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Titan Marks

Titan Marks by Rarity



Item Icon Description
All-Star Mark All-star mark icon1.jpg "How you feel is how you look, my dear. And I want you feeling your best!" –Eva Levante
Ancient Apocalypse Mark Ancient apocalypse mark icon1.jpg "Had a face like the end-times and eyes like manna in the desert. One look at him, and I knew I wasn't gonna be saved." —The Drifter
Anti-Hero Victory Anti-hero victory icon1.jpg The unlikely champion rises from tragedy.
Atavistic Idol Mark Atavistic idol mark icon1.jpg "With the Consensus disbanded, there's no telling how long this could take to go to trial. Given the current... situation? We might all be dead before that happens." -Vanguard Security Report Excerpt
Be Thy Champion Be thy champion icon1.jpg An honored gift, given to those who stand as pillars of hope.
Binary Phoenix Mark Binary phoenix mark icon1.jpg The phoenix that fights itself, then rises from its ashes stronger than ever. That is the Crucible.
Biosphere Explorer Mark Biosphere explorer mark icon1.jpg Each deadly encounter gifts a lesson.
BrayTech Absolute Zero Mark Braytech absolute zero mark icon1.jpg Easy to spot in a whiteout.
Bulletsmith's Ire Mark Bulletsmiths ire mark icon1.jpg "Humanity will need protection. The Black Armory will provide." -H. Rasmussen
Calamity Rig Mark Calamity rig mark icon1.jpg "Funny how nobody listens to doomsayers. They're the most honest folk I know." —The Drifter
Candescent Greaves (Unkindled) Candescent greaves (unkindled) icon1.jpg
Candescent Mark Candescent mark icon1.jpg
Cinder Pinion Mark Cinder pinion mark icon1.jpg "You're angry they defeated you? They just did you a favor! Now you know what to improve." —Lord Shaxx
Clutch Extol Mark Clutch extol mark icon1.jpg "Nothing has changed. The Light gives us strength, and we must treat it with respect." —Lord Shaxx
Coronation Mark Coronation mark icon1.jpg "The greatest merits are found within. But even these are better displayed by sumptuous dress and a sense of style." -Laws of the Executors, Vol. 1
Crimson Plume Mark Crimson plume mark icon1.jpg "No one can clip your wings unless you let them, Guardian!" -Lord Shaxx
Crystocrene Mark Crystocrene mark icon1.jpg "Prepare for your arctic adventure with the very best in Bray outfitting!" —Excerpt from the Eventide Welcome Guide
Deep Explorer Mark Deep explorer mark icon1.jpg "Wasn't the exit this way?" -Hidden Mindscape Expedition Log Final Transmission
Descending Echo Mark Descending echo mark icon1.jpg Down where the seeds of ruin were planted.
Dragonfly Regalia Mark Dragonfly regalia mark icon1.jpg "These planets we protect were beautiful. They can be again." -Cryptarch Matsuo
Dreambane Mark Dreambane mark icon1.jpg "This relic of ancient trauma is bound by Hive magic, like a new bandage on an old scar." —Eris Morn
Eidolon Pursuant Mark Eidolon pursuant mark icon1.jpg V - You are bound.Source: Season of the Haunted
Entanglement Mark Entanglement mark icon1.jpg "A hand, lying on the grass, in one future. A head in another. Components scattered across six visions. All identifiable. I agree. We cannot tell her. Take this off the-" -RECORD 784-CHASM-1016
Ere the End Ere the end icon1.jpg "The Titans shall say their piece, ere the end." -Lady Bretomart
Exodus Down Mark Exodus down mark icon1.jpg This Guardian armor was repurposed from old Exodus Black crew flight suits.
First Ascent Mark First ascent mark icon1.jpg There is nothing as exquisite as the feeling of doing what no one has done.
Forged Machinist Mark Forged machinist mark icon1.jpg "You never know what lies ahead." -Ada-1
Froststrike Mark Froststrike mark icon1.jpg As many ways to celebrate the Dawning as stars in the sky. But they all guide us in the dark.
Fused Aurum Mark Fused aurum mark icon1.jpg Rest often, rest well.
Gensym Knight Mark Gensym knight mark icon1.jpg "Remember, the universe is a chaotic system. This frippery won't protect you from the continuum." -Asher Mir
Hardy's Orders Hardys orders icon1.jpg "In the end we'll be known for something bigger than all of us."
Holdfast Mark Holdfast mark icon1.jpg In rememberance of those who never saw the sun rise after battle's end.
Illicit Collector Mark Illicit collector mark icon1.jpg When the end comes… Will you scrounge for him, Titan?
Illicit Invader Mark Illicit invader mark icon1.jpg When the end comes… Will you kill for him, Titan?
Illicit Reaper Mark Illicit reaper mark icon1.jpg When the end comes… Will you clear the way for him, Titan?
Illicit Sentry Mark Illicit sentry mark icon1.jpg When the end comes… Will you defend him, Titan?
Imperial Shadow's Mark Imperial shadows mark icon1.jpg "€œUnder Calus, this system will unite. And when the end comes, we'll be ready. All of us."€ "€”Valus Nohr
Inaugural Revelry Mark Inaugural revelry mark icon1.jpg "Parties keep you young, Titan." —Eva Levante
Each piece of event armor increases the strength of your Good Moods during the 2019 Revelry. Additional pieces can be found in the Verdant Forest or via bounties from Eva Levante.
Intrepid Exploit Mark Intrepid exploit mark icon1.jpg To pursue challenges never attempted.
Iron Fellowship Mark Iron fellowship mark icon1.jpg "We honor the dead by remembering them with joy and with strength." —Lord Saladin
Iron Forerunner Mark Iron forerunner mark icon1.jpg "Some know the legend. We crushed the Warlords beneath our heel so that they may never rise again." —Lord Saladin
Iron Symmachy Mark Iron symmachy mark icon1.jpg "Why were we Risen if not to defend the helpless?" —Lord Radegast
Iron Will Mark Iron will mark icon1.jpg "Thy duty is thy bond. Protect the defenseless. Conquer all fear." —A tenet of the Iron Will
Kairos Function Mark Kairos function mark icon1.jpg
Ketchkiller's Mark Ketchkiller's mark icon1.jpg "Not all deserve your protection, but all will have it." -Mithrax
Legacy's Oath Mark Legacy's oath mark icon1.jpg "I know who I am. I am a Titan. So long as I am able, I stand between the Last City and those who would tear it down." —Saint-14
Light of the Great Prism Light of the great prism icon1.jpg "When the long dark closes around us, we will be the last light." —Wei Ning
Lightkin Mark Lightkin mark icon1.jpg "It ain't right to think wanting a better life for yourself and your kin is just a Human value." —Amanda Holliday
Lion's Reign Mark Lion's reign mark icon1.jpg When the world begins to crumble, they will look to you to hold up the sky.
Lost Pacific Mark Lost pacific mark icon1.jpg Sloane had these Golden Age space suits repurposed for Guardian armor.

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Item Icon Description
Baseline Mark Baseline mark icon1.jpg There comes a whisper in an ancient tongue: "You are worthy. Remember us."
Black Shield Mark Black shield mark icon1.jpg Strike down the Centurion. Leave the Legionaries to contemplate your indifference.
Mark of Confrontation Mark of confrontation icon1.jpg "'Unknown Titan'? More like 'All Titans. Every single one.'" -Unknown Titan
Mark of Inquisition Mark of inquisition icon1.jpg "Stand before us, that you may be judged." -Unknown
Midnight Oil Mark Midnight oil mark icon1.jpg Tomorrow is another case to add to the stack.
Orobas Vectura Mark Orobas vectura mark icon1.jpg "You made the right choice. I think. Either way, I'm on your side." -Ghost
Solstice Mark (Renewed) Solstice mark (renewed) icon1.jpg Complete patrols on Io, collect Elemental Orbs of any type in the European Aerial Zone, and defeat enemy combatants with Solar weapons.
Unethical Experiments Mark Unethical experiments mark icon1.jpg "I've seen experiments like this before. My crew.... I don't want to talk about it." -Failsafe


Item Icon Description
Atgeir Mark Atgeir mark icon1.jpg In wars of ancient myth, the fire of great birds guarded the warriors below.
Mark of the Fire Mark of the fire icon1.jpg Callisto Yin carried the Fire Victorious out of the City on her burning mark.
Mark of the Golden Citadel Mark of the golden citadel icon1.jpg "Titans are trained to be a wall. But perhaps we must train ourselves to be something more." -Callisto Yin
Mark of the Longest Line Mark of the longest line icon1.jpg Titan orders mark time in ages of battle. This was the twelfth-until the Cabal came.


Item Icon Description
Brave Titan's Mark Brave titans mark icon1.jpg A Mark meant to honor the stalwart defenders of the Last City.
Dreamer's Mark Dreamers mark icon1.jpg "Without Light to sustain it, this body of mine cannot make the pilgrimage to the Shard. But you can." -Tyra Karn
Mark of the Renegade Mark of the renegade icon1.jpg Protect those who seek protection. Give them a home.
Refugee Mark Refugee mark icon1.jpg Even without the Light, a Titan is a beacon of hope for any refugee.
Solstice Mark (Drained) Solstice mark (drained) icon1.jpg Complete playlist strikes, collect Elemental Orbs of any type in any activity, and complete Crucible or Gambit matches.
Tattered Titan Mark Tattered titan mark icon1.jpg It is customary to shed a mark after victory or loss-to remind its finder of the history that came before.

Hunter Cloaks

Hunter Cloaks by Rarity



Item Icon Description
A Cloak Called Home A cloak called home icon1.jpg No matter how far you travel, home is closer than you think.
Abhorrent Imperative Cloak Abhorrent Imperative Cloak.png G1!_/ONsT>GZogEOieN>Ro.v_icnig2tAeoAsolsL>aiP/Ni_e.mYonPNpeElmHnNPI
Airhead Hood Airhead hood icon1.jpg "If you can hear yourself think, you're not flying fast enough." -Marcus Ren
All-Star Cloak All-star cloak icon1.jpg "How you feel is how you look, my dear. And I want you feeling your best!" –Eva Levante
Ancient Apocalypse Cloak Ancient apocalypse cloak icon1.jpg "Had a face like the end-times and eyes like manna in the desert. One look at him, and I knew I wasn't gonna be saved." —The Drifter
Atavistic Idol Cloak Atavistic idol cloak icon1.jpg "With the Consensus disbanded, there's no telling how long this could take to go to trial. Given the current... situation? We might all be dead before that happens." -Vanguard Security Report Excerpt
Be Thy Guide Be thy guide icon1.jpg An honored gift, given to those who seek the farthest edges of maps yet written.
Binary Phoenix Cloak Binary phoenix cloak icon1.jpg The phoenix that fights itself, then rises from its ashes stronger than ever. That is the Crucible.
Bladesmith's Memory Cloak Bladesmiths memory cloak icon1.jpg "We hold onto traditions like memories. They define us. They remind us of those we've lost." -Y. Satou
BrayTech Winter Cloak Braytech winter cloak icon1.jpg "Not every piece of equipment is optimal for all environments. You see snow. I see a thousand hiding places." -Designer, BrayTech R&D
Calamity Rig Cloak Calamity rig cloak icon1.jpg "Funny how nobody listens to doomsayers. They're the most honest folk I know." —The Drifter
Candescent Cloak Candescent cloak icon1.jpg
Candescent Strides (Unkindled) Candescent strides (unkindled) icon1.jpg
Cinder Pinion Cloak Cinder pinion cloak icon1.jpg "You're angry they defeated you? They just did you a favor! Now you know what to improve." —Lord Shaxx
Clandestine Maneuvers Clandestine maneuvers icon1.jpg While it is always best to go unseen, fortune favors the prepared.
Cloak Judgment Cloak judgment icon1.jpg "For one who fights as the wind flows." -Emissary of the Nine
Cloak Judgment (CODA) Cloak judgment (coda) icon1.jpg A mercurial gift: for one who seeks answers about the Dark.
Cloak Relentless Cloak relentless icon1.jpg "For you as much as for them. They are observing your swiftness." -Emissary of the Nine
Cloak of Feltroc Cloak of feltroc icon1.jpg "I can outshoot anybody. Even the Traveler-spawn. My mind's bigger, too." —Feltroc, the Skull-Piercer
Cloak of Five Full Moons Cloak of five full moons icon1.jpg "Our mysterious defender slew a Kell today. Kandak has banned other Risen and put a bounty on the so-called Red Moon Phantom's head." -Annals of the Saharan Contested Zone
Cloak of Optimacy Cloak of optimacy icon1.jpg Has this wealth found you or have you found it?
Cloak of Remembrance Cloak of remembrance icon1.jpg To inspire our wards with a practiced flourish.
Cloak of Temptation Cloak of temptation icon1.jpg "What is it you want? What is this really about?" —Lisbon-13, Hunter of the Kentarch 3
Cloak of the Emperor's Agent Cloak of the emperor's agent icon1.jpg My gift to the Hunter with Ghaul's cunning.
Cloak of the Exile Cloak of the exile icon1.jpg "They who entered the Speaker's chambers as master and apprentice were bitter rivals when they left." —Brother Vance
Cloak of the Great Hunt Cloak of the great hunt icon1.jpg I wish to be renowned.
Clutch Extol Cloak Clutch extol cloak icon1.jpg "Nothing has changed. The Light gives us strength, and we must treat it with respect." —Lord Shaxx
Cobra's Hood Cobra's hood icon1.jpg "I never did find that horn…" —Lord Shaxx
Coronation Cloak Coronation cloak icon1.jpg "When the dream is fulfilled and the day has come to crown a leader, spectacle and pomp are fitting. Spend lavishly." -Laws of the Executors, Vol. 1
Crimson Plume Cloak Crimson plume cloak icon1.jpg "No one can clip your wings unless you let them, Guardian!" -Lord Shaxx
Crystocrene Cloak Crystocrene cloak icon1.jpg "Prepare for your arctic adventure with the very best in Bray outfitting!" —Excerpt from the Eventide Welcome Guide
Cunning Rivalry Cloak Cunning rivalry cloak icon1.jpg Go for the gold, Hunter.
Darkhollow Mantle Darkhollow mantle icon1.jpg "To even exist in their space is to constantly demand your own existence." -Eris Morn
Deep Explorer Cloak Deep explorer cloak icon1.jpg "Wasn't the exit this way?" -Hidden Mindscape Expedition Log Final Transmission
Dragonfly Regalia Wings Dragonfly regalia wings icon1.jpg "These planets we protect were beautiful. They can be again." -Cryptarch Matsuo
Dreambane Cloak Dreambane cloak icon1.jpg "This relic of ancient trauma is bound by Hive magic, like a new bandage on an old scar." —Eris Morn
Eidolon Pursuant Cloak Eidolon pursuant cloak icon1.jpg V - You are bound.Source: Season of the Haunted
Entanglement Cloak Entanglement cloak icon1.jpg "I see six armies, locked in battle, across far systems. Now I see four armies. And now I see one." "€”RECORD 579-CHASM-3360
Equitis Shade Cloak Equitis shade cloak icon1.jpg "This serves as a message to all false Cabal that you have served me. They won't show it, but they fear you. They should." —Calus, Emperor of the Cabal
Exodus Down Cloak Exodus down cloak icon1.jpg This Guardian armor was repurposed from old Exodus Black crew flight suits.
Far Gone Hood Far gone hood icon1.jpg Worn by 1st Brothers and Sisters of the Dead End Cure, a notorious posse of itinerant Hunters.
First Ascent Cloak First ascent cloak icon1.jpg There is nothing as exquisite as the feeling of doing what no one has done.
Frostveil Cloak Frostveil cloak icon1.jpg As many ways to celebrate the Dawning as stars in the sky. But they all guide us in the dark.
Frumious Cloak Frumious cloak icon1.jpg Beware!
Gensym Knight Cloak Gensym knight cloak icon1.jpg "Remember, the universe is a chaotic system. This frippery won't protect you from the continuum." -Asher Mir
Hinterland Cloak Hinterland cloak icon1.jpg There is no winning the ancient game of blood, tooth, and claw.
Holdfast Cloak Holdfast cloak icon1.jpg Never let them see you break.
Holeshot Cloak Holeshot cloak icon1.jpg Getting there first is all that matters.
Icarus Drifter Cape Icarus drifter cape icon1.jpg "Don't forget who has the best Icarus–Daedalus time."

"You did it at closest approach! Doesn't count." "Does too!"
Illicit Collector Cloak Illicit collector cloak icon1.jpg When the end comes… Will you scrounge for him, Hunter?

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Item Icon Description
Cloak of Retelling Cloak of retelling icon1.jpg "In time all this will be myth, confused and glorious. The details matter less than those who tell it."
Gumshoe Gumption Cloak Gumshoe gumption cloak icon1.jpg But maybe I just can't stand to be wrong on a hunch.
Orobas Vectura Cloak Orobas vectura cloak icon1.jpg "You made the right choice. I think. Either way, I'm on your side." -Ghost
Shadow Specter (Cloak) Shadow specter cloak icon1.jpg Light as the breeze that carries the day.
Solstice Cloak (Renewed) Solstice cloak (renewed) icon1.jpg Complete patrols in the EDZ, collect Elemental Orbs of any type in the European Aerial Zone, and defeat minibosses in the European Aerial Zone.
The Outlander's Cloak The outlanders cloak icon1.jpg ...hides the sins of days forgotten and those yet to come.
Unethical Experiments Cloak Unethical experiments cloak icon1.jpg "I've seen experiments like this before. My crew.... I don't want to talk about it." -Failsafe
War Mantis Cloak War mantis cloak icon1.jpg "...and that's how we mapped the entire Cabal warnet by shredding the dance floor." -Unknown


Item Icon Description
At Least It's a Cape At least its a cape icon1.jpg Guardians have a range of skills, but-clearly-Hunters are the most... capable.
Hood of Tallies Hood of tallies icon1.jpg "Don't notch your cloak for every bounty. You'll run out of cloak." -Marcus Ren
Scavenger Cloak Scavenger cloak icon1.jpg Feel free to offer it for bandages and tourniquets.
Sly Cloak Sly cloak icon1.jpg You've got to choose when to be a lion and when to be a fox. Friend, these are fox days.


Item Icon Description
Daring Hunter Cloak Daring hunter cloak icon1.jpg Flip a coin. Heads, the Hunter wins. Tails, the other guy loses.
Dreamer's Cloak Dreamers cloak icon1.jpg "Without Light to sustain it, this body of mine cannot make the pilgrimage to the Shard. But you can." -Tyra Karn
Refugee Cloak Refugee cloak icon1.jpg Time to embrace humbleness.
Renegade Hood Renegade hood icon1.jpg The City never defined you. Make your own path.
Scorched Hunter Cloak Scorched hunter cloak icon1.jpg Before, you wouldn't have been caught dead with a tattered cloak. But that was before.
Solstice Cloak (Drained) Solstice cloak (drained) icon1.jpg Complete adventures, collect Arc orbs in any strike, and complete Crucible or Gambit matches.

Warlock Bonds

Warlock Bonds by Rarity



Item Icon Description
All-Star Bond All-star bond icon1.jpg "How you feel is how you look, my dear. And I want you feeling your best!" –Eva Levante
Ancient Apocalypse Bond Ancient apocalypse bond icon1.jpg "Had a face like the end-times and eyes like manna in the desert. One look at him, and I knew I wasn't gonna be saved." —The Drifter
Annealed Shaper Bond Annealed shaper bond icon1.jpg "I will always protect the Black Armory, above all else." -Ada-1
Atavistic Idol Bond Atavistic idol bond icon1.jpg "With the Consensus disbanded, there's no telling how long this could take to go to trial. Given the current... situation? We might all be dead before that happens." -Vanguard Security Report Excerpt
Be Thy Cipher Be thy cipher icon1.jpg An honored gift, given to those who unlock the riddles of our lost worlds.
Binary Phoenix Bond Binary phoenix bond icon1.jpg The phoenix that fights itself, then rises from its ashes stronger than ever. That is the Crucible.
Bond Judgment (CODA) Bond judgment (coda) icon1.jpg A metaphysical gift: for one who seeks answers about the Dark.
Bond Relentless Bond relentless icon1.jpg "For you as much as for them. They are observing your thoughts." -”Emissary of the Nine
Bond of Optimacy Bond of optimacy icon1.jpg Has this wealth found you or have you found it?
Bond of Reciprocity Bond of reciprocity icon1.jpg "In the darkness, light shines more brightly, and where light shines, it casts a shadow." -Ulan-Tan
Bond of Remembrance Bond of remembrance icon1.jpg To sharpen our senses when we return.
Bond of Sekris Bond of sekris icon1.jpg "I never forgot what I saw—the gift the Great Machine could bestow. And Calus promised me more." —Sekris, Baron of Shanks
Bond of the Cormorant Blade Bond of the cormorant blade icon1.jpg "Paperwork." —Warlock Aunor Mahal, on the most devastating adversary of her Praxic career.
Bond of the Emperor's Minister Bond of the emperor's minister icon1.jpg For the Warlock possessed of Ghaul's wisdom.
Bond of the Exile Bond of the exile icon1.jpg "They who entered the Speaker's chambers as master and apprentice were bitter rivals when they left." —Brother Vance
Bond of the Great Hunt Bond of the great hunt icon1.jpg I wish to be respected.
Bond of the Wormlore Bond of the wormlore icon1.jpg "They were two once. In the Darkness, they joined. Such is the Hive's strength. And such is their hunger." -Eris Morn
BrayTech Researcher's Bond Braytech researchers bond icon1.jpg Keeping our greatest minds safe and warm.
Calamity Rig Bond Calamity rig bond icon1.jpg "Funny how nobody listens to doomsayers. They're the most honest folk I know." —The Drifter
Candescent Bond Candescent bond icon1.jpg
Candescent Boots (Unkindled) Candescent boots (unkindled) icon1.jpg
Celestine Bond (Magnificent) Celestine bond (magnificent) icon1.jpg Complete Legendary or Master Lost Sectors to enable this armor's white glow.
Celestine Bond (Majestic) Celestine bond (majestic) icon1.jpg During Solstice 2021:
- Complete Crucible Glory playlist activities, Nightfall strikes, or matches in Trials of Osiris.
- Collect Void Elemental Orbs in the European Aerial Zone activity.
- Defeat powerful Fallen.
Cinder Pinion Bond Cinder pinion bond icon1.jpg "You're angry they defeated you? They just did you a favor! Now you know what to improve." —Lord Shaxx
Clutch Extol Bond Clutch extol bond icon1.jpg "Nothing has changed. The Light gives us strength, and we must treat it with respect." —Lord Shaxx
Coronation Bond Coronation bond icon1.jpg "The sign of New Monarchy should come to mean comfort, safety, and strength." "€”Laws of the Executors, Vol. 1
Corrupting Echo Bond Corrupting echo bond icon1.jpg I am the withering of roses.
Crimson Plume Bond Crimson plume bond icon1.jpg "No one can clip your wings unless you let them, Guardian!" -Lord Shaxx
Crystocrene Bond Crystocrene bond icon1.jpg "Prepare for your arctic adventure with the very best in Bray outfitting!" —Excerpt from the Eventide Welcome Guide
Deep Explorer Bond Deep explorer bond icon1.jpg "Wasn't the exit this way?" -Hidden Mindscape Expedition Log Final Transmission
Dragonfly Regalia Bond Dragonfly regalia bond icon1.jpg "These planets we protect were beautiful. They can be again." -Cryptarch Matsuo
Dreambane Bond Dreambane bond icon1.jpg "This relic of ancient trauma is bound by Hive magic, like a new bandage on an old scar." —Eris Morn
Ego Talon Bond Ego talon bond icon1.jpg "You will find the nightmares grow worse. Thankfully, you no longer have need of sleep." —Gallida Tuyet
Eidolon Pursuant Bond Eidolon pursuant bond icon1.jpg V - You are bound.Source: Season of the Haunted
Entanglement Bond Entanglement bond icon1.jpg "A dazzling flash. Blinding. All-consuming. I saw nothing more." "€”RECORD 460-CHASM-1004
Exodus Down Bond Exodus down bond icon1.jpg This Guardian armor was repurposed from old Exodus Black crew flight suits.
Festive Winter Bond Festive winter bond icon1.jpg Celebrate. You've earned it.
First Ascent Bond First ascent bond icon1.jpg There is nothing as exquisite as the feeling of doing what no one has done.
Fragment of the Prime Fragment of the prime icon1.jpg Caged in ascendant motes, it still glimmers with the light of some ceaseless calculation.
Frostreach Bond Frostreach bond icon1.jpg As many ways to celebrate the Dawning as stars in the sky. But they all guide us in the dark.
Gensym Knight Bond Gensym knight bond icon1.jpg "Remember, the universe is a chaotic system. This frippery won't protect you from the continuum." -Asher Mir
Gunsmith's Devotion Bond Gunsmiths devotion bond icon1.jpg "First the Traveler, and then what? What follows in its wake? We must be prepared." -H. Meyrin
Hodiocentrist Bond Hodiocentrist bond icon1.jpg Hodiocentrism: the belief that the Traveler is the center of the universe.
Holdfast Bond Holdfast bond icon1.jpg "I stood on that frigid cliff, watching the smoke and flames rising from the City, and made a vow. Never again."—Ikora Rey
Illicit Collector Bond Illicit collector bond icon1.jpg When the end comes… Will you scrounge for him, Warlock?
Illicit Invader Bond Illicit invader bond icon1.jpg When the end comes… Will you kill for him, Warlock?
Illicit Reaper Bond Illicit reaper bond icon1.jpg When the end comes… Will you clear the way for him, Warlock?
Illicit Sentry Bond Illicit sentry bond icon1.jpg When the end comes… Will you defend him, Warlock?
Imperial Shadow's Bond Imperial shadows bond icon1.jpg "€œI never forgot what I saw. The gift the Great Machine could bestow. And Calus promised me more."€ Sekris, Baron of Shanks
Inaugural Revelry Bond Inaugural revelry bond icon1.jpg "Parties keep you young, Warlock." —Eva Levante
Each piece of event armor increases the strength of your Good Moods during the 2019 Revelry. Additional pieces can be found in the Verdant Forest or via bounties from Eva Levante.

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Item Icon Description
Bond of Chiron Bond of chiron icon1.jpg Change is the way of things.
Bond of Forgotten Wars Bond of forgotten wars icon1.jpg When the mind feels threatened, amnesia is one of its most stalwart defenses.
Fatum Praevaricator Fatum praevaricator icon1.jpg Great galactic powers journey to Earth to find their destiny (which is disintegration by Nova Bomb).
Inspector's Bond Inspector's bond icon1.jpg Aimless is simply no way to be.
Orobas Vectura Bond Orobas vectura bond icon1.jpg "You made the right choice. I think. Either way, I'm on your side." -Ghost
Solstice Bond (Renewed) Solstice bond (renewed) icon1.jpg Complete patrols on Titan, loot chests in the European Aerial Zone, and land Arc Super final blows on opposing Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit.
Stagnatious Rebuke Stagnatious rebuke icon1.jpg Do not be satisfied with the here and now, for here is simply a new beginning and now... is already gone.
Unethical Experiments Bond Unethical experiments bond icon1.jpg "I've seen experiments like this before. My crew.... I don't want to talk about it." -Failsafe


Item Icon Description
Bond of Symmetry Bond of symmetry icon1.jpg "The Light alters us, yet all that we do with our Light alters the Light. Thus, there is symmetry." -Ulan-Tan
Bond of the Raven Shard Bond of the raven shard icon1.jpg "The ravens come for our lost souls." "No, you Exo prat-they've come because you're shiny."
Homeward Homeward icon1.jpg Never lose sight of your path.
Rite of Refusal Rite of refusal icon1.jpg By this bond I seal my fate. I will reclaim our home.


Item Icon Description
Bond of Insight Bond of insight icon1.jpg Wander until you find the Light or the Light finds you.
Bond of Refuge Bond of refuge icon1.jpg All you have left is your mind. And, all things considered, that's not too bad.
Dreamer's Bond Dreamers bond icon1.jpg "Without Light to sustain it, this body of mine cannot make the pilgrimage to the Shard. But you can." -Tyra Karn
Shattered Warlock Bond Shattered warlock bond icon1.jpg A shattered bond marks a broken promise.
Solstice Bond (Drained) Solstice bond (drained) icon1.jpg Complete public events on Nessus, complete Solstice of Heroes bounties, and complete Crucible or Gambit matches.
Wise Warlock Bond Wise warlock bond icon1.jpg "If you dedicate yourself to the study of the universe, it will always reveal its secrets to you." -Ikora Rey

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