Stealth Survival Bundle

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Stealth Survival Bundle
Stealth survival bundle icon1.png
Name Stealth Survival Bundle
Season 2
Type Package
Rarity Legendary
Description A one-time bundle for Guardians who prefer to blend in while firing their MIDA Multi-Tool.Contains Bright Engrams, Bright Dust, a Fireteam Medallion, and the Tactical ornament for the MIDA Multi-Tool.
Contains Bright Dust, Fizzled Fireteam Medallion, MIDA Tactical, Mnemonic Engram

Stealth Survival Bundle is a Legendary Package.

Stealth Survival Bundle is a package which was previously offered by Eververse Trading Company during Season 2. It was priced at 1100 Silver but could not be purchased by players who already owned the MIDA Tactical Weapon Ornament.



