Shattered Warlock Bond

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Shattered Warlock Bond
Shattered warlock bond icon1.jpg
Type Warlock Bond
Class Warlock
Rarity Common
Description A shattered bond marks a broken promise.
Earned over the course of the Red War campaign.

Shattered Warlock Bond is a Common Warlock Bond.


How to Obtain



Look around you. Wherever you are. Really look.
No matter where you stand, no matter what lies before you, millions
of infinite mysteries hide within your view. Think about that. And then
know that you will one day know the answers to all of them.
You are a Warlock. Your armor is wisdom, your weapons wit and
ingenuity. You hold the power to draw strength from the places
where imagination and possibility collide.
The universe is a complex machine. But all machines can be
understood, taken apart, modified, improved.
All you have to do is look.

--Ikora Rey


Shattered Warlock Bond1.jpg

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