Communal Pickups

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Communal Pickups
Communal Pickups icon.png
Name Communal Pickups
Season 22
Type Artifact Perk
Rarity Legendary
Description When an ally destroys or picks up your Tangle or Elemental Orb, the Tangle cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds and you gain bonus damage with weapons matching your subclass for 10 seconds.
Source Acolyte's Staff Artifact

Communal Pickups is an Artifact Perk.


Unlocked on tier 4 of the Acolyte's Staff Seasonal Artifact.


While this perk is unlocked, if an ally destroys or picks up a Tangle or Elemental Orb generated by the player, their Tangle cooldown will be reduced by 5 seconds. The player will also gain bonus damage with weapons matching their subclass element for 10 seconds.