Operation Elbrus

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Operation Elbrus
Operation elbrus icon1.jpg
Season 16
Type Quest
Rarity Legendary
Steps 28
Previous Rising Tensions
Vendors War Table (Season 16)
Rewards Umbral Engrams, Psychogenic Intel, Sweet Sorrow

Operation Elbrus is a Legendary Quest from the Season of the Risen. It is the second seasonal story quest, following Rising Tensions.


Interaction: War Table

Interaction Text

Operation Elbrus
The Psion has given Lord Saladin the knowledge claimed from the mind of the Hive that you brought to the Psisorium.

The Lucent Hive appear to be hunting Guardians, draining them of their Light, and collecting it—storing it for later use. The Psion doesn't know why.

"Savathûn knows how to keep a secret," Saladin says, "and so do her Hive."

Saladin asks you to find another Hive Lieutenant and defeat it in the Mindscape. He hopes it will have the knowledge locked away in its mind that the Vanguard seeks.

"I need you to hunt more of them," he says. "Cut them off from their Light and make them wither in the face of ours."

"They hate us… they want to usurp us. Become us. I will never let that happen."

Operation elbrus icon1.jpg Operation Elbrus

1. Intel gained


Gain Psychogenic Intel to learn about the Lucent Hive's plans.

Gather Intel by completing "The Witch Queen" campaign missions in the Throne World.

Intel can also be found in public events, strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and other activities.

Lord Saladin needs more intel on the Lucent Hive's attack plans to prepare a response.


Intel collected: 500


  • The maximum capacity for Psychogenic Intel is 2,000. When this capacity is reached, players cannot gain additional Intel. This may block progress on this quest if players reach 2,000 Intel before reaching this quest step. This also applies to all subsequent quest steps that require the player to gather Psychogenic Intel. Players can spend their Intel by opening Runic Chests in the PsiOps Battlegrounds playlist. A Runic Chest is found at the end of each mission, and can be opened for 500 Intel.

2. Decode Runic Chests


Enter a PsiOps Battleground, secure the Hive Lieutenant, and decode the Runic Chest.

To access, select the H.E.L.M. from the Destinations tab of the Director and choose the PsiOps Battlegrounds playlist.

The Lucent Hive still guard their deepest secrets. Manifest a Runic Chest and decode it to claim the secrets within.


Runic Chest decoded: 1

3. Seasonal Challenge


Claim the Week 1 Seasonal Challenge "Psychogenic Decoder" to earn Insight for the War Table.

The War Table is ready to be upgraded. Claim the Seasonal Challenge "Psychogenic Decoder" to gain the Insight required.


"Psychogenic Decoder" claimed: 1

4. War Table Upgrade


The War Table is ready to be upgraded. Access War Table upgrades on the War Table menu.

Upgrade the War Table to aid you in the fight against the Lucent Hive.


War Table upgraded: 1

5. Incoming Transmission


Check the War Table for an incoming transmission.

Upgrade the War Table to gain Intel from the Lucent Hive more efficiently.


Transmission received: 1

6. Debrief with Saladin


Debrief with Saladin at the War Table in the H.E.L.M.

Lord Saladin wants to update you on the progress the Psion is making with the Lucent Hive.


Debriefing heard: 1

Interaction: War Table

Interaction Text

Operation Elbrus
Lord Saladin is impressed with your performance in the Mindscape.

The Psion in the H.E.L.M. is now combing through the minds of the defeated Hive, searching for clues that could reveal their next attack.

"Each Hive holds a piece of the puzzle," Saladin explains. "If we discover their plans, we can bring their entire operation down upon them."

"We'll find what secrets they're hiding. And when they gather for their next ritual, you'll be there… with the full strength of the Light behind you."


7. Only Time Will Tell


The Hive Lieutenant has been secured. Saladin will contact you when the Psion has discovered the information it hides.

Discovering the truth in the mind of the Lucent Hive will take time. Saladin will contact you when he learns what they are hiding.


Unspecified Goal: 1


  • The Kill the Messenger quest becomes available at this point. The briefing with Caiatl will start immediately after the briefing with Saladin ends.
  • The quest automatically progresses to the next step after the start of Week 2.

8. Saladin Briefing


Lord Saladin has an update for you. Visit the War Table in the H.E.L.M.

The Psion has accessed the secrets hidden in the mind of the Hive Lieutenant. Lord Saladin is prepared to update you.


Briefing heard: 1

Interaction: War Table

Interaction Text

Operation Elbrus
Lord Saladin greets you with grim news: the Lucent Hive are mobilizing.

Intel pulled from the mind of the Hive has revealed a hazy vision of a stockpile of Light in the Cosmodrome, stolen from dead Guardians. Saladin will not allow such blasphemy to go unpunished.

"I need you down there," he says. "Find the Hive responsible, crush its spirit, tear it from the Light, and drag it back here."

"Then we will lay its evil secrets bare."

9. PsiOps Battleground: Cosmodrome


Enter PsiOps Battleground: Cosmodrome and secure the Lucent Hive Lieutenant.

To access, select the Cosmodrome on Earth from the Destinations tab of the Director.

The Lucent Hive are invading the Cosmodrome. Secure the Hive Lieutenant for transportation to the Psisorium.


Lucent Hive Lieutenant secured: 1

10. Analysis


Visit the Psisorium.

The Psisorium can be found down a set of stairs at the back of the H.E.L.M.

Visit the Psisorium and listen to Saladin and Crow discuss mercy.


Psisorium visited: 1


  • The dialogue between Saladin and Crow begins when the player enters the Psisorium. The dialogue occurs in the game world, and the player is free to walk around while it is happening.
  • Near the end of the dialogue, an animated cutscene will play, before returning the player back to Saladin and Crow in the Psisorium.

11. Intel gained


Gain Psychogenic Intel to learn more about the Lucent Hive's plans.

Gather Intel by completing "The Witch Queen" campaign missions in the Throne World.

Intel can also be found in public events, strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and other activities.

More Psychogenic Intel is required to learn where the Lucent Hive will strike next.


Intel collected: 500

12. Decode Runic Chests


Enter a PsiOps Battleground, secure the Hive Lieutenant, and decode the Runic Chest.

To access, select the H.E.L.M. from the Destinations tab of the Director and choose the PsiOps Battlegrounds playlist.

The Lucent Hive still guard their deepest secrets. Manifest a Runic Chest and decode it to claim the secrets within.


Runic Chest decoded: 1

13. Saladin Debrief


Debrief with Saladin at the War Table in the H.E.L.M.

Lord Saladin wishes to discuss with you his earlier conversation with Crow.


Debriefing heard: 1

Interaction: War Table

Interaction Text

Operation Elbrus
As he discusses Crow, Lord Saladin's frustration is evident even through the hologram.

He explains he shared the story of the thief with Crow to give him perspective, to show how well-intentioned mercy can ultimately lead to terrible loss.

With a sigh, he confides that Commander Zavala expressed similar concerns about the morality of psychically analyzing the Hive, even though the process is painless. And he admits he would rather defeat the Hive on the battlefield than in a lab.

Still, he says, Crow must not lose sight of the fact that the Lucent Hive are murdering Guardians.

"These demons have taken the Light," he says. "Nothing is more important than stopping them."

"I know it, you know it, and Crow… let's hope he's a fast learner."

Umbral Engram icon.png Umbral Engram
A mysterious engram containing a wide variety of Legendary gear. Its contents are susceptible to influence. Rahool in the Tower can decrypt its basic form, but vendors in the H.E.L.M. can unlock its deeper secrets.


14. The Psion's Work Continues


The Hive Lieutenant has been secured. Saladin will contact you when the Psion has discovered the information it hides.

Discovering the truth in the mind of the Lucent Hive will take time. Saladin will contact you when he learns what it is hiding.


Unspecified Goal: 1


  • The quest automatically progresses to the next step after the start of Week 3.

15. Brief with Saladin


Saladin has an update for you. Head to the War Table in the H.E.L.M. to hear his briefing.

The Psion has revealed information to Lord Saladin. Listen to his briefing to learn what new threats you must face.


Briefing heard: 1

Interaction: War Table

Interaction Text

Operation Elbrus
Lord Saladin warns that the Lucent Hive have redoubled their hostilities in the field. You should prepare for heightened resistance.

Saladin reflects on the brutal necessity of having to destroy Ghosts—even the twisted beings that accompany the Hive. He once thought those horrors were left in the distant past, buried with the Warlords of the Dark Ages.

He regrets that today's Guardians have to go through the same experience—and he holds the Hive responsible.

"If the Hive have taken our Light, let us take their ferocity," he says. "Show them they've done nothing but teach us how to destroy them."

16. Defeat the Lighthoarder


Enter a PsiOps Battleground and find and eliminate a Lighthoarder. Intel suggests destroying Lucent Beacons will be crucial to your victory.

To access, select the H.E.L.M. from the Destinations tab of the Director and choose the PsiOps Battlegrounds playlist.

New intel suggests Lucent Hive Lighthoarders are appearing on PsiOps Battlegrounds. Destroying Lucent Beacons will be key to defeating them.


  • Lighthoarder eliminated: 1
  • PsiOps Battleground completed: 1

17. Gain Intel


Gain Psychogenic Intel to learn more about the Lucent Hive's plans.

Gather Intel by completing "The Witch Queen" campaign missions in the Throne World.

Intel can also be found in public events, strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and other activities.

More Psychogenic Intel is required to learn where the Lucent Hive will strike next.


Intel collected: 500

18. Decode Runic Chests


Enter a PsiOps Battleground, secure the Hive Lieutenant, and decode the Runic Chest.

To access, select the H.E.L.M. from the Destinations tab of the Director and choose the PsiOps Battlegrounds playlist.

The Lucent Hive still guard their deepest secrets. Manifest a Runic Chest and decode it to claim the secrets within.


Runic Chest decoded: 1

19. Saladin Debrief


Debrief with Saladin at the War Table]] in the H.E.L.M.

Lord Saladin would like to debrief and discuss his experience in the Psion's Mindscape.


Debriefing heard: 1

Interaction: War Table

Interaction Text

Operation Elbrus
Lord Saladin congratulates you for another battle won.

While you were fighting against the Hive, Saladin spoke with the Psion running the Psisorium.

He tells you he allowed the Psion to host him in its Mindscape, where they communicated telepathically. He was surprised to learn the Psion shares the same distaste for searching the minds of the Hive that he does, and also that it has an old friendship with Empress Caiatl.

Saladin seems a bit surprised by how relatable he found the Psion to be. He suggests that Crow might benefit from such a communion—perhaps it would help him work through some of his inner demons.

Saladin will contact you when the Psion has gleaned fresh intel from the Hive.

Umbral Engram icon.png Umbral Engram
A mysterious engram containing a wide variety of Legendary gear. Its contents are susceptible to influence. Rahool in the Tower can decrypt its basic form, but vendors in the H.E.L.M. can unlock its deeper secrets.


20. The Psion's Work Continues


Discovering the truths hidden by the Lucent Hive will take time. Saladin will contact you when the Psion learns of their next offensive.

The Psion continues to search the minds of the Hive Lieutenants. Lord Saladin will contact you when he learns where the Lucent Hive will strike next.


Unspecified Goal: 1


  • The quest automatically progresses to the next step after the start of Week 4.

21. Saladin Briefing


Lord Saladin believes he has discovered the Lucent Hive's plans. Brief with him at the War Table in the H.E.L.M.

The Psion has relayed the information taken from the Lucent Hive to Lord Saladin. He wishes to speak with you urgently.


Briefing heard: 1

Interaction: War Table

Interaction Text

Operation Elbrus
Lord Saladin urgently relays the intel taken from the minds of the Hive: the Lucent Hive are going to use the Light stolen from the dead Guardians to manifest Savathûn's throne world on the Moon.

If they succeed, they will launch a full-scale invasion of Earth.

"This was their plan from the beginning," Saladin snarls. "Take our home. Corrupt our planet, overrun us, remove us from the universe."

"And when we are gone, forgotten… they will become the Guardians."

You must go to the Scarlet Keep and disrupt the summoning ritual. Caiatl is already en route with her forces—her chosen warriors will fight alongside you to defeat the Lucent Hive.

"Let that be the last thing these Hive see: unity in the face of oblivion," Saladin says.

"Show them that even if they destroy us, they will never destroy who we are."

22. PsiOps Battleground: Moon


Enter PsiOps Battleground: Moon, disrupt the ritual, and subdue the Lucent Hive Lieutenant.

To access, select the Moon from the Destinations tab of the Director.

The Lucent Hive are attempting to manifest Savathûn's throne world on the Moon. Head to the Scarlet Keep and disrupt the ritual.


Scarlet Keep ritual disrupted: 1

23. Hive Plans Foiled


Meet with Lord Saladin in the Psisorium.

The Psisorium can be found down a set of stairs at the back of the H.E.L.M.

Lord Saladin wishes to discuss the last mission in the Psisorium.


Meet with Saladin: 1


  • The dialogue begins when the player enters the Psisorium. The dialogue occurs in the game world, and the player is free to walk around while it is happening.

24. Intel Gained


While you await Caiatl's arrival, gather Psychogenic Intel to confirm that you stopped the Lucent Hive ritual.

Gather Intel by completing "The Witch Queen" campaign missions in the Throne World.

Intel can also be found in public events, strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and other activities.

Despite the situation in the Psisorium, the mission comes first. Gather Psychogenic Intel to confirm the Lucent Hive ritual was stopped.


Intel collected: 500

25. Decode Runic Chests


Enter a PsiOps Battleground and decode the Runic Chest.

To access, select the H.E.L.M. from the Destinations tab of the Director and choose the PsiOps Battlegrounds playlist.

The Lucent Hive's defeat must be total. Manifest a Runic Chest and decode it to claim the secrets within.


Runic Chest decoded: 1

26. Caiatl's Arrival


Empress Caiatl has contacted Commander Zavala and asked to speak with Crow in the Tower Hangar.

To meet with Empress Caiatl, go to the Tower in the Destinations tab of the Director and walk to the meeting point in the Hangar.

Empress Caiatl has arrived in the Tower Hangar and wishes to speak with Crow—immediately.


Justice witnessed: 1


  • The meeting cutscene begins when the banner in the Hangar is interacted with.
  • After this cutscene, Lord Saladin's axe appears in the H.E.L.M., leaning against the right-hand side of the War Table.

27. A New Beginning


Listen to Lord Saladin's message at the War Table in the H.E.L.M.

A message from Lord Saladin awaits on the War Table.


Saladin's message heard: 1

Interaction: War Table

Interaction Text

Operation Elbrus
There is calm, almost proud resolve in Lord Saladin's voice as he tells you why he demanded Caiatl take justice out on him instead of Crow:

"Because I chose to," he says.

He knew the value of the alliance with the Cabal when he saw you fighting alongside Caiatl's warriors, and he believes that, in a moment of misplaced compassion, Zavala would have thrown that alliance away to save Crow.

"And for a time, he would have believed that was mercy," Saladin says with an uncharacteristic smirk.

He will go willingly to join Caiatl's Cabal—a life for a life, to pay for the Psion that Crow killed. "If this is the cost of tomorrow for the Vanguard, I will gladly pay it," Saladin says.

He will accept the rank of Bracus and serve aboard Caiatl's ship, though he will return to the Tower to hold the Iron Banner—Caiatl seems interested in that Guardian tradition.

"Until our paths cross again, Young Wolf," he says.

28. Zavala's Message


Commander Zavala has a message regarding Lord Saladin's decision and its impact on the future. Listen to his message at the War Table in the H.E.L.M.

Commander Zavala wishes to clear the air around Lord Saladin's decision to join the Cabal.


Debrief with Zavala: 1

Interaction: War Table

Interaction Text

Operation Elbrus
Commander Zavala speaks of Lord Saladin with great respect.

"I'm grateful Saladin stepped in when he did," he says. "He preserved the Cabal alliance without bloodshed."

"All these centuries later and Saladin is still saving me from myself."

Empress Caiatl is true to her word: Crow's life debt is paid. "Our coalition is back on solid ground," Zavala says. Caiatl will continue to secure the defeated Lucent Hive commanders for solar incineration—her Cabal have seen Lightbearers revive too many times to take chances—but the Psisorium will not be repaired.

"Humanity finally has a voice on Caiatl's War Council," Zavala says. "We must respect Saladin's choice."

Sweet sorrow icon1.jpg Arc Sweet Sorrow
Primary ammo Auto Rifle
