Dawning Memento Tracker

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Dawning Memento Tracker
Memento Tracker icon.png
Item Type Weapon Perk
Description Tracks snowballs created when a Dawning Memento weapon is equipped during the Dawning.

Dawning Memento Tracker is a Weapon Perk.


This perk is unlocked on Shaped Weapons that have a Dawning Memento icon.jpg Dawning Memento slotted into them.


This perk tracks the number of snowballs created while any weapon with a Dawning Memento icon.jpg Dawning Memento slotted into it is equipped. During the Dawning event, snowballs can be spawned by defeating enemies in destination patrol zones and the Vanguard Ops playlist.

Toggling this perk on displays a kill counter on the weapon's tooltip and Details screen.