Season 21 Armor

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Exotic Armor

Arbor WardenArbor warden icon1.jpgTitanChest ArmorSolo Legend and Master Lost SectorsTend the gardens of your heart.
Cenotaph MaskCenotaph mask icon1.jpgWarlockHelmetsSolo Legend and Master Lost SectorsYou carry the names of the dead.
Triton ViceTriton vice icon1.jpgHunterGauntletsSolo Legend and Master Lost SectorsWith this, I topple Heracles.

Legendary Armor

Bond of the Taken KingBond of the taken king icon1.jpgWarlockWarlock Bonds"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"If I fail, let me be worm food."
Boots of the Taken KingBoots of the taken king icon1.jpgWarlockLeg Armor"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"If I am defeated on my throne, then I will die. My work will end."
Cloak of the Taken KingCloak of the taken king icon1.jpgHunterHunter Cloaks"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"If I fail, let me be worm food."
Gauntlets of the Taken KingGauntlets of the taken king icon1.jpgTitanGauntlets"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"My great work is to die and, in that dying, live."
Gloves of the Taken KingGloves of the taken king icon1.jpgWarlockGauntlets"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"My great work is to die and, in that dying, live."
Grasps of the Taken KingGrasps of the taken king icon1.jpgHunterGauntlets"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"My great work is to die and, in that dying, live."
Greaves of the Taken KingGreaves of the taken king icon1.jpgTitanLeg Armor"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"If I am defeated on my throne, then I will die. My work will end."
Helm of the Taken KingHelm of the taken king icon1.jpgTitanHelmets"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"What will happen if I die?"
Hood of the Taken KingHood of the taken king icon1.jpgWarlockHelmets"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"What will happen if I die?"
Mark of the Taken KingMark of the taken king icon1.jpgTitanTitan Marks"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"If I fail, let me be worm food."
Mask of the Taken KingMask of the taken king icon1.jpgHunterHelmets"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"What will happen if I die?"
NPA "Weir-Walker" BondNpa "weir-walker" bond icon1.jpgWarlockWarlock BondsSeason of the Deep[DAY 402] YOU WEAR MY BANNER. - Xivu Arath, Hive God of War
NPA "Weir-Walker" CloakNpa "weir-walker" cloak icon1.jpgHunterHunter CloaksSeason of the Deep[DAY 402] YOU WEAR MY BANNER. - Xivu Arath, Hive God of War
NPA "Weir-Walker" GauntletsNpa "weir-walker" gauntlets icon1.jpgTitanGauntletsSeason of the Deep[DAY 3] The Ghost of Titan walks on through sunless seas, having died long ago.
NPA "Weir-Walker" GlovesNpa "weir-walker" gloves icon1.jpgWarlockGauntletsSeason of the Deep[DAY 3] The Ghost of Titan walks on through sunless seas, having died long ago.
NPA "Weir-Walker" GripsNpa "weir-walker" grips icon1.jpgHunterGauntletsSeason of the Deep[DAY 3] The Ghost of Titan walks on through sunless seas, having died long ago.
NPA "Weir-Walker" HelmNpa "weir-walker" helm icon1.jpgTitanHelmetsSeason of the Deep[DAY 0] Black skies quell storms as if they were fleeing omens.
NPA "Weir-Walker" HoodNpa "weir-walker" hood icon1.jpgHunterHelmetsSeason of the Deep[DAY 0] Black skies quell storms as if they were fleeing omens.
NPA "Weir-Walker" JacketNpa "weir-walker" jacket icon1.jpgHunterChest ArmorSeason of the Deep[DAY 92] Take and live.
NPA "Weir-Walker" LegguardsNpa "weir-walker" legguards icon1.jpgTitanLeg ArmorSeason of the Deep[DAY 287] A rising pressure, signaling imminent danger.
NPA "Weir-Walker" MarkNpa "weir-walker" mark icon1.jpgTitanTitan MarksSeason of the Deep[DAY 402] YOU WEAR MY BANNER. - Xivu Arath, Hive God of War
NPA "Weir-Walker" PantsNpa "weir-walker" pants icon1.jpgWarlockLeg ArmorSeason of the Deep[DAY 287] A rising pressure, signaling imminent danger.
NPA "Weir-Walker" PlateNpa "weir-walker" plate icon1.jpgTitanChest ArmorSeason of the Deep[DAY 92] Take and live.
NPA "Weir-Walker" RobesNpa "weir-walker" robes icon1.jpgWarlockChest ArmorSeason of the Deep[DAY 92] Take and live.
NPA "Weir-Walker" StridesNpa "weir-walker" strides icon1.jpgHunterLeg ArmorSeason of the Deep[DAY 287] A rising pressure, signaling imminent danger.
NPA "Weir-Walker" VisorNpa "weir-walker" visor icon1.jpgWarlockHelmetsSeason of the Deep[DAY 0] Black skies quell storms as if they were fleeing omens.
Plate of the Taken KingPlate of the taken king icon1.jpgTitanChest Armor"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"I have died many times but these deaths were only temporary."
Strides of the Taken KingStrides of the taken king icon1.jpgHunterLeg Armor"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"If I am defeated on my throne, then I will die. My work will end."
Sunlit BondSunlit bond icon1.jpgWarlockWarlock BondsSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit BootsSunlit boots icon1.jpgWarlockLeg ArmorSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit CloakSunlit cloak icon1.jpgHunterHunter CloaksSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit GauntletsSunlit gauntlets icon1.jpgTitanGauntletsSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit GlovesSunlit gloves icon1.jpgWarlockGauntletsSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit GreavesSunlit greaves icon1.jpgTitanLeg ArmorSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit GripsSunlit grips icon1.jpgHunterGauntletsSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit HelmSunlit helm icon1.jpgTitanHelmetsSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit HoodSunlit hood icon1.jpgHunterHelmetsSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit MarkSunlit mark icon1.jpgTitanTitan MarksSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit MaskSunlit mask icon1.jpgWarlockHelmetsSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit PlateSunlit plate icon1.jpgTitanChest ArmorSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit RobesSunlit robes icon1.jpgWarlockChest ArmorSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit StridesSunlit strides icon1.jpgHunterLeg ArmorSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Sunlit VestSunlit vest icon1.jpgHunterChest ArmorSolsticeUpgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Vest of the Taken KingVest of the taken king icon1.jpgHunterChest Armor"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"I have died many times but these deaths were only temporary."
Vestment of the Taken KingVestment of the taken king icon1.jpgWarlockChest Armor"Ghosts of the Deep" Dungeon"I have died many times but these deaths were only temporary."

Rare Armor