Healing Rift

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Healing Rift
Healing rift icon1.png
Healing Rift banner.jpg
Class Warlock
Type Class Ability
Description Conjure a well of power that continuously heals those inside it.

Healing Rift is a Rift Class Ability available to the Warlock class.

Rift is augmented to grant restoration, which can overflow into a weak overshield that expires when the buff is lost. This stacks with the recipient's Recovery.



  • Arc soul icon1.png Arc Soul - Your rift now grants you or any ally that uses it an Arc Soul to aid in battle.


  • Fusion harness icon1.png Starfire Protocol - Fusion Grenades have an additional charge and regenerate faster. Fusion Grenade kills grant Rift energy.
  • Planetary torrent icon1.png Vesper of Radius - Rifts release an Arc shockwave when cast. Rift energy recharges faster when you are surrounded by enemies.


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