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Warlocks weaponize the mysteries of the universe to sustain themselves and devastate their foes.
Solar Subclass Dawnblade
Arc Subclass Stormcaller
Void Subclass Voidwalker
Stasis Subclass Shadebinder
Strand Subclass Broodweaver

Warlock is one of the three character classes available in Destiny 2.


Warlocks boast the highest recovery of Destiny's class triad, sacrificing resilience and agility for the ability to regenerate health with tremendous alacrity.

Much like its Titan and Hunter brethren, the Warlock class is divided into three subclasses at present; each specialization offers unique abilities and alters the manner in which the class is played. Shared among the subclasses is the Rift class ability; this technique is further divided into Healing Rift and Empowering Rift, each allowing players to buff allies with increased health regeneration and damage output.



Unlock conditions

Prior to Shadowkeep, where all subclasses were always available, Warlock subclasses had to be unlocked in a different way:


  • Warlock is the only class which had its melee attack altered due to the loss of Light in the Red War campaign. From the beginning of Adieu to near the end of Spark missions, Warlocks used the Punch instead of the Palm.
    • Since player characters did not lose their abilities during that story in Shadowkeep, Warlocks kept their Palm attack in those missions.
  • In the Destiny 2 Beta the Warlock melee range was greater than that of a Titan or a Hunter, with slower melee speed to compensate. When the game launched, however, the range had been nerfed to be the same as the other classes; but the speed was never brought up to other class melee speed.