Dead Orbit Engram

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Dead Orbit Engram
Legendary engram icon1.png
Type Engrams
Rarity Legendary
Description This engram will contain one faction item, as well as faction shaders and one additional reward.
Source Dead Orbit

This Faction Engram is obtained by increasing a character's reputation with Dead Orbit. The Attack or Defense values of the items into which the engram decrypts will be equal to the player's highest possible Base Power Level with a hard cap of 330.


Note that in regard to the items listed below, either a Faction Weapon or a piece of Faction Armor will drop, but not both.

Faction Weapons

  • 1 of the following:
Item Icon Type Slot Impact Range Stability Handling Reload Speed Rounds Per Minute
Agamid Agamid icon1.jpg Hand Cannons Kinetic 92 60 31 33 38 110
Anniella Anniella icon1.jpg Sniper Rifles Energy 55 43 44 74 65 140
Basilisk Basilisk.png Shotguns Energy 0 38 41 48 69 140
Controlling Vision (Season 1) Controlling vision icon1.jpg Sidearms Kinetic 49 37 64 53 40 300
Dead-Ender Dead-ender icon1.jpg Linear Fusion Rifles Power Weapons 41 41 46 32 28
Dire Promise Dire promise icon1.jpg Hand Cannons Kinetic 80 45 50 61 54 150
Eleventh Hour Eleventh hour icon1.jpg Sidearms Energy 43 30 43 67 60 360
Gravity Slingshot Gravity slingshot icon1.jpg Shotguns Energy 80 24 28 35 35 55
Guiding Star Guiding star icon1.jpg Auto Rifles Kinetic 18 37 47 40 47 720
Haunted Earth Haunted earth icon1.jpg Scout Rifles Kinetic 67 70 28 32 39 150
Hollow Earth Hollow earth icon1.jpg Auto Rifles Energy 18 32 54 46 52 720
Peace by Consensus Peace by consensus icon1.jpg Sidearms Kinetic 51 59 44 39 24 260
Three Graves Three graves icon1.jpg Pulse Rifles Kinetic 33 68 59 26 37 340
Truthteller (Season 11) Truthteller icon1.jpg Grenade Launchers Energy 18 69 71 90

Faction Armor

Faction Shaders

Additional Rewards