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Season 25 Ships

See also: Season 25 Ships
Daito White RabbitDaito white rabbit icon1.jpgExoticEververseDaito's new line of long-distance fighter.
Dawning LightsFile:Dawning lights icon1.jpgExoticEververseOut-do other Guardians and be the brightest ship in your hangar.
Decollated DreadDecollated dread icon1.jpgExoticEververseA terror that holds a marvelous appetite to devour the extraordinary.
Dissected CarveDissected carve icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass Rewardgash rend sever
Distant TransferDistant transfer icon1.jpgExoticEververseNext-generation fighter, enhanced with Taken emissions drive.
Festive StagFile:Festive stag icon1.jpgExoticEververseGraceful and noble. Perfect for festive flying.
Golden Age BoosterGolden age booster icon1.jpgExoticEververseA classic from the Golden Age, refurbished by a loving hand.
Golden Age SkimmerGolden age skimmer icon1.jpgExoticEververseNewly built from Golden Age-era schematics.
KingsnakeFile:Kingsnake icon1.jpgExoticA complex design from humanity's past, built new.
Kitbashed FlyerKitbashed flyer icon1.jpgExoticEververse"If it flies, I fly." —The Drifter
NevermoreNevermore icon1.jpgExoticEververseSuffering inflicted by a demon's velvet-violet dreaming, ominous in the days of yore.
StormweaverStormweaver icon1.jpgExoticEververseArmored cruiser powered by a paracausal Strand-emissions drive.
The Wretched BoughThe wretched bough icon1.jpgExoticEververseFound adrift in Saturn's rings. Some stains have yet to wash out.

Season 24 Ships

See also: Season 24 Ships
A Fair WindA fair wind icon1.jpgExoticSolsticeWho wants to live forever?
Alfa-ZuluAlfa-zulu icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe first and the last. We remember.
Colonel's LamentColonel's lament icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Ah, who needs the Light when you've got a fine feathered friend by your side!" -Cayde-6
Eclipse HunterEclipse hunter icon1.jpgExoticEverversePierce the coronal veil.
Hovering ElanineHovering elanine icon1.jpgExoticEververseFine-tuned so that it never has to come down.
Jovian-IXJovian-ix icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I hope to be here again." -Xûr
KerameikosKerameikos icon1.jpgExoticEververseThrough water and fire, we are shaped.
MischiefMischief icon1.jpgExoticEververseWe are legion. We are everywhere.
NacreNacre icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Even the most perfect of pearls has grit at its center.
Old FaithfulOld faithful icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Nothing is truly gone that can be made anew.
PolychromaPolychroma icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass RewardPERSONAL LOG 0031 AS
Queen of DragonsQueen of dragons icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe Time of Dragons will come again.
Ramen-Shop RamblerRamen-shop rambler icon1.jpgExoticEververseNever travel hungry.
Semitone ShiftSemitone shift icon1.jpgExoticEpisode: EchoesAn immeasurable change.
The First KnifeThe first knife icon1.jpgExoticPale Heart Triumph"We are the first knife."

Season 23 Ships

See also: Season 23 Ships
Abominable InsigniaAbominable insignia icon1.jpgExoticEververseFly the dreaded colors proudly.
Alliance Scout FrigateAlliance scout frigate icon1.jpgExoticEverversePowered by the experimental Tantalus Drive Core.
Championship AdvantageChampionship advantage icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe title is yours.
Ecto JumpshipEcto jumpship icon1.jpgExoticEververseRoomy enough for all your paranormal paraphernalia.
Extreme G-forceExtreme g-force icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.The laws of physics were meant to be defied.
Filigree RoverFiligree rover icon1.jpgExoticEververse"There's nothing more festive than arriving in unassailable style." -Eva Levante
Hiera HodosHiera hodos icon1.jpgExoticEarned during the seasonal Dawning event.Celebrate the greater mysteries.
IcechimeIcechime icon1.jpgExoticEververseJoin your voice to the music of the spheres.
Karve of the WormKarve of the worm icon1.jpgExoticExotic Mission "The Whisper""Is it us who wield paracausal forces… or the other way round?" —Osiris
Laser CutterLaser cutter icon1.jpgExoticEververseMatter and energy fused into a perfect whole.
Lunar OmenLunar omen icon1.jpgExoticEververseA sign of fortune from above.
Para Bellum IVPara bellum iv icon1.jpgExoticEververseTo the victor the glory.
Pyramidic VesselPyramidic vessel icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a pre-order bonus."We are your Salvation."
SessrúmnirSessrúmnir icon1.jpgExoticEververseAs we fly towards the dawn, still we remember the twilight.
SteelskySteelsky icon1.jpgExoticEververseRain fire and blood from above.
Unforeseen ConsequencesUnforeseen consequences icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the WishBe careful what you wish for.
Vimana JunkerVimana junker icon1.jpgExoticExotic Mission "Zero Hour""I don't trust a ship without a few scratches and dents. Same goes for people. We ain't meant to be clean." —Drifter
WaveriderWaverider icon1.jpgExoticEververseCruise into the future.
Wolven StormWolven storm icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe wolf I will follow into the storm.

Season 22 Ships

See also: Season 22 Ships
Bipectinate CraftBipectinate craft icon1.jpgExoticEververseSensitive to the subtlest changes in atmospheric pressure.
Blight or FlightBlight or flight icon1.jpgExoticEververseDon't mind the strangely phosphorescent trails...
Cosmic TuneCosmic tune icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Resonate through the universe in harmony with others.
Deep Space HaulerDeep space hauler icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor long journeys laden with valuable cargo.
Exoplanet HarvesterExoplanet harvester icon1.jpgExoticEverversePlease keep all limbs safely inside the vehicle.
Extra-Terrestrial VehicleFile:Extra-terrestrial vehicle icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe truth is out there, somewhere.
Fairytale FlightFile:Fairytale flight icon1.jpgExoticEververseWhen you need to escape into a whimsical dream.
NightghastNightghast icon1.jpgExoticEververseEmerge from the grim depths, stronger than ever.
NyxpterónNyxpteron icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the LostI am the vengeance that strikes from the shadows.
PronghornPronghorn icon1.jpgExoticEververseBuilt for maximum speed and evasion to outrun any pursuer.
SparagmosSparagmos icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Witch"The Witch Queen's crystals are powered by elemental Light. I believe you know how." - Eris Morn
War's LamentWar's lament icon1.jpgExotic"Crota's End" RaidPity not the sword, nor its wielder.

Season 21 Ships

See also: Season 21 Ships
Akashic RevelationAkashic revelation icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Deep Vendor Reputation RewardWe end at the beginning.
Blooming TerrorBlooming terror icon1.jpgExoticEververseBuilt to endure and survive; look for the light in the stars.
Ephemeral SparkEphemeral spark icon1.jpgExoticSolsticeThe brightest thing in the sky.
Kemper Research ModelKemper research model icon1.jpgExoticEververseWhisper-quiet and smooth as a glassy lake.
Pale Blue DotPale blue dot icon1.jpgExoticUnlocked by a special offer.Small acts of kindness light up the infinite void.
Prototype SubmersiblePrototype submersible icon1.jpgExoticEververseSomeone's tested this thing under pressure... right?
Rapid ResponseRapid response icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor immediate action during a security breach.
Scout ZeppelinFile:Scout zeppelin icon1.jpgExoticEververseSmaller, sleeker, and far less likely to explode than the previous model.
Scrivener's SkipperScrivener's skipper icon1.jpgExoticEververseComes with a personal archive and expanded storage.
StarRacer 95Starracer 95 icon1.jpgExoticEververseSleek? No. Spaceworthy? Mostly.
Valiant MemoryValiant memory icon1.jpgExoticFlawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse."Of course, I'm wounded. That's what we do. We're Guardians. We die so that others might live." - Reed-7
Well-TraveledFile:Well-traveled icon1.jpgExoticEververseWander between the stars in classic comfort.

Season 20 Ships

See also: Season 20 Ships
Assembly StingerAssembly stinger icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Now there's a ship that just about anyone could put together." - Amanda Holliday
Brazen SparkBrazen spark icon1.jpgExotic"We Stand Unbroken" Quest, Week 8"Everyone loves a spark... right up until it starts a fire." - Amanda Holliday
Foremost VimanaForemost vimana icon1.jpgExotic"Neomuna Sightseeing" TriumphSet your sights higher, and higher still.
Gift of CrueltyGift of cruelty icon1.jpgExotic"Root of Nightmares" Raid"Yeah, I've been to the Fourth Tomb of Nezarec… Ain't enough Glimmer on you for me to consider ever going back there. You're on your own." —Drifter
Gilded ProwlerGilded prowler icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor wealth that hides in the shadows.
Slipstream i.3Slipstream i.3 icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Looks pretty cobbled together. Not bad for a back of the napkin design." - Amanda Holliday
Stygian CourserFile:Stygian courser icon1.jpgExoticEververseIn your mind, there was never any doubt.
SynthOwlSynthowl icon1.jpgExoticEververseEscape to neon skies.
TropopauseTropopause icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a Deluxe Edition bonus.The atmospheric sweet spot.
Vestian HawkVestian hawk icon1.jpgExoticEververseGentle curves with brutal intentions.
Victor's PalanquinFile:Victor's palanquin icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardThe stars, too, will sing your praises.

Season 19 Ships

See also: Season 19 Ships
Africtional CoolerAfrictional cooler icon1.jpgExoticEververseEquipped for high-tech ice resurfacing on any planet!
Arc's CourierArc's courier icon1.jpgExoticEververseLights up the sky before the thunder rolls.
Ascendance EventAscendance event icon1.jpgExoticEververseMinerva's wisdom made manifest.
ExohelianExohelian icon1.jpgExoticEververseSomeday, we will see the skies of worlds outside Sol's reach.
Gravitic KeelGravitic keel icon1.jpgExoticEververseSmoothest you'll ever leave a gravity well.
Moonshadow HopMoonshadow hop icon1.jpgExoticEververseFaster than the rabbit in the Moon can run.
Seirios MajorisSeirios majoris icon1.jpgExoticEververseThere is brighter yet to shine.
Spirit of the WarmindSpirit of the warmind icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the SeraphThe weight of the world.

Season 18 Ships

See also: Season 18 Ships
Coffin NailCoffin nail icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the Lost 2022 Event Challenge: Bookworm IIIJust as hard and twice as sharp.
Generation's ShadowGeneration's shadow icon1.jpgExoticSeason of Plunder TriumphWe are where we came from.
HeliotropiumHeliotropium icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Fly one of these long enough, you turn toward the sun even on solid ground." -Fenchurch Everis
Impermeable TankerImpermeable tanker icon1.jpgExoticEververseIt's perfectly safe.
Manse MacabreFile:Manse macabre icon1.jpgExoticEververseA house becomes a forever home with a good engine.
Ossified SkycarverOssified skycarver icon1.jpgExoticKing's Fall RaidThe skies cleave at your approach.
Queen's BestQueen's best icon1.jpgExoticEververseOf Saturn's moons, the Queen of the Reef favored one above the rest...
Retrograde TourerFile:Retrograde tourer icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardBlast from the past, all the way across the system.
Trussworked ClipperTrussworked clipper icon1.jpgExoticEververseShoring up the sides, piece by piece.
Xenothalassic VoyageXenothalassic voyage icon1.jpgExoticEververseEven during the Golden Age, we knew more of the stars than of the sea.

Season 17 Ships

See also: Season 17 Ships
ExosporangionExosporangion icon1.jpgExoticEververseA vessel to bear spores among the stars.
Final InstarFinal instar icon1.jpgExoticEververseTuned a dozen times and more to achieve the perfect form.
Hushed SyrinxHushed syrinx icon1.jpgExoticFlawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse."I'm glad you're staying."
Mandate of StrengthMandate of strength icon1.jpgExoticDungeon Duality"Might makes right."
Platinum OspreyPlatinum osprey icon1.jpgExoticUpgraded Event Card RewardCuts through water and vacuum with the same panache.
Retrofitted RoadsterRetrofitted roadster icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe spoiler makes it go faster, even in a vacuum.
Shining CabrioletShining cabriolet icon1.jpgExoticEververseMaybe don't fly it with the top down.
Swift PersistenceSwift persistence icon1.jpgExoticEververseStill flying true.
Tymbal LucidaeTymbal lucidae icon1.jpgExoticTriumph: SeveranceI've retraced my steps a hundred times searching for a memory.
Wings of the FirebirdWings of the firebird icon1.jpgExoticEververseBright beauty follows in the wake of these wings.

Season 16 Ships

See also: Season 16 Ships
Constellation TracerConstellation tracer icon1.jpgExoticEververseLeave no trace.
Hot CommodityHot commodity icon2.jpgExoticEververseTake it to the bank.
N33-DLN33-dl icon1.jpgExoticEververseThreaded excellence.
Prometheus OSPPrometheus osp icon1.jpgExoticEververseAn experimental space plane from a long-forgotten age.
Sovereign OrderSovereign order icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the RisenDo not fly so far that you can no longer hear her voice.
Star JasmineStar jasmine icon1.jpgExoticComplete the Warden of the Spring TriumphThe scent emerges as the sun sets, a testimony carried through warm summer nights.
Unauthorized DepartureUnauthorized departure icon1.jpgExoticGuardian Games 2022Sometimes the ship chooses the pilot.
Unknown Worlds ExplorerUnknown worlds explorer icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe unknown beckons thee. Follow onward, fancy-free.

Season 15 Ships

See also: Season 15 Ships
Altrux Pura Mk1Altrux pura mk1 icon1.jpgExoticEarned from a charity promotion."Nobody ever accused me of bein' generous… wouldn't mind if they did, of course." —The Drifter
Andromeda CourserAndromeda courser icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Humanity tried to settle beyond this solar system in the days before the Collapse. The optimist in me believes we may yet achieve that dream." —Ikora Rey
Archangel's MightArchangel's might icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Seen lots of things calling themselves gods in this universe. They all fall, one way or another." —The Drifter
CenterfireCenterfire icon1.jpgExoticSeason of the Lost ritual playlists"I still prefer the Eliksni method of scrapworking. But I admit that the Guardians' ships are very… handsome." —Eido, Eliksni Scribe
Circuited PolesitterCircuited polesitter icon1.jpgExoticEververseOpen your hands and it's already gone.
Dual-Engine Retric CapsuleDual-engine retric capsule icon1.jpgExoticEververse"When I was little, this is what I figured all ships would look like in the future." —Amanda Holliday
Hive SmasherHive smasher icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I radioed clearance, and the hot-head brought it down right on top of the other ships in the bay!" —Amanda Holliday
Junkyard NavigatorJunkyard navigator icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Waste is a Human word, my friend—one that has no Eliksni translation." —The Spider
LepidopteraLepidoptera icon1.jpgExoticEververse"With freight coming in from all over the system, you wouldn't believe the bug problems we get in the Hangar." —Amanda Holliday
Lunar GrowlLunar growl icon1.jpgExoticEververseFor those unafraid to swim against the current.
Nemean GalleyNemean galley icon1.jpgExoticEververse"You should try entering the Trials unarmed some time. A true challenge, the kind that will harden both spirit and bone." —Saint-14
Obdurate EconomyObdurate economy icon1.jpgExoticEververse"There's a big difference between going on assignment and taking a trip." —Commander Zavala
Pragmat HarrierPragmat harrier icon1.jpgExoticEververse"In the Dark Ages, we didn't care if our gear looked crude. Death is crude, and its tools should look the part." —The Drifter
Reefborn WarbirdReefborn warbird icon1.jpgExoticDisplay of Supremacy, Weekly Challenge"Fly to the end of existence… and then come back to me." —Queen Mara Sov
Silkivory VanishSilkivory vanish icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I swear, just walkin' past some of these birds can make you feel five degrees cooler." —Amanda Holliday
Unixûrsal VoyagerUnixûrsal voyager icon1.jpgExoticXûr's Treasure Hoard"All things that fall to me are sent by someone greater." —Xûr
Vapoorwill SpinVapoorwill spin icon1.jpgExoticEva Levante (The Dawning 2021)"Move quickly enough, and perhaps all our worries will be outpaced by the joy you share." —Eva Levante
Wanderer's WingsWanderer's wings icon1.jpgExoticEververseThere are 31,618 tally marks scratched into the inner plating of this vessel.

Season 14 Ships

See also: Season 14 Ships
Aoki/Faas SL-65Aokifaas sl-65 icon1.jpgExoticEververseDuring the Golden Age, Aoki/Faas astromechanics held the record for the most Formula Sol manufacturer's trophies.
Argentate DuskArgentate dusk icon1.jpgExoticEververseFrom orbit, dusk is just a flight path.
Aureate DawnAureate dawn icon1.jpgExoticEververseFrom orbit, the dawn arrives on command.
Firebreak WardenFirebreak warden icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe Last City still bears scars from the Red War—crumbled buildings, collapsed sewers, and caved-in basement complexes where spelunkers search for disabled Ghost shells.
Forbidden MemoryForbidden memory icon1.jpgExoticLight a candle for those we've lost.
Kosmos LightbeamKosmos lightbeam icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I took a spin in one of those old automobiles once. Fixed it up with Amanda, hauled it to some unbroken road. Wound up stuck in a ditch in 10 seconds. Can't believe they used to race those." —Marcus Ren
Long Haul CruiserLong haul cruiser icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe earliest jump drives of the Golden Age paled in comparison to their modern versions—freight charters to Europa took several days.
M3-D1 ValkyrieM3-d1 valkyrie icon1.jpgExoticEververseMost of the Last City's emergency response vehicles were destroyed during the Red War. The Foundries were contracted to manufacture new fleets in that wake.
Redline TorpedoRedline torpedo icon1.jpgExoticEververseWARNING: Disabling proximity-based automatic dampening (PBAD) can significantly increase the risk of operating the vehicle. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
VaultstriderVaultstrider icon1.jpgExoticVault of GlassAbove Venus, goodness strides…

Season 13 Ships

See also: Season 13 Ships
Celestial KestrelCelestial kestrel icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe brightest constellation is that of Guardians standing together in the dark.
Gigantes CarrierGigantes carrier icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I want this whale stuffed to the gills. Cargo bays, electrical panels, latrines; load it up!" —The Spider
High GravitasHigh gravitas icon1.jpgExoticWar Table"That's a clean-looking ride, Guardian. How about we get her scuffed up a little?" —Amanda Holliday
Metropolitan FrigateMetropolitan frigate icon1.jpgExoticEververse"The City is more than safe harbor. It is a home. To understand the difference is to know why we must protect it at all costs." —Commander Zavala
Synchrotron AdvancerSynchrotron advancer icon1.jpgExoticEververseBarriers are meant to be broken.
Taurus RocketeerTaurus rocketeer icon1.jpgExoticEververseMake haste—your greatest work lies ahead.
The FrontrunnerThe frontrunner icon1.jpgExoticEververseNothing but clear skies ahead.
Victory's HeraldVictory's herald icon1.jpgExoticEververse"By the time their scanner pings me, it's already over. No contest." —Marcus Ren
Winds of ChangeWinds of change icon1.jpgExoticFlawless chest completion in the Trials of Osiris Lighthouse."You can't tell the breeze where to blow. All you can do is sit back and see where it takes you." —Amanda Holliday

Season 12 Ships

See also: Season 12 Ships
Atlas HaulerAtlas hauler icon1.jpgExoticEververseWe all carry heavy burdens. Don't carry yours alone.
Halcyon CorvetteHalcyon corvette icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Mars, Venus… this is all just the beginning. The stars are out there, kiddo, waiting for us."

—Unknown speaker, Golden Age audio recording
Heavenly LanceHeavenly lance icon1.jpgExoticEververse"That anger, the need for vengeance… it'll consume you if you let it." —Shaw Han
Last Flight HomeLast flight home icon1.jpgExoticTriumph: Europan TourFrom out here, home seems very far away.
Radiant AccipiterRadiant Accipiter icon.jpgExoticBird of PreyA paracausal ship. That's a new one. No navigation system, no controls, no computer on account of it responding directly to your thoughts. Not much to tinker with under the hood. Mostly because… there ain't no hood, neither.—Amanda Holliday
Silverwing KestrelSilverwing kestrel icon1.jpgExoticEververseLook to the sky with hope in your heart.
Stardevil PredatorStardevil predator icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Don't fear the boogeyman. Be the boogeyman." —The Drifter
Starfarer 7MStarfarer 7m icon1.jpgExoticAnd to All a Good FlightLet no distance come between you.
The Fourth MarkThe fourth mark icon1.jpgExoticCoup de Grâce"Vengeance isn't a destination, friend. It's a commodity. Make sure you're willing to pay the price before you enter the deal." —The Spider

Season 11 Ships

See also: Season 11 Ships
Callisto LancerCallisto lancer icon1.jpgExoticEverversePierce the sky.
Canopus WingCanopus wing icon1.jpgExoticEverversePeople used to look up and see the shimmer of the stars. Now they see only the darkness between them. The light still shines, though.
CuttleboneCuttlebone icon1.jpgExoticEververse"And of course, the siphuncle is essential. Heh. Siphuncle. What a great word." —Pahanin Errata
EnneagonEnneagon icon1.jpgLegendaryPrismatic RecasterReach beyond your primitive understanding.
Rimskipper SlingRimskipper sling icon1.jpgExoticEververse"They say you can't catch the horizon. Maybe we haven't gone far enough yet." —Tenet-2
SolpiercerSolpiercer icon1.jpgExoticEververseDrowned in shadow from on high, crowned with light to rend the sky.
The PallbearerThe pallbearer icon1.jpgExoticEververseGrave tidings, I'm afraid.
VG-17 Flying FortressVg-17 flying fortress icon1.jpgExoticEververseIgnore their slings and arrows.
VelocimancerVelocimancer icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I see glimpses out there, in the streaking blue stars. Secrets. Truths. If I could just get a little more speed…" —Final log, unknown Golden Age pilot
Wrap SpeedWrap speed icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the Lost 2020.Your sarcophagus among the stars.

Season 10 Ships

See also: Season 10 Ships
Absalom KnifeAbsalom knife icon1.jpgLegendarySeraph Warsat NetworkThis is the abhorrent truth: to protect some, we must destroy others.
Arrow of TimeArrow of time icon1.jpgExoticEververseWe must continue to move forward, even if it means aiming backward.
KnucklebugKnucklebug icon1.jpgExoticEververseBetter get cracking.
NS81 Reprisal SprintNs81 reprisal sprint icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Hey, hey, don't give up! Everything you ever wanted's on the other side of tomorrow." —Cayde-6
Obsidian WingsObsidian wings icon1.jpgExoticEververse"For the day we're free." —Lord Felwinter
Saint's VocationSaint's vocation icon1.jpgExoticEververseA new chance. A new calling.
Solar SailsSolar sails icon1.jpgExoticEververseIt's going to be a long, cold ride.
TatarstanTatarstan icon1.jpgExoticSeason Pass Reward
Everything is gone.::
Team SpiritTeam spirit icon1.jpgExoticGuardian Games"No Guardian works alone." —Commander Zavala
The UnderdogThe underdog icon1.jpgExoticGuardian GamesKicked, starved, or scorned, I always get up. I always go on.
Waking NightmareWaking nightmare icon1.jpgExoticEververse"As Darkness approaches, my vision grows clearer." —Eris Morn

Season 9 Ships

See also: Season 9 Ships
Amnestia-S2Amnestia-s2 icon1.jpgExoticEververse"The Dawning welcomes everyone." —Eva Levante
Bright SpiritsBright spirits icon1.jpgLegendaryThe Dawning.Always looking forward.
Chrysopelea-SChrysopelea-s icon1.jpgExoticEververseOut of the grass. Into the sky.
Saint's InvocationSaint's invocation icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Find tranquility in the reprieve" —Saint-14
Sleepless FlightSleepless flight icon1.jpgExoticEververse"We want people to be able to sleep easy, and that means we can't sleep at all. It's a responsibility I accepted a long time ago." —Abdi
Tachyon-4Tachyon-4 icon1.jpgExoticEververseFaster than the fastest.
The ProdThe prod icon1.jpgExoticEververse"It'll get you moving." —Tex 99-40

Season 8 Ships

See also: Season 8 Ships
Arbitrage LXIArbitrage lxi icon1.jpgExoticRace low. Feint high.
Arcadia-Class JumpshipArcadia-class jumpship icon1.jpgUncommonEarned while leveling.Arcadians were the most common jumpships during the Golden Age, used for both terrestrial and planetary excursions. Their remains have been reported around most Earth-based space ports.
Bane of TyrantsBane of Tyrants icon1.jpgLegendaryShake the yoke and ready the pillory.
Flying FoundryFlying foundry icon1.jpgLegendaryChance to acquire when you win Iron Banner matches.Broken bones mend strong.
Nephilim ToasterNephilim toaster icon1.jpgExoticOne rung closer to heaven.
Never Live It DownNever live it down icon1.jpgExoticEarned as a Season Pass reward."You think I can't fly a ship into the Black Garden?" —Yardarm-4, Titan of the Kentarch 3
Quality CutQuality cut icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Fate is a scythe." —Idil Abdi
Refashioned ShapesRefashioned shapes icon1.jpgExoticEververse"Recovery is a spiral, not a circle. You may return to the same patterns, but you will break free." —Eris Morn
Spear of the ForeSpear of the fore icon1.jpgLegendaryComplete the Beacon in the Black Triumph by completing Nightfall: The Ordeal on Master difficulty.Holding the line at the bleeding edge.
The DesmodusThe desmodus icon1.jpgExoticEververseI fly on silent wings, blood-bound.
The MachinoformThe machinoform icon1.jpgExoticEververseOnly one model of reality will endure.
The Third TideThe third tide icon1.jpgLegendaryFound by exploring the Moon.Conflict ebbs. Conflict flows.
Unwilling Revolt 00-ZUnwilling revolt 00-z icon1.jpgExoticConsent divides migration from exile.

Season 7 Ships

See also: Season 7 Ships
Aeshnidae Fixed-WingAeshnidae fixed-wing icon1.jpgExoticEververseNow high. Now low.
Bayle's AerodyneBayle's aerodyne icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I believe the Cabal are a more credible threat to humanity's continued existence than any other currently facing our solar system." —Bayle, Holborn's Host
Chela-NChela-n icon1.jpgExoticEververseIn time, small wedges cleave the hardest oak.
ProteusProteus icon1.jpgExoticEververseAn experimental submersible designed for ad-hoc miniaturization. No successful trials to date, owing to the continued realities of quantum mechanics.
Solstice HymnalSolstice hymnal icon1.jpgLegendaryEarned during the 2019 Solstice of Heroes event.Warriors of peace who yet bear swords.
Summertide KiteSummertide kite icon1.jpgExoticEververseDespite everything, the sun shines on.
The Emperor's ChosenThe emperor's chosen icon1.jpgLegendaryAcquired from completing a Season of Opulence Triumph.All will be eclipsed by your glory.
The OviraptorThe oviraptor icon1.jpgExoticEververseKeep your precious cargo close to your heart.
Transpose JT-24-XTranspose jt-24-x icon1.jpgExoticEververseLook at your problems from another perspective.
Woomera B-5Woomera b-5 icon1.jpgExoticEververseA flying wing favored by the Fighting Dharug, a group of Warlocks who hold the Hawkesbury Sea.

Season 6 Ships

See also: Season 6 Ships
Black PeregrineBlack peregrine icon1.jpgExoticEververse package]].I am the needle that threads the fabric of time.
Bombos-CERBombos-cer icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Bring life and new ideas with you wherever you go.
Broadcast-ISBroadcast-is icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A Häkke Vimana class refit, preferred by satcomm technicians.
Carouse-CERCarouse-cer icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A Häkke Vimana class refit, painted for Revelry festivities in the Last City.
Congregate-ISCongregate-is icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A Häkke Vimana class refit, repurposed for civilian transport to and from the Last City during the Revelry.
DSV-Huygens IXDsv-huygens ix icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Nautilus-class aerosub, designed for seamless transition between methane submersion and low-atmosphere flight on Titan.
Egbe-01XEgbe-01x icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams."Strike the flock from the sky." —Nkechi-32
Equatorial EquilibriumEquatorial equilibrium icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.The period of time during which day and night are the same around a planetary body.
HolacanthusHolacanthus icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Warn away predators of the Reef.
Ignition-CERIgnition-cer icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A Häkke Vimana class refit, with custom paint for Dawning lantern lighting celebrations.
Monument-CERMonument-cer icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A Häkke Vimana class refit, with custom paint for Solstice parades.
Reclaimer-ISReclaimer-is icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A Häkke Vimana class refit, favored by inner-system scrappers.
SCRAP CF-717-91Scrap cf-717-91 icon1.jpgExoticRefurbished salvage recovered from the ruins of the original Tower.
SCRAP MS-123-88Scrap ms-123-88 icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Salvage recovered from the Valley of the Kings, Mars.
Safe PassageSafe passage icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Echo-class refit. Experimental tech for AI-manned civilian transport.
Skulking FoxSkulking fox icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams.I am the scavenger who will outrun you all.
The MayflyThe mayfly icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams.Here and then gone.
Threat DisplayThreat display icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams.I do not need to hide.
Vimana-SVimana-s icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Again descend they from the seat of Orders.
Volk-CERVolk-cer icon1.jpgLegendaryA Häkke Vimana class refit, painted in honor of the Iron Banner.
Wander-CERWander-cer icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A gift from the Guardians of the Tower to Suraya Hawthorne during the inaugural Revelry.
Wassail-CERWassail-cer icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A Häkke Vimana class refit, painted for Revelry festivities in the Last City.

Season 5 Ships

See also: Season 5 Ships
Ada-1's Lone WolfAda-1s lone wolf icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams."It's an old-fashioned oxymoron. There is no such thing. But, you must admit, there is something charming about old fashions…" —Ada-1
Aerial ShroudAerial shroud icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams.A reminder of our mortality, streaking through the cosmos.
Affinity's GiftAffinitys gift icon1.jpgLegendaryDawning CheerAs you give so shall you receive.
Azul BladeAzul blade icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.The deepest blues and blacks you ever saw.
Bird of PeaceBird of peace icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.There is joy in flight.
Buckthorn ApproachBuckthorn approach icon1.jpgLegendaryForsaken"It may look like a big creepy face soarin' through the stars, but don't you worry. It'll fly true." -Amanda Holliday
Cautious OptimismCautious optimism icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Everything is always getting better.
Celestial TourCelestial tour icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.When you reach the farthest star, keep going.
Classical NovaClassical nova icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.New stars burn brightest.
Cold SnapCold snap icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.The air's a little colder, a little cleaner up here.
Cosmo JumperCosmo jumper icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Skipping through galaxies like a stone.
Crux UnraveledCrux unraveled icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Let old wounds heal.
Dream StreakDream streak icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Nothing's going to stop us now.
Flight of FancyFlight of fancy icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Lose yourself among the stars.
Forgotten VortexForgotten vortex icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.What's lost is not always forgotten.
Galaxy KayakGalaxy kayak icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.For when you're paddling upriver in a stream of stars.
Glad TidingsGlad tidings icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams."This may be the 'Last Safe City,' but we've still gotta look out for each other." —Suraya Hawthorne
Granite BurrowGranite burrow icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A force that could move the earth.
Grim FoxxGrim foxx icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.They'll never see me coming.
Home AwayHome away icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams.We celebrate the Dawning no matter what's under our feet.
In With the NewIn with the new icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.This year, go somewhere you've never been.
Infected SeekerInfected seeker icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams.By the time you've seen it, it's already too late.
Inky DaydreamInky daydream icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.What could have been?
Momentum OccasionMomentum occasion icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.You'll be talking about it for years to come.
MurmurationMurmuration icon1.jpgLegendaryForsaken Refer-a-FriendNone of us fly alone.
Ruby SliceRuby slice icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Sharp like your mind.
Stained ShrapnelStained shrapnel icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.None of it found purchase anywhere, save the ground and sky.
Stronger Than NowStronger than now icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.And again, and again, and again.
Technical MeltdownTechnical meltdown icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.A quick escape when it all falls apart.
The First DominoThe first domino icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.It was over before anyone even noticed.
The People's PrideThe peoples pride icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Our hearts swell with every victory.
The Platinum StarlingThe platinum starling icon1.jpgExoticFound by completing Gofannon Forge ignitions.Power, grace, tradition.
Three to EightThree to eight icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.When it happens to you, it will change everything.
Turbo HammerTurbo hammer icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Can't slow down.
Uncrowned ProgenitorUncrowned progenitor icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.There was no relation to the three other models. It was best for all four.
Unsecured/OUTCRYUnsecuredoutcry icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams.COMPILING latest [θ] intelligence... Insufficient justification to pursue present action...
Whetted ResolutionWhetted resolution icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.Let renewed purpose guide your trajectory.
Xenon DirectXenon direct icon1.jpgLegendaryBright Engrams.He squinted and it was gone-¦ but she swore it never moved.
Ódrerirӓdrerir icon1.jpgExoticBright Engrams."Kinsmen to kinsmen should be true." —The Saga of Olaf Haraldson

Season 4 Ships

Ship Rarity Image Description
Jadewyrm XLIV Legendary Jadewyrm XLIV1.jpg Justice turns when we least expect it.
Currus Gloriae XLII Legendary Currus Gloriae XLII1.jpg Crossing skies and chasing suns.
Rotaro 33 Legendary Rotaro 331.jpg The future spins toward you.
Trirang Tox Legendary Trirang Tox1.jpg Rising again and again across the field.
Shade at the Gates Legendary Shade at the Gates1.jpg I swear it spoke to me and shone to guide the way.
Stark Baffler Exotic Stark Baffler1.jpg Sleek and confounding.
Zavala's Authority Exotic Zavala's Authority1.jpg When it moves, it's a ribbon of violet moonlight.
The Ruinous Flame Legendary The Ruinous Flame1.jpg Fly fast and burn brightly.
Lost Legend Exotic Lost Legend1.jpg A BrayTech Model X-JY5438 (refurbished).
Shadow Trespass Exotic Shadow Trespass1.jpg Dampened hulls help avoid detection.
Ampulance LXXX Legendary Ampulance LXXX1.jpg Sealing and delivering salvation and death in equal measure.
Vor Pyl VIII Legendary Vor Pyl VIII1.jpg The interstellar blade that goes snicker-snack.
Dusk Harrier Legendary Dusk Harrier1.jpg It doesn't need talons to be the most dangerous thing in the sky.
Kolla Mauler IX Legendary Kolla Mauler IX1.jpg Bringing inexorable justice from across the system.
Pitfall Souter E5D Legendary Pitfall Souter E5D1.jpg Ready for anything but quicksand.
Burningbrite Tyger Legendary Burningbrite Tyger1.jpg The immortal hand and eye.
Hook Snarler Legendary Hook Snarler1.jpg The curved fang can be the worst.
Lang Syne Revenant Legendary Lang Syne Revenant1.jpg The old ways can return.
A Thousand Wings Exotic A Thousand Wings1.jpg Extinguish the stars. Devour the planets. Soar through a universe of utter dark.
Thunderwing Legendary Thunderwing1.jpg Now we're getting somewhere. Welcome to the next step.
Estival Excursion Exotic Estival Excursion1.jpg Returning home is never as fast as you want it to be.
Ermine TAC-717 Legendary Ermine TAC-7171.jpg Rebuilt from blueprints carried into this system from a lost singularity.
Pallas Galliot Legendary Pallas Galliot1.jpg Nimble Reefcraft built for navigating asteroid fields.
Stellar Pavements Legendary Stellar Pavements1.jpg Go where the roads won't take you.
Impolite Company Legendary Impolite Company1.jpg "I've been called a lot of things, but so help me, 'polite' will never be one of them." —Cayde-6
Temperance Moon Legendary Temperance Moon1.jpg "Flying is like releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding." —Amanda Holliday
Upward Spiral Legendary Upward Spiral1.jpg "Nowhere but up!" —Marcus Ren
Beautiful Gravities Legendary Beautiful Gravities1.jpg "The weight of the worlds. That's what they used to say." —Quantis Rhee
Where Stars Collide Legendary Where Stars Collide1.jpg "Have you ever watched a star breathe its last breath?"
Bicameral Promise Legendary Bicameral Promise1.jpg My dreams are carved into stone.
Last Sunset Legendary Last Sunset1.jpg See that it never comes.
Quantum Cartographer Legendary Quantum Cartographer1.jpg "It is our task to chart the secret places of the universe."
In Medias Res Legendary In Medias Res1.jpg "That's where I like to be."
Drift Apart Legendary Drift Apart1.jpg "Smoke. Leaves. Friends. Thoughts. Lives. Dust. Don't even try to hold on." —The Drifter
The Tall Tale Exotic The Tall Tale1.jpg "Every story is true if you tell it right." —Andal Brask
Unfinal Shapes Exotic Unfinal Shapes1.jpg "Mine is not a final shape. She showed me that." –Eris Morn
Death to Kells Exotic Death to Kells1.jpg What is a Kell to a Spider?
Aeviternal XXII Exotic Aeviternal XXII1.jpg A remarkably preserved Golden Age pattern recovered from the excavation in Hellas Basin.
Astera Blade Legendary Astera Blade1.jpg A ship built for legends.
Tickled Catastrophe Legendary Tickled Catastrophe1.jpg Better watch out.
Jewel of Saturn Legendary Jewel of Saturn1.jpg An advanced retrofit custom-made by Amanda Holliday.
The Great Beyond Legendary The Great Beyond1.jpg "The undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns… until now."
Queen of Hearts Exotic Queen of Hearts1.jpg "She wore hers on her sleeve. Had mine in the palm of her hand." —Cayde-6

Warmind Ships

Ship Rarity Image Description

Curse of Osiris Ships

See also: Curse of Osiris Ships
Ship Rarity Image Description
Distant Pulsar Legendary Distant Pulsar1.jpg "This place is just the beginning. More dazzling sights await us." —Dead Orbit slogan
Iron Pendragon Legendary Iron Pendragon1.jpg "We didn't choose to become Light bearers. But we do choose to be Guardians." —Lady Perun
Leonine Carrack Legendary Leonine Carrack1.jpg "The roaring engines tell of the coming monarch. Let everyone hear!" —New Monarchy declaration
Bonegrip Legendary Bonegrip1.jpg "Let the enemy come, or let us go to them; it makes no difference." —Future War Cult rallying cry
Sails of Osiris Exotic Sails of Osiris1.jpg "When eyes are clear, justice need not be blind." —Fractal Scrolls
Saint-14's Gray Pigeon Exotic Saint-14's Gray Pigeon1.jpg "The name? Pigeons are the only birds left in the City sky. One of the many 'last things' we fight for. If you have a problem with that, we could step into the Crucible." —Saint-14
Kabr's Glass Aegis Exotic Kabr's Glass Aegis1.jpg Kabr stopped them in the Vault of Glass, but what did he start?
Asher Mir's One-Way Ticket Exotic Asher Mir's One-Way Ticket1.jpg "It is possible to mathematically predict the cadence of death and resurrection in every firefight, regardless of combatant composition." —Asher Mir
Ikora's Resolve Exotic Ikora's Resolve1.jpg "I'd tell my younger self, 'There will be plenty of time to settle down. For now, enjoy the ride.'" —Ikora Rey
The Sundaresh Experiment 13-R Exotic The Sundaresh Experiment 13-R1.jpg Ishtar Collective research led to places unexpected, unexplored, and in some cases unsanctioned.
Armcoat Legendary Armcoat1.jpg We bear a story that will be told a thousand times.
Sailing Shield Legendary Sailing Shield1.jpg Hear the thunder far off? It's us. It's always us.
Rubente Dextra Legendary Rubente Dextra1.jpg "Enough of snow and hail at last

The sire has sent in vengeance down…" —Horace

Nebula Bloom Legendary Nebula Bloom1.jpg Out of disaster we see spirits rise, again and again.
Edge of the Worlds Legendary Edge of the Worlds1.jpg Go beyond.
Andromeda Gleaming Legendary Andromeda Gleaming1.jpg Race the stars and see them shrink away.
Galactic Hum Legendary Galactic Hum1.jpg Can you hear it?
Star Scion Legendary Star Scion1.jpg "No, we don't explore. We win back, and find more." —Callisto Yin
Dragonquin Legendary Dragonquin1.jpg Joy is up to you—take it and fly.
Arrowhawk Legendary Arrowhawk1.jpg Let the darkness hear a fierce, screaming cry.
Antonio Legendary Antonio1.jpg "Well, tell me now what lady is the same to whom you swore a secret pilgrimage?" —Shakespeare
Runereed Legendary Runereed1.jpg Like the man said: straighten up and fly right.
Wanderlonging Legendary Wanderlonging1.jpg A homesickness for the places you've never been.
Infinite Visage Legendary Infinite Visage1.jpg Out on the far edges, where edges never end.
Mainsail Royal Legendary Mainsail Royal1.jpg Justice flies before us.
Bassanio Legendary Bassanio1.jpg "In my school days, when I had lost one shaft, I shot his fellow of the selfsame flight." —Shakespeare
Spun Sidhe Legendary Spun Sidhe1.jpg They look for this ship. They know it.
Neverfall Legendary Neverfall1.jpg As long as blood flows in these veins, she will fly.
Hardtop Regent Legendary Hardtop Regent1.jpg When they say run, we say bring it on.
Amethystine Legendary Amethystine1.jpg "Finest in the solar system, sir. A shining bloom."
Fantail Regent Legendary Fantail Regent1.jpg What bears us aloft? Is it power? No. Spirit alone.

Vanilla Ships

Ship Rarity Image Description
Nothing Gold Legendary Nothing Gold1.jpg Glamour and style for a Guardian on the move.
BreakPoint Legendary BreakPoint1.jpg An Echo-class refit designed by SRL legend Marcus Ren.
City Apex Legendary City Apex1.jpg “When the people see your ship in the sky, they will know that they are safe.” —The Speaker
Echo Zero Common Echo Zero1.jpg A standard issue, Echo-class jumpship. Perfect for racers and daredevils.
Vector Zero Common Vector Zero1.jpg A standard issue, Vector-class jumpship. Perfect for racers and daredevils.
Shadowed Dawn Legendary Shadowed Dawn1.jpg An Echo-class refit designed by SRL legend Cron-8.
Eriana's Vengeance Exotic Eriana's Vengeance1.jpg "Wei… I will see you again. But first… I have work to do." —Eriana-3, before entering the Hellmouth
Cardinal One Legendary Cardinal One1.jpg An Echo-class refit designed for one thing: speed.
Talon Blue Legendary Talon Blue1.jpg Echo-class refit. Somewhere between blue sky and black space.
Helios Strain Legendary Helios Strain1.jpg A Vector-class refit designed for near-solar exploration.
Starling Bolt Legendary Starling Bolt1.jpg A Vector-class refit designed by SRL legend Tyla Sola.
Leopard Zero Common Leopard Zero1.jpg A standard issue, Leopard-class jumpship. Perfect for warriors and commanders.
Minerva Zero Common Minerva Zero1.jpg A standard issue, Minerva-class jumpship. Perfect for warriors and commanders.
Zenith SV Legendary Zenith SV1.jpg The thin line between us and them.
Leonid MV Legendary Leonid MV1.jpg Minerva-class refit. Break any storm that finds you.
Space-Age Lancelot Legendary Space-Age Lancelot1.jpg Tonight, we ride.
Eos Rapture Legendary Eos Rapture1.jpg A Minerva-class refit commemorating the legendary Warlock Tinasha-3, known to her peers in the Iron Banner as Ashraven.
Spectral Gain Legendary Spectral Gain1.jpg Leopard-class refit. Follow the rainbow.
The Bandwagon Exotic The Bandwagon1.jpg "Because a group of coyotes is a band!" —Therin Vai

"I refuse to call it that."—Nadiya

High Line Legendary High Line1.jpg The right vantage means everything.
Verona Mesh Legendary Verona Mesh1.jpg Make a pastime of each wary step.
Amplitude/PT Legendary AmplitudePT1.jpg Nothing exists which can't be broken down into constituent parts.
Cartesian/KO Legendary CartesianKO1.jpg Odyssey-class refit. Someday it'll all make sense.
Takanome Wings Exotic Takanome Wings1.jpg "Follow the blue flowers to the City. And know that even if the planter is dead, they still watch over you." —Ayane Takanome
Absolute/MN Legendary AbsoluteMN1.jpg Odyssey-class refit. Better than the sum of its parts.
Captain Nemo Legendary Captain Nemo1.jpg Nobody ventured farther.
Alexandria Legendary Alexandria1.jpg Light a torch for the wanderers, that they may find their way back.
Dead Fall Legendary Dead Fall1.jpg The engines on this Nautilus-class retrofit were pulled from a much larger craft.  Maximum thrust is not recommended.
Sojourner Legendary Sojourner1.jpg Retrofitted Nautilus-class for long jaunts from Earth… or farther, if you decide to never come home again.
Nautilus Zero Common Nautilus Zero1.jpg A standard issue, Nautilus-class jumpship. Perfect for explorers and wanderers.
Odyssey Zero Common Odyssey Zero1.jpg A standard issue, Odyssey-class jumpship. Perfect for explorers and wanderers.
Ego and Squid Exotic Ego and Squid1.jpg Pahanin was a Hunter, satirist, travel-writer, and renowned cephalopod enthusiast.
Ordinate/VD Legendary OrdinateVD1.jpg Odyssey-class refit. All points could converge to one.
Alessa Legendary Alessa1.jpg Defend every corner.
Imprint Legendary Imprint1.jpg A Vector-class refit with experimental subspace engines.
Symmetry Flight Exotic Symmetry Flight1.jpg "To have Light, we must have Dark. This is the symmetry of the Universe." —Controversial Warlock Ulan-Tan
Tidal Dawn Legendary Tidal Dawn1.jpg Leopard-class refit. Consider this a wake-up call.
Rose and Bone Exotic Rose and Bone1.jpg In his strong hand the man held a Rose. And his aura burned bright.
Wanderwing Common Wanderwing1.jpg Hawthorne gave you this old, heavily refurbished jumpship. Not moddable.