Resonant Fury Greaves

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Resonant Fury Greaves
Resonant fury greaves icon1.jpg
Season 16
Type Leg Armor
Class Titan
Rarity Legendary
Description Akka yearned for nurture. It did so through secrets.
Mobility 6
Resilience 6
Recovery 10
Discipline 12
Intellect 6
Strength 6
Light of the dark sun icon2.png Vow of the Disciple
Possible drop from the Acquisition and Exhibition encounters.

Can be purchased from Lubrae's Ruin if unlocked in Collections.

Resonant Fury Greaves is a Legendary Leg Armor.



[The Subjugator did what he does best. Conquer. Capture. Many of his victims fell. But those who proved useful served.]

[From a prison within Fundament to another in the dark expanse of his making, I was taken… And that was only the beginning.]

[He knew of our strengths. Our powers. To grip the mind and guide. To fill it with vitality and power. To reduce it to rot and waste.]

[—-The universe is wide, my child—- his Witness would chide. —-With wrath matching if not exceeding yours in its vastness. Seek it before it seeks you. Or it will be your end.—-]

[He claimed to desire our powers for his Witness. But I overheard eons of their discussions. His omniscient god always reduced him to that which he claimed—wrath.]

[Though he wore such a designation proudly, he wanted more. Wanted our power for himself. To continue to do what he does best, better than before, alongside his Witness.]

[This is why I was kept. The desire for domination of all things.]


[The Subjugator returned living pieces of me to Fundament: segments he called larvae. He set them adrift on the ocean, knowing full well where the current would carry them…]

[To the shores of the Osmium Kingdom.]


Resonant Fury Greaves1.jpg

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