Season 11 Bounties

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See also: Bounties and Season 11

Legendary Season 11 Bounties

Rare Season 11 Bounties

A Show of PowerA show of power icon1.jpgDefeat opposing Guardians with Supers in Gambit or Crucible.Super: 15500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Applied PhysicsApplied physics icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Io with abilities to study the Light's effects on creatures beneath a Pyramid.Ability: 60Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Asher Mir
Auto Rifle TuningAuto rifle tuning icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Mercury with Auto Rifles. Precision final blows grant the most efficient progress.Auto Rifle: 250Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Brother Vance
Bank Job (Weekly)Bank job icon1.jpgEarn points by summoning Blockers of any kind. Larger Blockers grant the most efficient progress.Points: 25500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Bareknuckle BrawlerBareknuckle brawler icon1.jpgEarn points by defeating combatants and Guardians with melee abilities.Melee: 50500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Brilliant DisplayBrilliant display icon1.jpgEarn points by defeating combatants and Guardians with Supers. Defeating Guardians grants the most efficient progress.Super: 50500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Centrifugal ChamberCentrifugal chamber icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Io using Hand Cannons. Precision shots grant the most efficient progress.Hand Cannon: 250Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Asher Mir
Clean ShotClean shot icon1.jpgEarn points by getting precision final blows with any weapon against combatants or Guardians.[Headshot] Precision: 100500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Danger Close (Bounty)Danger close icon1.jpgEarn points by defeating combatants and Guardians with Submachine Guns and Shotguns. Shotgun final blows grant the most efficient progress.Points: 300500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Data PointsData points icon1.jpgDefeat Taken and Vex on Io to gather their data.Taken: 75
Vex: 75
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Asher Mir
Deadly DisciplineDeadly discipline icon1.jpgEarn points by defeating combatants and Guardians with grenades. Defeating Guardians grants the most efficient progress.Grenade: 50500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Elemental ArsenalElemental arsenal icon1.jpgDefeat combatants with Energy weapons on Titan.Energy weapon: 80Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Enter the ArenaEnter the arena icon1.jpgComplete matches in the Crucible.Crucible matches: 3500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Execution ProtocolExecution protocol icon1.jpgDefeat Hive, and use finishers on Mars to combat increased hostile activity.Finisher: 10
Hive: 150
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Ana Bray
Field AssignmentsField assignments icon1.jpgComplete patrols on Io and defeat combatants in the Wraith Mines or Terrabase Charon.Combatants: 50
Patrols: 3
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Asher Mir
Flames of MercuryFlames of mercury icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Mercury using Solar abilities.Solar: 60Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Brother Vance
Hit 'Em HighHit 'em high icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Titan with precision shots.[Headshot] Precision: 80Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Hive ScavengersHive scavengers icon1.jpgComplete patrols and defeat Hive in Tidal Anchor and Sinking Docks to stop them from stealing Golden Age tech.Patrols: 3
Hive: 45
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Hope RemainsHope remains icon1.jpgComplete Heroic public events anywhere in the system.Heroic public events: 3500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Keep It CenteredKeep it centered icon1.jpgEarn points by defeating Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit with precision final blows.[Headshot] Precision: 15500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Keeping SharpKeeping sharp icon1.jpgEarn points by defeating combatants and Guardians anywhere in the system.Points: 300500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Killing CleanKilling clean icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Mercury with precision final blows.[Headshot] Precision: 80Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Brother Vance
Lab EquipmentLab equipment icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Io using Kinetic, Energy, and Power weapons.Kinetic weapon: 60
Energy weapon: 25
Power weapon: 10
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Asher Mir
Lighten the LoadLighten the load icon1.jpgDefeat bosses on Mercury to solidify this reality.Bosses: 3Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Brother Vance
Martian Melee (Weekly)Martian melee icon1.jpgDefeat Thrall and other combatants on Mars using melee abilities.Thrall: 60
Melee: 25
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Ana Bray
Mentor by DefeatMentor by defeat icon1.jpgDefeat Guardians in the Crucible.Guardians: 30500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Mercurial CrescendoMercurial crescendo icon1.jpgDefeat Minotaurs or Hydras, and use finishers on combatants on Mercury.Combatants: 7
Finisher: 10
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Brother Vance
Ordinance ImperativeOrdinance imperative icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Mars using Grenade Launchers or Rocket Launchers. Rapidly defeating combatants grants the most efficient progress.Rapidly defeated: 90Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Ana Bray
Potluck: IoPotluck io icon1.jpgComplete public events on Io to gather data for Asher.Public events: 3Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Asher Mir
Priority EngagementsPriority engagements icon1.jpgDefeat bosses on Mars to check for broken Rasputin components.Bosses: 5Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Ana Bray
Purge Darkness: HivePurge darkness hive icon1.jpgDefeat Hive on Mars.Hive: 150500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Purge Darkness: TakenPurge darkness taken icon1.jpgDefeat Taken on Io.Taken: 150500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Purge Darkness: VexPurge darkness vex icon1.jpgDefeat Vex on Mercury.Vex: 150500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Quantity or QualityQuantity or quality icon1.jpgEarn points by defeating targets. Defeating bosses and Guardians grants the most efficient progress.Points: 350500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Red EndRed end icon1.jpgDefeat Cabal with damage or finishers anywhere in the system.Finisher: 10
Cabal: 100
500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Scout MarksmanScout marksman icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Titan using Scout Rifles. Precision shots grant the most efficient progress.Scout Rifle: 250Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Seal the DealSeal the deal icon1.jpgSummon Primevals, and defeat envoys in Gambit.Primevals summoned: 4
Envoys: 12
500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Seeds of DiscordSeeds of discord icon1.jpgComplete the Contact public event on Io, and defeat Taken.Public events: 1
Taken: 100
500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Send ItSend it icon1.jpgEarn points by defeating combatants and Guardians with Scout and Sniper Rifles. Sniper Rifles and precision final blows with either weapon grant the most efficient progress.Points: 300500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Slow and SteadySlow and steady icon1.jpgEarn points by defeating combatants and Guardians with Hand Cannons and Fusion Rifles. Fusion Rifle final blows grant the most efficient progress.Points: 300500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Spelunker: IoSpelunker io icon1.jpgComplete Io's Lost Sectors to assess the depth of the Pyramid's corruption.Aphix Conduit: 1
Sanctum of Bones: 1
Grove of Ulan-Tan: 1
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Asher Mir
Spelunker: MarsSpelunker mars icon1.jpgComplete a patrol and explore the Mars Lost Sectors: Core Terminus and Ma'adim Subterrane.Patrols: 1
Ma'adim Subterrane: 1
Core Terminus: 1
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Ana Bray
Spelunker: MercurySpelunker mercury icon1.jpgComplete patrols and explore the Mercury Lost Sector: Pariah's Refuge.Patrols: 3
Lost Sectors: 1
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Brother Vance
Spelunking: TitanSpelunking titan icon1.jpgComplete all Lost Sectors on Titan: Methane Flush, Cargo Bay 3, and DS Quarters-2.Cargo Bay 3: 1
Methane Flush: 1
DS Quarters-2: 1
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Stem the DarkStem the dark icon1.jpgDefeat Champions anywhere in the system, and collect Motes of Darkness in the Contact public event on Io.Champions: 15
Motes collected: 30
500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Stormy SeasStormy seas icon1.jpgDefeat hostiles on Titan using Arc abilities.Arc Arc ability: 60Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Strike Team: IoStrike team io icon1.jpgComplete a strike on Io and defeat combatants on Io to study the Pyramid's influence.Strikes: 1
Combatants: 75
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Asher Mir
Strike Team: MarsStrike team mars icon1.jpgComplete a strike on Mars and defeat combatants anywhere on Mars.Strikes: 1
Combatants: 75
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Ana Bray
Strike Team: MercuryStrike team mercury icon1.jpgComplete a strike on Mercury and defeat combatants anywhere on Mercury.Combatants: 75
Strikes: 1
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Brother Vance
Strike Team: TitanStrike team titan icon1.jpgComplete a strike on Titan and defeat Hive on Titan.Strikes: 1
Hive: 75
Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Tri-Barrel EnforcerTri-barrel enforcer icon1.jpgDefeat combatants and Guardians with Kinetic, Energy, and Power weapons.Kinetic weapon defeats: 100
Energy weapon defeats: 50
Power weapon defeats: 25
500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Tundra TrekkerTundra trekker icon1.jpgDefeat combatants in Mindlab: Rasputin, Alton Dynamo, or Hellas View on Mars.Combatants: 65Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Ana Bray
Unplanned ObsolescenceUnplanned obsolescence icon1.jpgDefeat Vex on Mercury to aid Brother Vance.Vex: 150Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Brother Vance
Violence ParadoxViolence paradox icon1.jpgComplete the strike "The Pyramidion" and defeat Vex anywhere in the system.Strikes: 1
Vex: 100
500 Twisted Energy
Prismatic Recaster
Void on the Red PlanetVoid on the red planet icon1.jpgDefeat combatants on Mars using Void abilities.Void Void ability: 60Exodus-Focused Umbral Engram
200 Altered Element
Ana Bray

Basic Season 11 Bounties