Reverie Dawn Cloak

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Reverie Dawn Cloak
Reverie dawn cloak icon1.jpg
Type Hunter Cloak
Class Hunter
Rarity Legendary
Description "Perhaps it was not the correct choice. But it was the right choice." -Yasmin Eld
Complete activities in the Dreaming City.

Reverie Dawn Cloak is a Legendary Hunter Cloak.



How to Obtain



She feels Oryx's true death in both halves of her soul, a full imagined exhale before the aftershock reaches his throne world.

It crumbles around her like stone, like ash, like veils in a breeze.

Eris Morn's friends have succeeded. The Guardians have slain a god.

She steps through the ruins. In the end, there is nothing. Nothing but Mara Sov and the howling of rampant, untamed logics.

Her great and terrible gamble has paid off.

The rest is up to her now.


Reverie Dawn Cloak1.jpg

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