Stasis Fragments
Stasis Fragments are Fragments that are unlocked on the Stasis subclasses: Behemoth (Titan), Revenant (Hunter), and Shadebinder (Warlock).
Equipping Stasis Aspects will unlock slots where Stasis Fragments can be equipped. However, unlike Aspects, Fragments are not tied to specific classes. Once unlocked, a Fragment is available account-wide, and is shared freely between all Stasis subclasses. Multiple characters can have a given Fragment equipped at the same time, but that Fragment can only be equipped in a single slot per character. It is not possible to equip multiple copies of a Fragment on a single character in order to stack additional stat bonuses.
How to Unlock
The player must own at least 1 Stasis Aspect in order to start unlocking Stasis Fragments on that character. Each Stasis Fragment can be unlocked by exchanging a Memory Fragment with the Exo Stranger on Europa. Memory Fragments are obtained by completing the Fragment quests offered by the Stranger. In Season of the Witch, it requires Glimmer instead
Fragment quests are repeatable as long as there are still Fragments to be unlocked. There are three types of Fragment quests that can be purchased, based on the activity that they are associated with: Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit. The player can choose a specific category to obtain a quest from, but will be given a randomly chosen quest from the four quests in that category.
A maximum of two Fragment quests can be acquired per week, regardless of category. The player does not need to complete them right away in order to acquire more quests in the following week. However, the player cannot acquire duplicate quests; if they have acquired all four of a category's quests, they must complete at least one if they want to acquire more quests from that category.
List of Stasis Fragments
Whisper of Bonds: Defeating frozen targets grants you Super energy.
- Stat Penalty: -10 Intellect
Whisper of Chains: Defeating targets while you have Frost Armor has a chance to create a Stasis shard.
- Stat Boost: +10 Recovery
Whisper of Chill: Stasis weapon final blows have a chance to create a Stasis Shard.
Whisper of Conduction: Nearby Stasis shards track to your position.
- Stat Boost: +10 Intellect
- Stat Boost: +10 Resilience
Whisper of Durance: Slow from your abilities lasts longer. For those abilities that linger, their duration will also increase.
- Stat Boost: +10 Strength
Whisper of Fissures: Increases the damage and size of the burst of Stasis when you destroy a Stasis crystal or defeat a frozen target.
Whisper of Fractures: Shattering a frozen target with a melee attack grants a stack of Frost Armor.
Whisper of Hedrons: Dramatically increases weapon stability, weapon aim assist, Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery after freezing a target with Stasis.
Whisper of Hunger: Increases the melee energy gained from picking up Stasis shards.
- Stat Penalty: -20 Strength
Whisper of Impetus: Damaging targets with a Stasis melee reloads your stowed weapons and grants you a temporary boost to weapon ready speed.
- Stat Boost: +10 Resilience
Whisper of Refraction: Defeating slowed or frozen targets grants you class ability energy.
Whisper of Rending: Primary ammo weapons do increased damage to Stasis crystals and frozen targets.
Whisper of Reversal: While you have Frost Armor, melee damage slows your target.
Whisper of Rime: Your Frost Armor has increased duration and maximum stack count.
Whisper of Shards: Shattering a Stasis crystal temporarily boosts your grenade recharge rate. Shattering additional Stasis crystals increases the duration of this benefit.
Whisper of Torment: You gain grenade energy each time you take damage from targets. Having Frost Armor increases the amount of energy gained.
- Stat Penalty: -10 Discipline