Season 14 Ships

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Aoki/Faas SL-65Aokifaas sl-65 icon1.jpgExoticEververseDuring the Golden Age, Aoki/Faas astromechanics held the record for the most Formula Sol manufacturer's trophies.
Argentate DuskArgentate dusk icon1.jpgExoticEververseFrom orbit, dusk is just a flight path.
Aureate DawnAureate dawn icon1.jpgExoticEververseFrom orbit, the dawn arrives on command.
Firebreak WardenFirebreak warden icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe Last City still bears scars from the Red War—crumbled buildings, collapsed sewers, and caved-in basement complexes where spelunkers search for disabled Ghost shells.
Forbidden MemoryForbidden memory icon1.jpgExoticLight a candle for those we've lost.
Kosmos LightbeamKosmos lightbeam icon1.jpgExoticEververse"I took a spin in one of those old automobiles once. Fixed it up with Amanda, hauled it to some unbroken road. Wound up stuck in a ditch in 10 seconds. Can't believe they used to race those." —Marcus Ren
Long Haul CruiserLong haul cruiser icon1.jpgExoticEververseThe earliest jump drives of the Golden Age paled in comparison to their modern versions—freight charters to Europa took several days.
M3-D1 ValkyrieM3-d1 valkyrie icon1.jpgExoticEververseMost of the Last City's emergency response vehicles were destroyed during the Red War. The Foundries were contracted to manufacture new fleets in that wake.
Redline TorpedoRedline torpedo icon1.jpgExoticEververseWARNING: Disabling proximity-based automatic dampening (PBAD) can significantly increase the risk of operating the vehicle. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
VaultstriderVaultstrider icon1.jpgExoticVault of GlassAbove Venus, goodness strides…