Qiao's Grin

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Qiao's Grin
Qiaos grin icon1.jpg
Type Helmet
Class Hunter
Rarity Legendary
Description "Let the outside mirror what is found on the inside."
Bright Engrams.

Qiao's Grin is a Legendary Helmet.


How to Obtain



Qiao Supplemental Qiao's Journal Path to Ares: 18 Days to Launch

Mihaylova and Evie continue to have conflict that is completely unnecessary. It puts a strain on the Clubhouse. I know Jacob is trying to get a handle on it.

The latest is this ridiculous argument about the subroutines of the AI code. Evie wants to get a look at all of Mihaylova's code to make sure it takes into account the gravity measurements she's making to plot the possible movements of the Traveler.

Traveler-yes. Such a perfect name! Go Evie!

Anyway, Mihaylova simply refuses to unlock all of her code. Not outright, of course, she just deflects, underdelivers, won't let Evie into the whole thing.

I'm not interested in this conflict. I have my own ways of unlocking every piece of code in the onboard systems. So I gave Evie access.

I mentioned it afterwards to Mihaylova, and I expected her to react badly-but of course things don't always work out the way you expect. She got very quiet and said, "Well, Qiao. What's done is done."


Qiao's Grin1.jpg

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