Radiant Cliffs

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Radiant Cliffs
Radiant Cliffs banner.jpg
Zone Mercury's Past, Infinite Forest
Playlists  ???
Expansion Curse of Osiris season icon.pngCurse of Osiris

Radiant Cliffs is a PvP Map.



Located on the far south, Meadow is one of the 2 initial spawn areas.


Passage is a small area that connects spawn point with Front Courtyard.

Front Courtyard

Front Courtyard is an important area as it contains a Control point C. It can be accessed from 4 different paths, making it a tough position to defend.

Back Courtyard

Back Courtyard connects Meadow, Cave, and Front Courtyard to Oculus. This is a key area in most types of matches, as it contains Clash, and a Supremacy point.


'Oculus is right at the heart of Radiant Cliffs and is a high traffic area that connects Cave, Tree, Trench, and Meadow. Since there's no cover, it's also very risky. In the middle, there's one of the three Clash/Supremacy points.


On the west side of the map, we have a large Tree area. It is very open, making it an ideal sniping location. It also contains a Charge and Countdown points.


This is a narrow passageway connecting Oculus, Trench, and Tree. It's one of the more aggressive areas, as it is near a control point A.


Curve is another tight corridor that serves as a bridge between Vault and Tree.


Vault is on the north side of Radiant Cliffs. It contains an initial spawn point and is a good area in which to establish your position.


Trench is sandwiched between Cave, Oculus, Tree, and Vault. It's an important point in Clash, Supremacy, and Control matches.


Junction is a round passageway that connects Trench with Cave, which makes it an important strategic point.


This is a small area located on the far east side of the map.


Cave is located southeast. It contains Control point B and is also crucial in Countdown and Charge matches.


  • On Meadows, you will engage in both short and long-range combat. Because of this, we recommend a good Scout Rifle and SMG combo.
  • Control of maps tight corridors, such as Curve, Vault, Platform, Pool, and Junction with a whole team will maximize your chance of victory. If the tables are turned, use grenades to flush out the opponents.


Callout Map by /u/r3likt