Season 11 Ships

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Callisto LancerCallisto lancer icon1.jpgExoticEverversePierce the sky.
Canopus WingCanopus wing icon1.jpgExoticEverversePeople used to look up and see the shimmer of the stars. Now they see only the darkness between them. The light still shines, though.
CuttleboneCuttlebone icon1.jpgExoticEververse"And of course, the siphuncle is essential. Heh. Siphuncle. What a great word." —Pahanin Errata
EnneagonEnneagon icon1.jpgLegendaryPrismatic RecasterReach beyond your primitive understanding.
Rimskipper SlingRimskipper sling icon1.jpgExoticEververse"They say you can't catch the horizon. Maybe we haven't gone far enough yet." —Tenet-2
SolpiercerSolpiercer icon1.jpgExoticEververseDrowned in shadow from on high, crowned with light to rend the sky.
The PallbearerThe pallbearer icon1.jpgExoticEververseGrave tidings, I'm afraid.
VG-17 Flying FortressVg-17 flying fortress icon1.jpgExoticEververseIgnore their slings and arrows.
VelocimancerVelocimancer icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I see glimpses out there, in the streaking blue stars. Secrets. Truths. If I could just get a little more speed…" —Final log, unknown Golden Age pilot
Wrap SpeedWrap speed icon1.jpgExoticFestival of the Lost 2020.Your sarcophagus among the stars.