shell icon1.jpgBright EngramsFor Ghosts who have delusions of grandeur.
Andromeda ShellAndromeda shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who seek the light of a different star.
Anthemic Invocation ShellAnthemic invocation shell icon1.jpgSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who know the names of dragons.
Aoki/Faas ShellAokifaas shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who always take the inside line.
Arc ShellArc shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts with a spark inside.
Arcade ShellArcade shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who prefer analog.
Archangel's ShellArchangel's shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who watch over humanity.
Archipelago PitchArchipelago pitch icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who know the tide of conflict ebbs and flows.
Armory Forged ShellArmory forged shell icon1.jpgFound by completing Niobe's Torment.For Ghosts who honor the tradition of the Black Armory.
Astrologic ShellAstrologic shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who walk between worlds.
Atlas ShellAtlas shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who can carry the burden.
August ShellAugust shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who celebrate the Light.
Auspicious ShellAuspicious shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts celebrating the new year in style.
Awakened ShellAwakened shell icon1.jpgMoments of Triumph.For Ghosts who rise when it's needed most.
Backspin ShellBackspin shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who always seek the ace.
Backstroke ShellBackstroke shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who love to make a splash.
Battle-Worn ShellBattle-worn shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who have come through strife.
Belle Air ShellBelle air shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like the future old school.
Bitcrushed ShellBitcrushed shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who lack resolution.
Bright Cycle ShellBright cycle shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts whose Light leaves long trails.
Buoy ShellBuoy shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who are afraid of the water.
Buoy TrapBuoy trap icon1.jpgEververseIn case of water landing.
Buoyant ShellBuoyant shell icon1.jpgEarned from a charity promotion.For Ghosts who lift spirits.
Bursting Wisdom ShellBursting wisdom shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who share information when the time is right... and perhaps sooner.
Bushwhacker ShellBushwhacker shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to venture off the beaten path.
CLVS-241 ShellClvs-241 shell icon1.jpgBright EngramsFor Ghosts who leave a golden legacy.
Cabana ShellCabana shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who enjoy the sound of waves.
Calavera ShellCalavera shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who remember with love.
CamNav-TTN ShellCamnav-ttn shell icon1.jpgBright EngramsFor Ghosts who always know which way to point their Titan.
Canopus ShellCanopus shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who guide the way.
Caramel Apple ShellCaramel apple shell icon1.jpgFestival of the Lost 2022 Upgraded Event CardFor Ghosts who like to dip into something new.
Castaway's ShellCastaway's shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who leave the past behind.
Celestial ShellCelestial shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who seek guidance in the stars.
Challenger ShellChallenger shell icon1.jpgSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts ready to face any challenge.
Champion ShellChampion shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who win big.
Chiropteran ShellChiropteran shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who embody vengeance and the night.
Clean Lines ShellClean lines shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who run neon cities.
ClickerClicker icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts with an unknown lifeform taking control.
Coalition ShellCoalition shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who want to make a statement in Cabal circles.
Confection ShellFile:Confection shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts concealing a sweet interior.
Confectionery ShellConfectionery shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who fly, fly, fly just as fast as they can.
Constant Vigilance ShellConstant vigilance shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who always keep an eye on things.
Constricting ShellConstricting shell icon1.jpgBright EngramsFor Ghosts who are under a lot of pressure.
Contender's ShellContenders shell icon1.jpg"Nothing pleases me more than to see you fight." -Emperor Calus
Convertible ShellConvertible shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who want to catch the breeze.
Cosmographicum ShellCosmographicum shell icon1.jpgEarned as a pre-order bonus.For Ghosts who seek greater truths.
Cosmos ShellCosmos shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who wonder at the majesty of the universe.
Cottontail ShellCottontail shell icon1.jpgEververse package.For Ghosts who research old spring traditions.
Crimson ShellCrimson shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who might be secret admirers.
Crystalline ShellCrystalline shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who know that no two of us are alike.
Ctenophore ShellCtenophore shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who traverse strange, deep waters.
Cygnus ShellCygnus shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who are exquisitely feathered.
Dawn Chimes ShellDawn chimes shell icon1.jpgUpgraded Event Card RewardFor Ghosts who ring in new ages.
Decadent ShellDecadent shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who embrace life's pleasures.
Deepseeker ShellDeepseeker shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who hold on tight.
Desecrated ShellDesecrated shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who seek victory at any cost.
Digital CortexDigital cortex icon1.jpgEarned as a Season Pass reward.For Ghosts with a mind of their own.
Digital Pet ShellDigital pet shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who seem to need a little extra TLC.
Dreamer's ShellDreamer's shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who see past reality.
Drilldown ShellDrilldown shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who get to the heart of the matter.
Drop Pod ShellDrop pod shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to make a fatal entrance.
E99 ShellE99 shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who are a little scrambled.
Edenic ShellEdenic shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who fled the garden.
Egregore ShellEgregore shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who entwine with something bigger.
Eidolon ShellEidolon shell icon1.jpgSeason of the Haunted TriumphFor Ghosts whose Guardians have no doubts to bind.
Electronica ShellElectronica shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who love to groove.
Elegant Guard ShellElegant guard shell icon1.jpgMoments of Triumph 2021For Ghosts who hide their smile.
Emberwick ShellEmberwick shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who lead others home.
Empathic ShellEmpathic shell icon1.jpgEarned from a charity promotion.For Ghosts who feel the Light of others.
Equator ShellEquator shell icon1.jpgXûr's Treasure HoardFor Ghosts who have journeyed across the ring.
Eris Morn ShellEris morn shell icon1.jpgEarned as a Deluxe Edition bonus.For Ghosts who confront all fears.
Exotech ShellExotech shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who look toward the future.
Experimental Pattern ShellExperimental pattern shell icon1.jpgEarned as a Deluxe Edition bonus.For Ghosts who are early adopters.
Fast Lane ShellFast lane shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who like to drive fast and look good while doing it.
Festive Nest ShellFile:Festive nest shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts wanting to host holiday guests.
Festive ShellFestive shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to be wreathed in cheer.
Fettered ShellFettered shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who pay for their choices.
Filigree of LightFiligree of light icon1.jpgSolstice of Heroes."Light is both delicate and unbreakable."—Ikora Rey
Final ShellFinal shell icon1.jpgEarned as a Deluxe Edition bonus.For Ghosts at the end of all things.
Finned ShellFile:Finned shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who make an extra splash.
Fire Victorious ShellFire victorious shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts with fire inside of them.
Firebreak ShellFirebreak shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who brave the flames.
Flayer ShellFlayer shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who recognize the value of an alliance.
Flotation ShellFile:Flotation shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts with an abundance of caution.
Friendly Fire ShellFriendly fire shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who want to help without getting shot.
Fundament ShellFundament shell icon1.jpgComplete the Chief Investigator TriumphThe Last Midnight Star
Future Perfect ShellFuture perfect shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who love fashionable defense.
Gallant Ward ShellGallant ward shell icon1.jpgMoments of Triumph 2022For Ghosts who guard the wall.
Gameghost ShellGameghost shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who see the world in black and green.
Gensym Relic ShellGensym relic shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who favor field research.
GhoysterGhoyster icon1.jpgEververseFor the Ghost on the half shell.
Giftwrapped ShellGiftwrapped shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who live in the present.
Gigantes ShellGigantes shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who put weight on their shoulders.
Gilded ShellGilded shell icon1.jpgEarned from a charity promotion.For Ghosts who appreciate the finer things.
Gridiron ShellFile:Gridiron shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who never fumble under pressure.
Guardian's Angel ShellGuardian's angel shell icon1.jpgSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who keep close watch.
Gyro ShellGyro shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who maintain a steady outlook.
Halcyon ShellHalcyon shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who long for the past.
Half-Volley ShellHalf-volley shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who always bounce back.
Hard Light ShellHard light shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who bounce with energy.
Hard-Packed ShellHard-packed shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who never shy away from a (snowball) fight.
Hardlink ShellHardlink shell icon1.jpgEarned as a Season Pass reward.For Ghosts who seek a connection.
Hareball ShellHareball shell icon1.jpgTriumph: Prophecy Dungeon SoloFor Ghosts who set the pace.
Harper's ShellHarper's shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who swim through the air.
Hazy Future ShellFile:Hazy future shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who shake up their outlook.
Heart-Powered ShellFile:Heart-powered shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who channel friendship and magic.
Heartful ShellHeartful shell icon1.jpgUnlocked by a special offer.For Ghosts with infinite love to give.
Hearthfire ShellHearthfire shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who keep the fires burning.
Hero's WakeHero's wake icon1.jpgFlawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse."He was like a father to us both." - Aisha
Hexed ShellHexed shell icon1.jpgSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who put a spell on you.
Hexing ShellHexing shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who cast a spell over you.
Hissing Silence ShellHissing silence shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who have meditated beyond the heliopause.
Horus ShellHorus shell icon1.jpgWin matches in the Trials of Osiris.One day you will be whole again. No matter how many pieces you have shattered into.
Hoverdrift ShellHoverdrift shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who strive to stay aloft.
Hydrofoil ShellHydrofoil shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who captain their own ship.
Icy Elegance ShellIcy elegance shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who dance through the air.
Imperious Sun ShellImperious sun shell icon1.jpg"Vow of the Disciple" RaidWhat secrets of the whole lie within this small fraction?
In Memoriam ShellIn memoriam shell icon1.jpgWin matches in the Trials of Osiris.For Ghosts who are a beacon of Light.
Infiltrator ShellInfiltrator shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who trespass.
Intrepid ShellIntrepid shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who seek lost relics and untold riches.
Iris Pulsator ShellIris Pulsator Shell icon.jpgFor Ghosts who are built with a nonstandard overshare engine.
Izanagi's ShellIzanagi's shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who gaze at the forbidden.
Jack-o'-ShellJack-o'-shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who smile fearlessly into the night.
Jubilant ShellJubilant shell icon1.jpgEververseA Ghost shell for sunny days.
Junkyard ShellJunkyard shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who make use of every scrap.
Kit ShellKit shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who require some assembly.
Kitbash ShellKitbash shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who are barely keeping it together.
Knight's Peace ShellKnights peace shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who believe in both right and might.
Kosmos ShellKosmos shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to ride in style.
Ladylike ShellLadylike shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who embrace spring fashion.
Lampion ShellLampion shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who wish for an ever-brighter future.
Lander ShellLander shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who dare to be the first to land on unexplored planets.
Lantern ShellLantern shell icon1.jpgTrials of OsirisFor Ghosts who have known Trials.
Lapine ShellLapine shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who prefer to reinvent old spring traditions.
Last Bastion ShellLast bastion shell icon1.jpgSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who hold the line.
Laurel ShellLaurel shell icon1.jpgMoments of Triumph 2023For Ghosts who are wreathed in honor.
Lion Guardant ShellLion guardant shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who project an air of ferocity.
Little Helper ShellLittle helper shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who create joy in the world.
Long Haul ShellLong haul shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who don't stop at sundown.
Lunar Lagomorph ShellLunar lagomorph shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who carry good fortune.
Lunar ShellLunar shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who once woke the Hive.
Lunar Tiger ShellLunar tiger shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who pounce on what they want.
M3-D1 ShellM3-d1 shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who care for others before themselves.
Maglev ShellMaglev shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who need a little less friction in their lives.
Mark II ShellMark ii shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to iterate.
Metropolis ShellMetropolis shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who serve the Last City.
Monstrous ShellMonstrous shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who buy the whole shell, but only need the edge.
Motorsport ShellMotorsport shell icon1.jpgUnlocked by a special offer.For Ghosts with a need for speed.
Mountainside ShellMountainside shell icon1.jpgUpgraded Event Card RewardFor Ghosts who want to hit the slopes.
Muffled ShellMuffled shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who brave the wind and snow.
Multiband ShellMultiband shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts with an important message.
Nemean ShellNemean shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts at the top of the food chain.
Neon Helix ShellNeon helix shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who love colorful expression.
Nine Lives ShellNine lives shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who make their own luck.
No Love LostNo love lost icon1.jpgRock Bottom."I'll do it again, and again, for her." —Elsie Bray
Nucleus ShellNucleus shell icon1.jpgBright EngramsFor Ghosts who watch the universe revolve around them.
Nutcracker ShellNutcracker shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who break the unbreakable.
Off-Road ShellOff-road shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to see the sights up close.
Okular Fortitude ShellOkular fortitude shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who always have their eyes on the prize.
Omolon ShellOmolon shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who try to remain fluid.
Ophiuchus ShellOphiuchus shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who cherish complicated relationships.
Orbweaver ShellOrbweaver shell icon1.jpgBright EngramsFor Ghosts who were given an offer they couldn't refuse.
Ornamental ShellOrnamental shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts waiting for their chance to shine.
Overcharged ShellOvercharged shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who conduct with greatest efficiency.
PS-1 ShellPs-1 shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who dare to be first.
Padded Armor ShellFile:Padded armor shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who gear up to play rough.
Papercraft Aranea ShellFile:Papercraft aranea shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who craft their own costumes.
Peerless Precision ShellPeerless precision shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who never lose sight of their target.
Phalanx ShellPhalanx shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who protect their Guardians.
Phantasmal ShellPhantasmal shell icon1.jpgEververse"The Light provides." -Mithrax
Pharmakos ShellPharmakos shell icon1.jpgSeason of the WitchFor sacrificial Ghosts.
Photoelectric ShellPhotoelectric shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who transform energy into reality.
Photovoltaic ShellPhotovoltaic shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who face the sun.
Plasma ShellPlasma shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who love electric wit.
Plush ShellPlush shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who remember the good times.
Pragmat ShellPragmat shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who value function over form.
Predator Sun ShellPredator sun shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who hunt at first rise.
Propheteer ShellPropheteer shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who consult with cosmic forces.
ROV ShellRov shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who can take the pressure.
Racing Stripe ShellRacing stripe shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who don't mind trading paint.
Razorscale ShellRazorscale shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who are feeling a bit prickly.
Redline ShellRedline shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who never want to stop.
Refreshing ShellRefreshing shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who loathe dehydration.
Repulsor ShellRepulsor shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who resist the universal constants.
Restless ShellRestless shell icon1.jpgFestival of the Lost 2020.For Ghosts who were torn from the tomb.
Rimed ShellRimed shell icon1.jpgEarned as a pre-order bonus.For Ghosts who venture out beyond the warmth.
Rival Hunter ShellRival hunter shell icon1.jpgOn Your LaurelsFor Ghosts who know the way of the Hunter.
Rival Titan ShellRival titan shell icon1.jpgOn Your LaurelsFor Ghosts who know the way of the Titan.
Rival Warlock ShellRival warlock shell icon1.jpgOn Your LaurelsFor Ghosts who know the way of the Warlock.
Rover ShellRover shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who relish discovery.
Rust Punk ShellRust punk shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts with attitude.
S.H.A.N.K. ShellS.h.a.n.k. shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who like to walk in someone else' shoes.
Safety Monitor ShellSafety monitor shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who care deeply about compliance.
Sagira's ShellSagiras shell icon1.jpgComplete Osiris' Lost Prophecies for Brother Vance on Mercury.Loyalty does not mean obligation. Only justice is blind.
Saintly ShellSaintly shell icon1.jpgSeason Pass RewardFor Ghosts who believe in their Guardian more than anything.
Sanctified Vigilance ShellSanctified vigilance shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who keep watch from above.
Sanctum Plate ShellSanctum plate shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts with a love for the classic.
Saturniid ShellSaturniid shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts with extra sensitivity.
Scarlet Swarm ShellScarlet swarm shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who wear their wounds openly.
Scarred ShellScarred shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts embracing the mercenary life.
Scavenged ShellScavenged shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who scour the wasteland.
Scribe's ShellScribe's shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who carry the weight of history.
Scribetrace ShellScribetrace shell icon1.jpg"Firmware Update" TriumphFor Ghosts who drown in the truth.
Sea ShellSea shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who sell sea shells by the sea shore.
Self-Contained ShellSelf-contained shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who navigate hazardous environments.
Seraph ShellSeraph shell icon1.jpgBright EngramsFor Ghosts who drift like feathers on the wind.
Shaded ShellShaded shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to stay cool.
Shell of GilgameshShell of gilgamesh icon1.jpgPresage Exotic QuestFor Ghosts who've delved into the underworld.
Sheriff ShellSheriff shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts at high noon.
Simulation ShellSimulation shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to run the numbers.
Skidder ShellSkidder shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts without a chip on their shoulder.
Skiff Scribbles ShellSkiff scribbles shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who express themselves with paint.
Skyline Flipside ShellSkyline flipside shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who are no exception to the rule.
Solar ShellSolar shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who burn bright from the start.
Souped-Up ShellSouped-up shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who need that speed.
Speed Metal ShellSpeed metal shell icon1.jpgEarned as a pre-order bonus.For Ghosts who are pretty and pretty dangerous.
Spelunking ShellSpelunking shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who brave the depths.
Spinneret ShellFile:Spinneret shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who tell terrifying tales.
Sponsored Shell-sponsored shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who need to take frequent ad breaks.
Star Map ShellStar map shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to chart new skies.
Stardevil ShellStardevil shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who court danger.
Stonecraft's Amalgam ShellStonecraft's amalgam shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who live again.
Sugary ShellSugary Shell icon.jpgFor Ghosts who enjoy the sweet taste of Crucible victories.
Sunny Vacation ShellSunny vacation shell icon1.jpgUpgraded Event Card RewardFor Ghosts who want shade and style.
Sunshot ShellSunshot shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who remember Liu Feng's fire.
Swashbuckler ShellSwashbuckler shell icon1.jpg"A Rising Tide" MissionFor Ghosts who like wind in their sails.
Sweeper ShellSweeper shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who have found their broom.
Sweet Sprinkles ShellSweet sprinkles shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who want to float away with something sweet.
Synchrotron ShellSynchrotron shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who crave velocity.
Síocháin's Scuba ShellSíocháin's scuba shell icon1.jpgSeason of the Deep TriumphFor Ghosts who are acclimated to the pressures of the job, and the depths.
Tangled ShellTangled shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to be a nuisance.
Taurus ShellTaurus shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who get the job done.
Tech Witch ShellTech witch shell icon1.jpgWar Table Reputation ResetFor Ghosts who read the lines.
Tenderhearted ShellTenderhearted shell icon1.jpgUnlocked by a special offer.For Ghosts who reach out to others.
Tethys ShellTethys shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who orbit with another moon.
Tex Mechanica ShellTex mechanica shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who look to tame a wild frontier.
Totem ShellTotem shell icon1.jpgEververse package]].For Ghosts who value supportive silence.
Trackbound ShellTrackbound shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who build the shells of their dreams themselves.
Traitor Primus ShellTraitor primus shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who know only endless ambition.
TrichromaticaTrichromaticaShell.jpg"Void, Solar, then Arc. Hmm. We're not naive enough to think the order is a coincidence. But we've got bigger things to worry about." —Zavala
TropicausalTropicausal icon1.jpgEververse"When's the last time YOU had a vacation?" —Lord Saladin
True North ShellTrue north shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who know the way home.
Tug-of-War ShellFile:Tug-of-war shell icon1.jpgUpgraded Event Card RewardFor Ghosts who love a friendly tussle.
Tyrant ShellTyrant shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who aspire to a higher form of intelligence.
Ugspun ShellUgspun shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who redefine aesthetics.
Unknown Worlds ShellUnknown worlds shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who venture into the far reaches.
Vantastic ShellVantastic shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who know wood paneling never went out of style.
Veist ShellVeist shell icon1.jpgEververseFor fast-talking Ghosts who like to spit a little venom.
Veloce ShellVeloce shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who take the scenic route.
Void ShellVoid shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who do not fear the unknown.
Wanderer's ShellWanderer's shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who brave the lonely road.
Warsat ShellWarsat shell icon1.jpgSeason of the Seraph Triumph"We woke the Warmind and brought doom to the Iron Lords." -Valus Forge
Wayfinder's ShellWayfinder's shell icon1.jpgSeason Pass Reward"You ever hook a Ghost's navigation telemetry up to a jumpship? Me neither, but there's a first time for everything." —The Drifter
Wheelie ShellWheelie shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who never stay in their lane.
Winter Lotus ShellWinter lotus shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who celebrate the many traditions of the Dawning.
Winterview ShellWinterview shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who like to watch the world from someplace warm.
Wolven ShellWolven shell icon1.jpgEververseFor Ghosts who wander the path…
Wyrmguard ShellWyrmguard shell icon1.jpgSeason of the WishFor Ghosts who preserve the next generation.
Zeroneiro ShellZeroneiro shell icon1.jpgSeason of the Splicer TriumphFor Ghosts who dream in digital.

Legendary Ghost Shells

Ghost ShellImageSourceDescription
Abacus ShellAbacus shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who slide through rivers of wisdom.
Aero Dart ShellAero dart shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to reach maximum velocity.
Age of Tomorrow ShellAge of tomorrow shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who can imagine a greater future.
Aggressive ShellAggressive shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who need help expressing themselves.
Ambrite Complex ShellAmbrite complex shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who are in command of the great wheel.
Amethyst Spine ShellAmethyst spine shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts with a sharp tongue.
Amo Ludere ShellAmo ludere shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who love the game.
Angora Raider ShellAngora raider shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who hop fences.
Aqua Tusk ShellAqua tusk shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to explore the aquatic depths.
Arch ShellArch shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are continually surprised.
Atlantis ShellAtlantis shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who wonder what lies beneath the waves.
Audiophile ShellAudiophile shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to be heard.
Authorized Misconduct ShellAuthorized misconduct shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who know when to break the rules.
Autumn Gloss ShellAutumn gloss shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who love cool weather.
Avalon ShellAvalon shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who look to the west.
Bane of Crota ShellBane of Crota Shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who have seen gods fall.
Bankjar ShellBankjar shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who have followed and led.
Blaster BoxBlaster box icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who forcefully send knowledge over great distances.
Block-Z ShellBlock-z shell icon1.jpgOverseeing waves of attack and repel.
Blue Moon ShellBlue moon shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who know how rare true friendship is.
Blue Sky ShellBlue sky shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who look to the sky and see possibility.
Bold ShellBold shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who like daring artistic statements.
Brilliant Starfish ShellBrilliant starfish shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to spend a little more time on the beach.
Bulwark ShellBulwark shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are slow to trust.
Buzzing Drone ShellBuzzing drone shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who sting like a bee.
Canaan's Harvest ShellCanaan's harvest shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who never hunger.
Captaincy ShellCaptaincy shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who lead by their stripes.
Chevron ShellChevron shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who like right angles.
Chrome Crab ShellChrome crab shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts looking to explore their wild side.
Circular Time ShellCircularTimeShell.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts of tomorrow and tomorrow.
Citrine Sway ShellCitrine sway shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who know secret languages.
City Courier ShellCity courier shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who support the City supply chain.
Classic Waveform ShellClassic waveform shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who like the classics-with a twist.
Color Theory ShellColor theory shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to stand out.
Commanding Star ShellCommanding star shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who would travel as far as the mind can imagine.
Competitive ShellCompetitive shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who crave the thrill of competition.
Copperhead Supremacy ShellCopperhead supremacy shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who are coiling, waiting, watching.
Cordial Diamond ShellCordial diamond shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts whose kindness cuts deep.
Crescent ShellCrescent shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who like a bit of lunar asymmetry.
Dark Days ShellDark days shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who like to have a little more edge.
Dawning Bauble ShellDawningBaubleShell.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts of brilliance and determination.
Deep Space ShellDeep space shell icon1.jpgEarn rank-up packages from Arach Jalaal.For Ghosts who support Dead Orbit.
Dolphin Wave ShellDolphin wave shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who possess more wisdom than we can ever know.
Dulcinea ShellDulcineaShell.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts of victory in the face of darkness.
Eight Ball ShellEight ball shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to be consulted.
Electric Heart ShellElectric Heart Shell icon.jpgFor Ghosts who know every beat of your heart.
Entwining Heart ShellEntwining heart shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who find fulfillment in the ties that bind.
Eye of the Storm ShellEye of the storm shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who flourish in strong winds.
Eyeball ShellEyeball shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are literal.
Firefly ShellFirefly shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who can't wait for the night to fall.
Flaming Arrow ShellFlaming arrow shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who follow the true path.
Freyja ShellFreyja shell icon1.jpgEververse package.For Ghosts who have climbed the Freyja Montes of Venus.
Frozen Amaryllis ShellFrozen amaryllis shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who endure the harshest winters.
Furtive ShellFurtive shell icon1.jpgComplete Gambit matches and earn rank-up packages from the Drifter.For Ghosts who crave the thrill of competition.
Fusion Matrix ShellFusion matrix shell icon1.jpgFound by completing Volundr Forge ignitions.For Ghosts who channel unseen energy.
Futurecraft ShellFuturecraft shell icon1.jpgForge Ignitions.For Ghosts who push the boundaries of technology.
Garland ShellGarland shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who nurture and grow.
Garter Snake ShellGarter snake shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who fool the enemy with symbols of peace.
Gray Tiger ShellGray tiger shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who accumulate knowledge with time.
Graylight ShellGraylight shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who see the complex interplay of light and dark and shades of gray.
Half-Submerged ShellHalf-submerged shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who aren't what they seem from above.
Hatchling ShellHatchling shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who respect new life, coiled and waiting.
Headerstripe ShellHeaderstripe shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who will do anything to win.
Hemisphere ShellHemisphere shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who travel the worlds.
Heraldic ShellHeraldic shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who study the ancient art of symbols.
Honeycomb ShellHoneycomb shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who enjoy hexagonal forms.
Honorable Duelist ShellHonorable duelist shell icon1.jpgCrucible SurvivalFor Ghosts who fight with integrity.
Hunter ShellHunter shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are proud to be a Hunter's partner.
In Fine Omnium ShellIn fine omnium shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who will be there at the end.
Infinite Blue ShellInfinite blue shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who yearn to explore the sky.
Infinite Hand ShellInfiniteHandShell.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who search for endless peace.
Interchange ShellInterchange shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who have places to be.
Iris Map ShellIris map shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who seek new lands and new mountains.
Iron Companionship ShellIron companionship shell icon1.jpgComplete Iron Banner matches and earn rank-up packages from Lord Saladin.For Ghosts who seek the wisdom of Iron.
Jagged ShellJagged shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts with sharp edges.
Jasper Dawn ShellJasperDawnShell.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts with hidden light and color.
Joyous Hunt ShellJoyousHuntShell.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who sing their way into strife.
Kabuto ShellKabuto shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts of warrior pedigree.
Kaleidoscope ShellKaleidoscope shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who see the patterns in all things.
Kill-Tracker GhostKill-tracker ghost icon1.jpgPurchased from Lord Shaxx.For Ghosts who want to brag about the achievements of their Guardians.
Kingfisher ShellKingfisher shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who take pride in their magnificent plumage.
Lambda ShellLambda shell icon1.jpgBright EngramsFor Ghosts who are planets unto themselves.
Last City ShellLast city shell icon1.jpgEarned over the course of the Red War campaign.For Ghosts who call the Last City home.
Leonine ShellLeonine shell icon1.jpgEarn rank-up packages from Executor Hideo.For Ghosts who support New Monarchy.
Lilac Bell ShellLilac bell shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who bring a different kind of heat.
Lotus ShellLotus shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who believe peace is possible.
Lustrous Onyx ShellLustrous onyx shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who endure the elements.
Maelstrom's Auge ShellMaelstroms auge shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who brave the center of the storm.
Mansanas ShellMansanas shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.A shell pattern worn by the Ghost of Marin Mansanas.
Millennial Spadework ShellMillennial spadework shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who hunt for flickers of treasure.
Moonshot ShellMoonshot shell icon1.jpgFound by exploring the Moon.For Ghosts who shoot for the Moon.
Number Two ShellNumber two shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want you to know that you are Number One.
Open Orchid ShellOpen orchid shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who know the heart of every garden holds mystery.
Orcasong ShellOrcasong shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who sing a forgotten tune.
Orchid ShellOrchid shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who seek the growing things in hidden corners.
Painted Eye ShellPainted eye shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who watch-and see all.
Palm of Gold ShellPalm of gold shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who counsel to open your mind if you dare to open your hand.
Path Followed ShellPath followed shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who stay true.
Pintail ShellPintail ghost icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who remember strange rivers.
Poison Courier ShellPoison courier shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who support the VEIST supply chain.
Polestar I ShellPolestar i shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who are beacons of lasting hope.
Polestar II ShellPolestar ii shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who are aware that beacons can be deceiving.
Polished Rain ShellPolished rain shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who are aware of the coming storm.
Pomegranate ShellPomegranateShell.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts bearing hidden gifts.
Precious Metals ShellPrecious metals shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who know how to dress up.
Prophet ShellProphet shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are waiting for their time to come.
Propulsive Heart ShellPropulsive heart shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who carry, protect, and accompany.
Quondam ShellQuondam shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who come from a more civilized age.
Radiant Sunflake ShellRadiant sunflake shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who bring warmth and loyalty.
Regality Sphere ShellRegality sphere shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who seek the final target.
Revelry Courier ShellRevelry courier shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who support springtime supply chains.
Revelry Masquerade ShellRevelry masquerade shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who love to try on new identities.
Rigg's Vortex ShellRigg's vortex shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who float at the eye of the storm.
Riveted Majesty ShellRiveted majesty shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who know there is more royalty in effort than in any blood.
Seal of Troika ShellSeal of troika shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who defy expectations.
Shadow of Earth ShellShadow of earth shell icon1.jpgAcquired from completing a Season of Opulence Triumph.For Ghosts loyal to the Shadow of Earth.
Shining Shield ShellShining shield shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts with the wisdom to know when it is time to defend.
Shrinking Iris ShellShrinking iris shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who lead us through the closing gap.
Sibyl ShellSibyl shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who keep the secrets of eternity.
Sivian Nextor ShellSivian nextor shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who find glimmers of wisdom in shadow.
Skewed Orbit ShellSkewed orbit shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who transcend planes.
Skyfire North ShellSkyfire north shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who blaze a trail wherever they fly.
Speckled Giallo ShellSpeckled giallo shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who know all knowledge is true, even if it's truly false.
Spectral Circuit ShellSpectral circuit shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts whose inner workings are a mystery.
Stalwart ShellStalwart shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who have been searching a long time.
Starfire ShellStarfire shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are bright stars in the night sky.
Starlight ShellStarlight shell icon1.jpgComplete activities in the Dreaming City.For Ghosts who seek to explore the Reef's mysteries.
Subterfuge ShellSubterfuge shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts with a knack for going unseen.
Sunseeker ShellSunseeker shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who live on the horizon.
Sweet Memories ShellSweetMemoriesShell.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts of light and happy remembrance.
Symphonic ShellSymphonic shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who know the music of the ages.
Tastemaker ShellTastemaker shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who appreciate unusual design.
Techno Robin ShellTechno robin shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who like to look stylishly aerodynamic.
Ternion Honor ShellTernion honor shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts thrice valiant.
The Lycan's Mire ShellThe lycan's mire shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who conceal a beast inside.
The Right ChoiceThe right choice icon1.jpg"And... thanks. You know. For being my Guardian."
Timeswept ShellTimeswept shell icon1.jpgAcquired from the Sundial activity on Mercury.For Ghosts who lose track of time.
Tirastrella ShellTirastrella shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who bring passion from darkness.
Titan ShellTitan shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are proud to be a Titan's partner.
Tower ShellTower shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who wear the Vanguard's colors proudly.
Transhedron ShellTranshedron shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts not bound to a single plane of existence.
Triangle ShellTriangle shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to try a new shape.
Triumphal ShellTriumphal shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who would return in triumph.
Trostland Courier ShellTrostland courier shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who support the Trostland supply chain.
True Conifer ShellTrue conifer shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts of shining reliability.
Trusty ShellTrusty shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who will never let you down.
Twilight ShellTwilight shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to wear the City's colors.
Two of Diamonds ShellTwo of diamonds shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who play the game.
Ufsilon's Rune ShellUfsilons rune shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are never obsolete.
Unearthly Koi ShellUnearthly koi shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who would bring peace to the garden.
Upward Climber ShellUpward climber shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are always looking up.
Valor Chevron ShellValor chevron shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts with a special spark.
Vanguard Courier ShellVanguard courier shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who support the Vanguard supply chain.
Verdant Infinity ShellVerdant infinity shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are brimming with renewed energy.
Vertical ShellVertical shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who want to appear taller.
Vestian ShellVestian shell icon1.jpgLimited Edition of Destiny 2.For Ghosts whose Guardians are welcome in the Reef.
Viceroy ShellViceroy shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts of fast ships and distant shores.
Waiting Cask ShellWaiting cask shell icon1.jpgFor Ghosts who know what lies within.
Warlock ShellWarlock shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who are proud to be a Warlock's partner.
Wars to Come ShellWars to come shell icon1.jpgEarn rank-up packages from Lakshmi-2.For Ghosts who support Future War Cult.
Wild Hunt ShellWildHuntShell.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who remember the older ways.
Wish-Maker ShellWish-maker shell icon1.jpgLast Wish raid.For Ghosts whose Guardians dared to dream.
Wisteria Orbit ShellWisteria orbit shell icon1.jpgBright EngramFor Ghosts who want to show off their staying power.
Worrier ShellWorrier shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who can't stop thinking.
Yellowspear ShellYellowspear shell icon1.jpgBright Engrams.For Ghosts who race to pierce the veil.

Rare Ghost Shells

Uncommon Ghost Shells

Ghost ShellImageSourceDescription
EDZ ShellEdz shell icon1.jpgEarned over the course of the Red War campaign.For Ghosts who travel the deep forests of the European Dead Zone.
Io ShellIo shell icon1.jpgEarned over the course of the Red War campaign.For Ghosts who travel the sloping plains of Io.
Moon of Saturn ShellMoon of saturn shell icon1.jpgEarned over the course of the Red War campaign.For Ghosts who travel the wave-tossed moon, Titan.
Nessus ShellNessus shell icon1.jpgEarned over the course of the Red War campaign.For Ghosts who travel the labyrinths of Nessus.

Common Ghost Shells

Ghost ShellImageSourceDescription
Generalist ShellGeneralist shell icon1.jpgEarned while leveling.Born from the Traveler, built of machinery and Light, the Ghost is your companion and faithful guide.
Last City Shell (Damaged)Last city shell (damaged) icon1.jpgEarned over the course of the Red War campaign.For Ghosts who call the Last City home.
Last City Shell (Homecoming)LastCityShell(Homecoming).jpgFor Ghosts who call the Last City home.

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