Clan Engram

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Clan Engram
Legendary engram icon1.png
Type Engrams
Rarity Legendary
Description This engram will contain one faction item, as well as faction shaders and one additional reward.
Source Crucible, Nightfall, Raid, Trials of the Nine

Clan Engrams are a type of Engram that can be earned through the use of the Clan systems. By completing one of 4 activities as a member of the Clan each week, before the weekly reset that occurs every Tuesday. All members inside of the Clan will gain one of these Clan Engrams, which have the same sort of look to them as the Legendary Engrams.

How to Obtain

Used For

Clan Engrams are acquired through the use of completing the above methods, but they are held by Suraya Hawthorne until you go up to her and collect them. Upon collecting them, they will automatically decode and the items will be placed directly into your inventory for you to use as your leisure.

Engram Contents

Depending on the Legendary Engram that you receive for participating in events that contribute to the acquisition of Clan Engrams, you can acquire an Engram that could open up to some of the items from: