Festive Engram

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Festive Engram
Festive Engram icon.png
Season 23
Type Engram
Description An engram humming with festive energy. Decrypts into a random Dawning event weapon.
Vendor Eva Levante/The Dawning 2023

Festive Engram is an Engram from the Dawning, first appearing in the 2023 event.


During the Dawning event, Festive Engrams can be purchased from Eva Levante after the player unlocks the Giftwrapped Exchange Ticket upgrade icon.jpg Giftwrapped Exchange Ticket upgrade from her. Each engram costs A Gift in Return icon.jpg A Gift in Return and 10 Dawning spirit icon1.jpg Dawning Spirit. It will automatically decrypt into a random Dawning weapon.


For other Dawning Focusing options, see Eva Levante/The Dawning 2023.

Each Festive Engram will drop one of the following weapons when decrypted: