Season 24 Emblems

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Above and BeyondAbove and beyond icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Aurora PrismealisAurora prismealis icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Bestowed & BowedBestowed & bowed icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Bounty of GoodBounty of good icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Catalogue of CuriositiesCatalogue of curiosities icon1.jpgLegendaryEpisode: Echoes Enigma Protocol Activity
Clunky ExpositionClunky exposition icon1.jpgLegendaryPlace Ascendant III Division or Higher in Ranked Crucible Playlists
EdficationEdfication icon1.jpgLegendary
Fates IntertwinedFates intertwined icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Gear HeadGear head icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Graphite DaydreamsGraphite daydreams icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Gratiam FlareGratiam flare icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Hunker DownHunker down icon1.jpgLegendary
Magnetosonic WavesMagnetosonic waves icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Negative HarmonyNegative harmony icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
OllywocketOllywocket icon1.jpgLegendaryComplete Iron Banner matches and earn rank-up packages from Lord Saladin.
Ooo ShinyOoo shiny icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Operation ApparitionOperation apparition icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Repeat RepeatRepeat repeat icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Roots RemainRoots remain icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Skill CheckSkill check icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Stand in SalvationStand in salvation icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.
Victorious OddmentVictorious oddment icon1.jpgLegendaryThe Final Shape Campaign
Wander OnWander on icon1.jpgLegendaryThe Final Shape Campaign
Wrest the HeartWrest the heart icon1.jpgLegendaryUnlocked by a special offer.