Unstoppable Scout Rifle (Seasonal Mod)

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Unstoppable Scout Rifle
Unstoppable Scout Rifle icon.png
Name Unstoppable Scout Rifle
Season 17
Type Arms Armor Mod
Cost 1
Rarity Legendary
Description Aiming down sights for a short time causes Scout Rifles you wield to fire a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants.

Strong against [Stagger] Unstoppable Champions.
Source Nightmare Harvester Artifact

Unstoppable Scout Rifle is a Seasonal Mod.


Unlocked on tier 1 of the Nightmare Harvester Seasonal Artifact.


Aiming down sights for a short time causes Scout Rifles you wield to fire a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants.

Strong against Unstoppable icon.png Unstoppable Champions.