Season 24 Exotic Armor Ornaments

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OrnamentImageRelated ItemDescription
Aeonian EmptinessAeonian emptiness icon1.jpgEquip this armor ornament to change the appearance of Mataiodoxía. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
AsclepieionAsclepieion icon1.jpgEquip this armor ornament to change the appearance of Speaker's Sight. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Hellenistic PrincipleHellenistic principle icon1.jpgEquip this armor ornament to change the appearance of Stoicism. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Identity WeftIdentity weft icon1.jpgEquip this armor ornament to change the appearance of Relativism. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Illogical FallacyIllogical fallacy icon1.jpgEquip this armor ornament to change the appearance of Wishful Ignorance. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Momentous PotentialMomentous potential icon1.jpgEquip this armor ornament to change the appearance of Hazardous Propulsion. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Offensive RealismOffensive realism icon1.jpgEquip this armor ornament to change the appearance of Balance of Power. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.
Truth of BeingTruth of being icon1.jpgEquip this armor ornament to change the appearance of Solipsism. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account.